Merlyn said:"The abacus was an early aid for mathematical computations. Its only value is that it aids the memory of the human performing the calculation."
as would a piece of paper and an pencil...
not to throw the argument a whole another way... and I don't know why I continue, but basically...
"The first computers were people! That is, electronic computers (and the earlier mechanical computers) were given this name because they performed the work that had previously been assigned to people. "Computer" was originally a job title: it was used to describe those human beings (predominantly women) whose job it was to perform the repetitive calculations required to compute such things as navigational tables, tide charts, and planetary positions for astronomical almanacs."
This argument can go 20 different directions... but simply put, you original point is wrong, I am just attempting to finally make it click in your head of what I am saying.
And a computer is a newer aid for mathematical computations, so what is your point. An Abacus doesn't aid the memory, it actually DOES THE CALCULATIONS, how many times do I have to say that to get it through. Damn man! You really need to go understand how an abacus works before you continue arguing. Your view of how an abacus works only makes the points you are trying to make seem ridiculous.
Also, at no point have you proven me wrong, you have only attempted unsuccessfully to defend your position. And done a poor job of that, from what I have seen.
Merlyn said:You are sure he knows what he is talking about, why because he has a piece of paper to show so. Alright, my point in all... humans are stupid and listen to those that are above us... guess that is why this country is shot to shit... because people are like, oh he has a degree he must be right...
did I ever once use my job as an creditable proof of my ability? I have not once mentioned my job title, I have even asked my friends, who are computer engineers, have computer science degrees ect ect, one working for Northrop Grumman, one working on Bittorrent, I have talked to plenty of people about this....
and again, I have out performed college grads... really a college degree shows you are good at that which you excelled at, I doubt there is a degree on the history of computers, nor was it more then a class long discussion. I don't care who the fuck you are, I will argue with anyone who I feel is inaccurate, and especially people who throw their degree on the table as defense. Trust me college education means nothing aside from a job in this world, I have met plenty of morons who have degrees that I have outperformed in my life... it means nothing in regards to logic, a debate, any form of attemptive argument.
How can you keep thinking your right when I have proven you wrong several times over. Also your the one that brought your friend into this flaunting his degree, And I took no stock in it. Now your saying that I was right, and degrees mean nothing. Please make up your mind because you are confusing the hell out of me
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