But the thing is... that is inaccurate, the definition by any standard is being twisted... because you are simply saying a human is a computer... an ant is a computer, any living thing on this earth is a computer, along with anything thing that a human can physically communicate with, whether being rock, stone, tree branch, or his own bowels. a Abacus CAN NOT PROCESS DATA... it can not move itself... it can not display an answer, it can display, after mans motion, a section of circular pieces that to the human is PROCESSED into data... if I look at an Abacus it would tell me nothing, I have no clue how to use one honestly, so to tell me it is processing data, that is completely inaccurate. It is setting the means for man to process what is being displayed in his own head... it can not store because it is able to hold in even balance (if balanced on a straight surface) a bunch of moving pieces, it is not storing it, it is doing nothing more then wishing it was still apart of the great tree in teh rain forest, before it was cut down... simply put, it has no thought, no control, and without the hand of man telling it what to do it can not function...
a computer is a device that is able to store information within itself to answer problems, solve problems on its own ect. Yes, it must be "tought" my man how to do it through coding, but if I go to a website to find ETA of a 1/4 mile run and type in my weight my hp and tempature outside, it can determine the information for me, where as a calculator designed for that SOUL task, could not... you would have to know the equation to find the answer... believe whatever you want in your computer classes, by your classification anyone can twist the definition to fit ANY object in this world. My monitor is a computer, as it is displaying informationf or me to see, must process that NO... THE COMPUTER IS PROCESSING IT JUST AS THE HUMAN is PROCESSING THE INFORMATION BEING PUT INTO THE ABACUS
and I cheated a little bit, but technically, this is as far as I could get it to go
include 'config.php';
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM test");
$row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$answer = ($row['1'] + $row['1']);
echo "Variable 1 + Variable 1 = " . $answer ."";
Table Test =
row name 1 value 2
a computer is a device that is able to store information within itself to answer problems, solve problems on its own ect. Yes, it must be "tought" my man how to do it through coding, but if I go to a website to find ETA of a 1/4 mile run and type in my weight my hp and tempature outside, it can determine the information for me, where as a calculator designed for that SOUL task, could not... you would have to know the equation to find the answer... believe whatever you want in your computer classes, by your classification anyone can twist the definition to fit ANY object in this world. My monitor is a computer, as it is displaying informationf or me to see, must process that NO... THE COMPUTER IS PROCESSING IT JUST AS THE HUMAN is PROCESSING THE INFORMATION BEING PUT INTO THE ABACUS
and I cheated a little bit, but technically, this is as far as I could get it to go
include 'config.php';
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM test");
$row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$answer = ($row['1'] + $row['1']);
echo "Variable 1 + Variable 1 = " . $answer ."";
Table Test =
row name 1 value 2