um... because I used 1 and 0... does not mean I was referring to binary. on and off, 1 and 0, true and false... they are all the basis of a computer... just like in our cars... pulsing signals, ect ect... to get a voltage or not... true or false... it is how our cars communicate...
every computer language uses true / false for all of its tasks
if, then, else, for, while...
if this is true, then do this, else do this... for this == this, do this till this = that, while this == that or while this contains information)
cut it out already, for christ sake, I dropped the main argument 4 posts back, I was just stating, a computer does not at its core do math... it simply turns switches on or off IT MUST BE TOUGHT HOW TO DO MATHEMATICS BY THE HUMAN... at its core, a computer is a bunch of true false statements... that then perform tasks.. christ... grow up, I am 20 years old and know when to shut up... I agreed it was over, and you bring posts from 2 pages ago back... it is over