IBM's new breed of supercomputer.
The Blue Gene/P
100,000 times faster than your computer.
3 pages
The Blue Gene/P
100,000 times faster than your computer.
3 pages
Merlyn said:Btw... this is not a computer... this is multiple computers built into 1...
in my eyes, a computer = 1-2 processors (whether single or multi-core), up to 4 DIMM Slots for memory (more to me is a server, but lets just say, up to 16 DIMM slots)...
if you care to get technical.. and since you can't use the word to define itself...SupraDerk said:1 machine that computes ... ie. computer
Ckanderson said:so how will this help me in daily life? I can only watch so many porn movies.
Clueless said:I read somewhere that there's a computer reaching 350Ghz on Liquid Helium for cooling.
Clueless said:have 15 running at the same time on a 60" LCd 1080P tv.
Merlyn said:if you care to get technical.. and since you can't use the word to define itself...
a computer is a device that is able to make decisions... don't try to talk to me about computers... ok... in layman's terms... I described a computer in my thread...
bet you didn't know a TI series "Calculator" is really a computer.. now can you tell me why... HINT, the answer is not because it has a small processor in it...
yea lay off the "I am going to quote what you say and make you look stupid shit"
we have computers in our cars, we have computers in mechanics shops, we have "computers" everywhere, but you don't classify a home computer to a TI series calculator, just as you wouldn't classify a home computer to a server...
so in reality, my argument is completely understandable to anyone who doesn't care to poke holes... just like people call tissues, Kleenex, it is a BRAND of tissue, but if you ask for a Kleenex and the person hands you a regular giant brand tissue you won't go ape shit on them, god I hate people sometimes... really I do,
and further more, I state under your quoted TXT of me, I say, in my eyes... meaning to relate to my post, in my eyes a computer = ... just like in programming if you equate 1 = 2 no matter what 1 = 2. even if you type 1 + 1 the computer will compute 4 because you stated 1 = 2 ...
Syris said:Maybe like 35GHZ, me some proof thats unbelievably high
SupraDerk said:Bet you didn't know I was a computer engineer. A computer isn't a device that can make decisions, it's a device used to store data, manipulate it and aid in computing...
Any calculator is a computer... hell a fucking abacus is a computer, that wasn't the point. You said that what was in the original post wasn't a computer, but that it was multiple computers which is a retarded statement. If it's all contained in 1 machine, guess what? It's a single computer.
Pretty positive you can't change the value of a defined number in any language... pretty positive you can't have a variable start off with a number in most languages so I don't see where you could set 1=2... maybe an archaic one, but not too many now. I tried it with C++ and it didn't like it at all. Now if you set a variable "one" equal to 2 and did "one + one" then yeah, it would equal 4.
A fundamental difference between calculators and most computers is that calculators are numeric tools only, while computers may use numbers to directly manipulate words, images, or sounds.
The market for calculators is extremely price-sensitive; typically the user desires the least expensive model having a specific feature set, but does not care much about speed (since speed is constrained by how fast the user can press the buttons). Thus designers of calculators strive to minimize the number of logic elements on the chip, not the number of clock cycles needed to do a computation.
For instance, instead of a hardware multiplier, a calculator might implement floating point mathematics with code in ROM, and compute trigonometric functions with the CORDIC algorithm because CORDIC does not require floating-point. Bit serial logic designs are more common in calculators whereas bit parallel designs dominate general-purpose computers, because a bit serial design minimizes the chip complexity but takes many more clock cycles.
Personal computers and personal digital assistants can perform general calculations in a variety of ways:
* Many programs exist for performing calculations, from simple calculator emulators, to scientific calculators such as Microsoft Calculator, to advanced spreadsheet programs such as Excel or Calc.
* Computer algebra programs such as Mathematica, Maple or Matlab can handle advanced calculations.
* Client-side scripting can be used for calculations, e.g. by entering "javascript:alert(calculation written in JavaScript)" in a web browser's address bar (as opposed to "http://website name"). Such calculations can be embedded in a separate Javascript or HTML file as well.
* Online calculators such as the calculator feature of the Google search engine can perform calculations server-side.
SupraDerk said:Bet you didn't know I was a computer engineer. A computer isn't a device that can make decisions, it's a device used to store data, manipulate it and aid in computing...
Any calculator is a computer... hell a fucking abacus is a computer, that wasn't the point. You said that what was in the original post wasn't a computer, but that it was multiple computers which is a retarded statement. If it's all contained in 1 machine, guess what? It's a single computer.
Merlyn said:You are inaccurate in your statement, I don't care what degree you have to fllow, you are inaccurate in your statement of what a computer truly is.. I don't care to find the proof but you inform me how I was improperly informed of what a computer is in a certification class..............................................................................................................................
Wikipedia is your friend
Merriam-Webster Dictionary said:Main Entry: com·put·er
Pronunciation: k&m-'pyü-t&r
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
: one that computes; specifically : a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data
Merriam-Webster Dictionary said:Main Entry: aba·cus
Pronunciation: 'a-b&-k&s, &-'ba-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural aba·ci /'a-b&-"sI, -"kE; &-'ba-"kI /; or aba·cus·es
Etymology: Latin, from Greek abak-, abax, literally, slab
1 : an instrument for performing computations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves
2 : a slab that forms the uppermost member or division of the capital of a column
Merlyn said:You are inaccurate in your statement, I don't care what degree you have to fllow, you are inaccurate in your statement of what a computer truly is.. I don't care to find the proof but you inform me how I was improperly informed of what a computer is in a certification class.
I was using the whole 1 = 2 thing as whole pseudocode idea...
I stated in my first paragraph, and honestly, I am not going to argue with someone who throws their educational certificate at me as defense as to why they are right (especially with computers, where everyone one and their mother who has anything computer related, hell even an electrical engineer, says they know everything)
simply I stated in my post, computer = now... no I don't expect everyone to think coding, even if they do code for a living...
but simply... a calculator can store information temp, you can not on a standard calculator store information for later use, now with a TI calculator you can.
You need to get your definitions straight, a computer is able to make logical decisions based on the information you gave it. You are telling me that the human is a computer, because all the abacus does is allow the human mind to store information, hell, under that definition a fucking pencil and paper are computers...
anyway, back to my defenses... I attempted in my preferred language at the moment and you are right "T_LNUMBER, expecting T_VARIABLE "
simply put, I have not coded addition of numbers in a while, forgive my improper form of pseudocode. simply put...
I am not trying to be a dick, but I hate responses people put in regards to ones opinions, or attempt at opening the eyes of those less educated in the field... the post was not to pass over peoples heads, nor to draw attention from "engineers", it was there to show people it is not all that amazing what they are doing.
Wikipedia is your friend
pmohr said:So if I take a large case and hang 30 motherboards in there, 30 seperate processors, HDDs, etc, essentially 30 seperate systems just in one case, that it's one computer?