Woo! Head Gasket Boom Boom! Yeah!


Fire on High!
Apr 6, 2006
North Jersey
alright, well i got the damn thing assembled. today after i came from school i just changed the oil, filter's replaced. filled it up with water..gonna run it a couple minutes to flush out the old green shit.
i try to start it..so im crankin for about 3-4 seconds and i realize fuel shooting forward. what a mess, everything got wet. it looked like a bunch of stuff leaking, but when i tried a real quick crank to find the source, it looks to be the pulsation dampner. my dumbass probably forgot one of those little gaskets. do i gotta get them through toyota?
ugh, im a disappointment. this sucks.
on a happier note, here's a pic of how my engine bay turned out after assembly. looks nice..but it dont mean anything if it dont run :-(


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
You should be okay reusing the copper gaskets...it probably just needs to be tightened...

When I got my Supra back together the fuel pulsation damper was leaking...I just tightened it with a pair of pliers, and it has been fine...I didn't replace the gaskets, BTW.
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Cam cover Stainless Steel (type 316) Socket Head Cap Screws, M6x1.0 30MM Length to replace the phillips head stock screws. Bought from Mcmaster-Carr (p/n 92290A332) min order is 25.

There is a fuel-pump jumper on the diagnostic block that allows you to run the pump manually. In this case though, with fuel shooting over the engine the spark from the jumper might actually be a really bad thing! A fire extinguisher should always be handy after messing around with the fuel system.


Fire on High!
Apr 6, 2006
North Jersey
yeah i thought turning the key to the position right before start would power the fuel pump and tell me if i have any leaks.
i probably lost the gasket and didnt put it on so i'm gonna order all those copper gaskets on the fuel rail from toyota tommorrow and then when i get em, first i'll start with the dampner and then i'll see if anything else is leaking. this is gonna cost me another week, great.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Meh, just reuse the old gasket or get one at a parts store. Or anneal the old one with a propane torch. It'll be as good as new.

The fuel pump in the GTE doesn't run until the key is turned to start. Jumper it at the block to pressurize the system.


Fire on High!
Apr 6, 2006
North Jersey
see the thing is, i bet i lost the old one cus i'm dumb and irresponsible. the parts store can't help me..so i guess dealership is the answer. man i hate that place.


Fire on High!
Apr 6, 2006
North Jersey
so i went to the store and they did have the copper washers. guess they didnt know what i was talkjin about when i said gaskets. i had to modify them a little because they didnt have the right sizes. shaved the inner diameters with a razor and outer with a grinder. anyways, i threw it on..looked to be leak free and tried to start the bitch. she started!! wooOoO!
well, it looks like i got a big exhaust leak from my head to my manifold. doesnt smell like exhaust fumes..but it was smokin there and i could hear it. could the high temp paint on the exhaust manifold be burning off? i had it running for 3 minutes. well anyways, im gonna do a further inspection tommorrrow. and if i get past this problem, i need to adjust the tps..i was having tps adjusting problems so ill give it another go, but would it work if i jumped the terminals for code display and kept turnin it untill the mil light didnt blink the tps code?


Droppin that JZ in soon!
Apr 18, 2007
Brampton, ON
I don't think it would, because to turn it you need to have the connector disconnected which would still give you the code if it's disconnected. I haven't tried calibrating my tps yet since I just found out my head is blown as well and I found this thread in a search and looks to be promisingly helpful.....but anyways, it says in the TSRM to try using an ohmmeter and it doesn't seem too hard. I guess I'm suggesting you just try using the ohmmeter.



Fire on High!
Apr 6, 2006
North Jersey
how about with the connector connected and then rotating it? i dunno, i just kept trying to adjust it and i kept getting a reading out of spec for the .5mm test. ive tried 3 of these sensors..maybe im doin something wrong. i'll try again tommorrow.
i realized my exhaust manifold wasnt leaking, it was just either the high temp paint i had on my manifold burning off or the exhaust manifold gasket melting into place. the leak that i heard was actually that little bit of exhaust that escapes through the dump tube on my divorced downpipe. i didnt notice before because i only drove it with a full exhaust for like a day. before that i was running open dp for a month so everything seemed quiet after that, haha.
when i listen to my exhaust, it sounds like pulses rather than a smooth tone. i'm thinkin it needs to be timed. so when i get a hold of a timing light and i still got a problem, then ill figure it out. i'll put a video up when i get the time.


Sold the Supra
Apr 20, 2007
Pulses? Thats what my Supra sounds like normally. If your timing is off, that will reassure me that mine is off too :p Of course I have a BHG so its not like it matters neways.


Fire on High!
Apr 6, 2006
North Jersey
so this sound i have..
sounds like valvetrain. but if you listen to the pulses of that sound, thats what i hear in my exhaust. and when im near the muffler, i can hear this valvetrain pulsing noise. heres a video. i'll have one near the muffler once i work on it again. i started it up for a minute today and didnt hear this as intense as it was, but maybe it happens when its warm, i dunno, more diagnosis tommorrow. is this just a bad valve tap? im sure all my lifters and their shims are in the right place like they came out..
i can hear this noise near the 4,5,6 cylinders, but up from it seems fine..
watch the video.
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Authorized Vendor
Mar 30, 2005
hmmm ur project there is looking pretty good, might hafta check the valve clearance again, even tho i dont really hear it much.


Fire on High!
Apr 6, 2006
North Jersey
is valve clearance the same thing as valve lash? and no i didn't check it, i planned that i would adjust the valve lash with someone that did it before at the 500mile point because i wasnt to confident with doing it myself.
i was thinkin maybe the new valve springs have something to do with it, but in the front of the engine, it sounds fine. like i said, im gonna do more diagnosis today and tommorrow now that i have some time.