Wrap your mind around this.


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
Um... lets compare Street Legal Cars to Nascar of F1 Cars now...

it is cool and all, but they need to get off their high horse and stop comparing servers to home computers...

hell servers now adays with 16 GB Memory and Dual Quad Core processors perform faster then any home computer...

Just a way to strike hype... till they come out with the bacterial chips, I don't care



New Member
Mar 9, 2007
Btw... this is not a computer... this is multiple computers built into 1...

in my eyes, a computer = 1-2 processors (whether single or multi-core), up to 4 DIMM Slots for memory (more to me is a server, but lets just say, up to 16 DIMM slots)...

this system... is

Processor PowerPC 440 700 MHz; two per node
Memory per node 512MB SDRAM-DDR (Model 0203-700)
1 GB SDRAM-DDR (Model 0203-900)

# of nodes?

so spec to spec this "computer has a processing power of
716GHz Processing speed
and 1 Terabyte of Memory
And they say stacking laptops a couple miles high would not equal this power... I beg to differ

I will use a comptuer I sell, an everest computer with a core 2 duo with 1 GB memory, probably 1/4 inch tall (maybe more but still, but look at the numbers)

4 laptops = 1 foot, 5280 Feet in a mile X 4 (for the computers that can fit in a foot) = 21120 Laptops.. that is euqal to 21 Terabytes of memory and 33THz Processing speed

so really that is 1000X the speed of a home computer, because well.. IT IS 1000 COMPUTERS
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The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Merlyn said:
Btw... this is not a computer... this is multiple computers built into 1...

1 machine that computes ... ie. computer

in my eyes, a computer = 1-2 processors (whether single or multi-core), up to 4 DIMM Slots for memory (more to me is a server, but lets just say, up to 16 DIMM slots)...

That would be a description of a PERSONAL computer, and a server is still a computer

But the computer in the OP's link had an interesting bit. Programmed in C++... that's something that might lose them some business


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
SupraDerk said:
1 machine that computes ... ie. computer
if you care to get technical.. and since you can't use the word to define itself...

a computer is a device that is able to make decisions... don't try to talk to me about computers... ok... in layman's terms... I described a computer in my thread...

bet you didn't know a TI series "Calculator" is really a computer.. now can you tell me why... HINT, the answer is not because it has a small processor in it...

yea lay off the "I am going to quote what you say and make you look stupid shit"

we have computers in our cars, we have computers in mechanics shops, we have "computers" everywhere, but you don't classify a home computer to a TI series calculator, just as you wouldn't classify a home computer to a server...

so in reality, my argument is completely understandable to anyone who doesn't care to poke holes... just like people call tissues, Kleenex, it is a BRAND of tissue, but if you ask for a Kleenex and the person hands you a regular giant brand tissue you won't go ape shit on them, god I hate people sometimes... really I do,

and further more, I state under your quoted TXT of me, I say, in my eyes... meaning to relate to my post, in my eyes a computer = ... just like in programming if you equate 1 = 2 no matter what 1 = 2. even if you type 1 + 1 the computer will compute 4 because you stated 1 = 2 ...
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The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Merlyn said:
if you care to get technical.. and since you can't use the word to define itself...

a computer is a device that is able to make decisions... don't try to talk to me about computers... ok... in layman's terms... I described a computer in my thread...

bet you didn't know a TI series "Calculator" is really a computer.. now can you tell me why... HINT, the answer is not because it has a small processor in it...

Bet you didn't know I was a computer engineer. A computer isn't a device that can make decisions, it's a device used to store data, manipulate it and aid in computing...

Any calculator is a computer... hell a fucking abacus is a computer, that wasn't the point. You said that what was in the original post wasn't a computer, but that it was multiple computers which is a retarded statement. If it's all contained in 1 machine, guess what? It's a single computer.

yea lay off the "I am going to quote what you say and make you look stupid shit"

we have computers in our cars, we have computers in mechanics shops, we have "computers" everywhere, but you don't classify a home computer to a TI series calculator, just as you wouldn't classify a home computer to a server...

I wasn't trying to make anyone look stupid, I just didn't agree with those statements and actually I would classify them all the same under the general category of computers... because they're all computers. I wouldn't benchmark them against each other and I wouldn't expect them to perform the same tasks as one another because they're all purpose built computers.

so in reality, my argument is completely understandable to anyone who doesn't care to poke holes... just like people call tissues, Kleenex, it is a BRAND of tissue, but if you ask for a Kleenex and the person hands you a regular giant brand tissue you won't go ape shit on them, god I hate people sometimes... really I do,

So you're saying if I ask for a PC and you give me a TI calculator that it's alright because they're both computers?

and further more, I state under your quoted TXT of me, I say, in my eyes... meaning to relate to my post, in my eyes a computer = ... just like in programming if you equate 1 = 2 no matter what 1 = 2. even if you type 1 + 1 the computer will compute 4 because you stated 1 = 2 ...


Pretty positive you can't change the value of a defined number in any language... pretty positive you can't have a variable start off with a number in most languages so I don't see where you could set 1=2... maybe an archaic one, but not too many now. I tried it with C++ and it didn't like it at all. Now if you set a variable "one" equal to 2 and did "one + one" then yeah, it would equal 4.
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Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Syris said:
Maybe like 35GHZ, 350.....show me some proof thats unbelievably high

Still a little high, it's more like 5 to 6GHZ.

And as far as Super computing for your desktop, it's just around the corner.



Intel also as their solution on the horizon.


But that is only if you looking for supercomputing on the desktop. I'm not sure why all the hate on supercomputers. It seem a little misplaced. They simply use the vast computing differences of the Blue Gene/p and a regular desktop as a refrence so regular people can grasp just how fast a petaflop is.

As far as comparing regular cars to F1 cars, we do it all the time to give people that don't know an idea of how fast an F1 car really is.

Even Sun has a response to all the supercomputing madness.


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
SupraDerk said:
Bet you didn't know I was a computer engineer. A computer isn't a device that can make decisions, it's a device used to store data, manipulate it and aid in computing...

Any calculator is a computer... hell a fucking abacus is a computer, that wasn't the point. You said that what was in the original post wasn't a computer, but that it was multiple computers which is a retarded statement. If it's all contained in 1 machine, guess what? It's a single computer.

You are inaccurate in your statement, I don't care what degree you have to fllow, you are inaccurate in your statement of what a computer truly is.. I don't care to find the proof but you inform me how I was improperly informed of what a computer is in a certification class.

Pretty positive you can't change the value of a defined number in any language... pretty positive you can't have a variable start off with a number in most languages so I don't see where you could set 1=2... maybe an archaic one, but not too many now. I tried it with C++ and it didn't like it at all. Now if you set a variable "one" equal to 2 and did "one + one" then yeah, it would equal 4.

I was using the whole 1 = 2 thing as whole pseudocode idea...

I stated in my first paragraph, and honestly, I am not going to argue with someone who throws their educational certificate at me as defense as to why they are right (especially with computers, where everyone one and their mother who has anything computer related, hell even an electrical engineer, says they know everything)

simply I stated in my post, computer = now... no I don't expect everyone to think coding, even if they do code for a living...

but simply... a calculator can store information temp, you can not on a standard calculator store information for later use, now with a TI calculator you can. You need to get your definitions straight, a computer is able to make logical decisions based on the information you gave it. You are telling me that the human is a computer, because all the abacus does is allow the human mind to store information, hell, under that definition a fucking pencil and paper are computers...

anyway, back to my defenses... I attempted in my preferred language at the moment and you are right "T_LNUMBER, expecting T_VARIABLE "

simply put, I have not coded addition of numbers in a while, forgive my improper form of pseudocode. simply put...

I am not trying to be a dick, but I hate responses people put in regards to ones opinions, or attempt at opening the eyes of those less educated in the field... the post was not to pass over peoples heads, nor to draw attention from "engineers", it was there to show people it is not all that amazing what they are doing.

A fundamental difference between calculators and most computers is that calculators are numeric tools only, while computers may use numbers to directly manipulate words, images, or sounds.

The market for calculators is extremely price-sensitive; typically the user desires the least expensive model having a specific feature set, but does not care much about speed (since speed is constrained by how fast the user can press the buttons). Thus designers of calculators strive to minimize the number of logic elements on the chip, not the number of clock cycles needed to do a computation.

For instance, instead of a hardware multiplier, a calculator might implement floating point mathematics with code in ROM, and compute trigonometric functions with the CORDIC algorithm because CORDIC does not require floating-point. Bit serial logic designs are more common in calculators whereas bit parallel designs dominate general-purpose computers, because a bit serial design minimizes the chip complexity but takes many more clock cycles.

Personal computers and personal digital assistants can perform general calculations in a variety of ways:

* Many programs exist for performing calculations, from simple calculator emulators, to scientific calculators such as Microsoft Calculator, to advanced spreadsheet programs such as Excel or OpenOffice.org Calc.
* Computer algebra programs such as Mathematica, Maple or Matlab can handle advanced calculations.
* Client-side scripting can be used for calculations, e.g. by entering "javascript:alert(calculation written in JavaScript)" in a web browser's address bar (as opposed to "http://website name"). Such calculations can be embedded in a separate Javascript or HTML file as well.
* Online calculators such as the calculator feature of the Google search engine can perform calculations server-side.

Wikipedia is your friend


Maxima.org traitor
Jun 20, 2007
Pasadena, MD
SupraDerk said:
Bet you didn't know I was a computer engineer. A computer isn't a device that can make decisions, it's a device used to store data, manipulate it and aid in computing...

Any calculator is a computer... hell a fucking abacus is a computer, that wasn't the point. You said that what was in the original post wasn't a computer, but that it was multiple computers which is a retarded statement. If it's all contained in 1 machine, guess what? It's a single computer.

Common usage would be that a computer is an electronic device that stores, manipulates, and computes data, specifically so one that is programmable without requiring a new chip to be burned, as in a common calculator where the software is undoubtedly burned on a PROM.

So if I take a large case and hang 30 motherboards in there, 30 seperate processors, HDDs, etc, essentially 30 seperate systems just in one case, that it's one computer?


New Member
Mar 9, 2007
I have 2 computers in my room, both of which communicate back and forth, and sometimes I watch porn on both monitors just in case a scene gets boring, they technically are pulling from the same information, and utilizing that on their own resources but streaming from one location of storage... so really though I have 2 different boxes, I really have 1 computer, oh oh oh ... and those programs where you can lend your computers idle time to help solve cancer ect... those are all computers doing 1 task, technically just like they were in 1 case.. so you are saying the whole world is a computer

O......M.....G...... VG33ER that is amazing... we are all apart of 1 computer

Newb be stellen my pron... W... T... F... get out

simply put, with networks now adays, you can't classify a server as a computer, since you can set the same environment up across a network, multiple boards doing the same thing, with their own individual memory, processor, storage... which is exactly what that system that IBM has...

a rack mount server is just that, a rack of servers... but they are on a rack together, does not classify them as one server... IBM closed the rack off so you couldn't see inside


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
Merlyn said:
You are inaccurate in your statement, I don't care what degree you have to fllow, you are inaccurate in your statement of what a computer truly is.. I don't care to find the proof but you inform me how I was improperly informed of what a computer is in a certification class..............................................................................................................................

Wikipedia is your friend

Actually, in the beginning of most computer degrees they do indeed teach us that the Abacus was the first instance of a computer. And wikipedia is not the be-all-end-all of accurate information.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary said:
Main Entry: com·put·er
Pronunciation: k&m-'pyü-t&r
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
: one that computes; specifically : a programmable usually electronic device that can store, retrieve, and process data

Merriam-Webster Dictionary said:
Main Entry: aba·cus
Pronunciation: 'a-b&-k&s, &-'ba-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural aba·ci /'a-b&-"sI, -"kE; &-'ba-"kI /; or aba·cus·es
Etymology: Latin, from Greek abak-, abax, literally, slab
1 : an instrument for performing computations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves
2 : a slab that forms the uppermost member or division of the capital of a column

A device that can store, retrieve and process data. An abacus has these attributes, most modern calculators have these attributes. I know you don't think they are a computer in the sense that you are thinking of them, but they are computers nontheless.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Merlyn said:
You are inaccurate in your statement, I don't care what degree you have to fllow, you are inaccurate in your statement of what a computer truly is.. I don't care to find the proof but you inform me how I was improperly informed of what a computer is in a certification class.

lol, ok... the world is flat but I don't care to show you the proof. And for the record... a degree is very different than a certification.

I was using the whole 1 = 2 thing as whole pseudocode idea...

I stated in my first paragraph, and honestly, I am not going to argue with someone who throws their educational certificate at me as defense as to why they are right (especially with computers, where everyone one and their mother who has anything computer related, hell even an electrical engineer, says they know everything)

You lost me here. What does that have to do with anything? I'm not saying that because I'm a computer engineer I'm right, but it does add to my credibility. You said "I bet you didn't know a TI series calculator is a computer"... and my rebuttal to that was "I bet you didn't know I'm a computer engineer."

simply I stated in my post, computer = now... no I don't expect everyone to think coding, even if they do code for a living...

Again I'm lost in trying to figure what you're trying to say or what your point is.

but simply... a calculator can store information temp, you can not on a standard calculator store information for later use, now with a TI calculator you can.

lol, what?? Let me bust out my TI-1706, I guarantee you I can't store data for later use... but I can with my TI-83... again, your point is what? Both of them take in inputs... STORE THEM, MANIPULATE THE DATA and AID ME IN MY COMPUTATIONS...but only what I tell it to do, when I tell it to do it. I believe that's what a computer should do regardless of whether or not it can store them for long periods of time. One has non-volatile memory, the other doesn't... just a feature, not criteria.

You need to get your definitions straight, a computer is able to make logical decisions based on the information you gave it. You are telling me that the human is a computer, because all the abacus does is allow the human mind to store information, hell, under that definition a fucking pencil and paper are computers...

Survey says, you lost me yet again.

Let's say I have a freshly built PC sitting in my room, no operating system, no other software of any kind installed on it. I turn it on and I give it inputs from the keyboard... according to you it will make a logical decision based on what I'm telling it to do through the keyboard. I say that it will do nothing because it has no instructions from a human on how to interpret what I'm doing to it. Basically the computer is dumb... it can't make decisions... it can only do what I tell it to do and so far I haven't told it to do anything yet.

anyway, back to my defenses... I attempted in my preferred language at the moment and you are right "T_LNUMBER, expecting T_VARIABLE "

simply put, I have not coded addition of numbers in a while, forgive my improper form of pseudocode. simply put...

I am not trying to be a dick, but I hate responses people put in regards to ones opinions, or attempt at opening the eyes of those less educated in the field... the post was not to pass over peoples heads, nor to draw attention from "engineers", it was there to show people it is not all that amazing what they are doing.

If it's not all that amazing, then why didn't they do this years ago?

Wikipedia is your friend

Roger that.


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
pmohr said:
So if I take a large case and hang 30 motherboards in there, 30 seperate processors, HDDs, etc, essentially 30 seperate systems just in one case, that it's one computer?

If it's a modular where they're all designed to work together to accomplish a common task then yes.