Why i am seriously considering...

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Supramania Contributor
"Edit* I do like the military. It's corrupt political leaders/media I despise."
Quote from Joel again. Endquote.

Then Joel, you really should despise your LEE friends who just managed to sway the Governator to sign onto this new CA bill to reduce C02 by 25%...

The LEE group is quoted on the radio as saying something like this.... (Paraphrase, but I'm sure it's out there in a statement somewhere...)

"Temps will likely rise by 4 to 6 degrees, causing the melting of the glaciers in the Sierra Nevada, and coastal plain flooding and crop failues due to water shortages..."

It is as you like to say Joel, total BS. You know it, and I know it, and your NASA report has a temp change of what? .04 c right? Not anywhere near the 4 to 6 degrees your environmentalists buddies just released to the media along with that rediculus statement about water shortages and melting glaciers causing flooding?

I'm sure now you'll come up with some reasonable excuse for your LEE friends, heck they probably have it designed into their press release that the "reporter" read word for word... (What amazing journalism we have today, if you can read a press release, you can be a journalist.) Even better, if you can cut and paste one, you can be a moderator or even a famous newspaper editor.. (Oh, the NY Times comes to mind...)

Joel I'd love to tell you where to go, and how to get there, but since you already have your head up your ass, your mostly there anyway. :)


Supramania Contributor
Yep, here it is.. Joel, you get to follow your own words, and dispise them... LOL Linky. http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_vehicles/vehicles_health/californias-global-warming-vehicle-law.html

Global warming is already occurring, and is expected to accelerate during the next few decades. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading scientific authority on global warming, predicts that average surface temperatures will increase between 3 and 10.5 degrees Fahrenheit during this century.
*** OOOPPS! This is like between 3.6 and 10.1 degrees MORE THAN THE NASA STUDY YOU USED IN YOUR OWN ARGUEMENT's JOEL.. THEY ARE LYING TO US, CORRUPT, so you can DESPISE them at your leisure.***

In California global warming is likely to result in increasingly severe water shortages, longer and more intense heat waves, property damage from storm surges and rising sea levels, an increase in frequency and damage from wildfires, and more. Longer and more severe heat waves can also lead to and increase in urban and central valley smog-formation. Rising sea levels could also lead to destruction of freshwater marshes and other wetlands and cause saltwater intrusion on the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta, harming fish and wildlife.

** OH THE BULLSHIT HERE IS INTENSE..!! They are making this shit up. Joel, you know it, and you can Despise it at your leisure.**

Climate change is also likely to negatively impact many important sectors of the California economy, including agriculture (especially the wine and nut industries), recreation (skiing, boating, fishing, river rafting, and other recreation), housing and other construction (because water shortages could limit new development), electric generation (from reduced hydroelectric power and increased air conditioning loads), and more.
As the sixth largest economy in the world, California is itself a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions globally, and has a responsibility to begin reducing its global warming pollution as rapidly as possible. California has a history of leading the nation in reducing air pollution and protecting the environment. This effort to reduce global warming pollution continues that record of leadership. While federal law bars states from setting their own air quality standards, it allows them to adopt California’s. Eight states are poised to incorporate California’s new rules, creating perhaps the most significant pressure for federal action on global warming to date.

** Ok, so the doomsday predictions continue ad nausium on their website, but I would be just about as accurate saying the following..

One day a large near earth rock will come crashing down and smash us all in to dust, so live long and party on dude!

It's about as accurate as that press release on MMGW and my doomsday "predictions" part is about as accurate as theirs :)

Ironic part is we as humans get realatively little say in what happens weather wise on this planet, and about as much control on possible asteroid impacts.


Supramania Contributor
Joel W. said:
Ask yourself these questions and see if they are true....

Your a soldier?
You follow your orders always?
You do not make or ignore any orders?
You get your orders from your superiors?
They get their orders from their superiors?
You are not allowed to question those orders?

You should have answered yes to all so you are not a communist but a good soldier! You are in the military doing your job, no matter what...It is not your fault that your job as a soldier is governed by those in politics that are not there on the battlefield.

Bright side is, there are lots of different jobs out there. :)

Adjuster is spinning, It is just like 1984, but this is real life right now....:runaway:

I'm going to take this as a compliment, but let it be known that I don't fight for the president, anybody in congress, or anyone else in any other part of the governmental body.

I fight for the people who have already given thier lives to protect this country. I also fight for myself - for what I believe in, and for every other American.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
So soldeirs are allowed to disreguard orders? Which orders?? I think not..
Orders from civillian intergaters who tell you to parade Iraqi prisoners around the prison like dogs. I do believe that was an isolated incident, I just wanted to give you an idea when you can disobey a lawful or direct order and not be punished.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
CtSupra said:
I'm going to take this as a compliment, but let it be known that I don't fight for the president, anybody in congress, or anyone else in any other part of the governmental body.

I fight for the people who have already given thier lives to protect this country. I also fight for myself - for what I believe in, and for every other American.
If you are enlisted or comissioned, you certainly do.

Elected officials make policy, and the officers set over you carry them out.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
CtSupra said:
I'm going to take this as a compliment, but let it be known that I don't fight for the president, anybody in congress, or anyone else in any other part of the governmental body.

I fight for the people who have already given thier lives to protect this country. I also fight for myself - for what I believe in, and for every other American.
I am glad you see it that way. It is a compliment. The military expects your loyalty and so do we. Your orders are given to you by your next in line of the "chain of command" above you.. Who ever that is. same with his orders... and so on, and so on, and so on through out the chain links..eventually you get to one man.

I am not questioning why you fight. That is your call.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Joel W. said:
I am glad you see it that way. It is a compliment. The military expects your loyalty and and so do we. Your orders are given to you by your next in line of the "chain of command" above you.. Who ever that is. same with his orders... and so on, and so on, and so on through out the chain links..eventually you get to one man.

I am not questioning why you fight. That is your call.

Actually, you're not correct about following orders. A soldier is required to follow lawful orders, but he/she is also required to disobey unlawful orders, too.....

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
rakkasan said:
Actually, you're not correct about following orders. A soldier is required to follow lawful orders, but he/she is also required to disobey unlawful orders, too.....

Ohhh ya? Thanks...I made an assumption there.

Do they issue you information or teach you on how to tell the two orders apart?

Do there prove the reasons for their justification of said orders to you on every order??

Not trying to be a dick. just wondering how you decide.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Joel W. said:
Ohhh ya? Thanks...I made an assumption there.

Do they issue you information or teach you on how to tell the two orders apart?


Do there prove the reasons for their justification of said orders to you on every order??

I'm not following.....

Not trying to be a dick. just wondering how you decide.

No problem, I just grow tired of the throughtless robot image that servicemen sometimes get.


May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Yellow 13 said:
Fuck Australia


Seriously, look at that shit. No way in hell im going to live in a country with those things running around. lol

I have NEVER seen a spider that big!

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Rakkasan said:
I am not following

I mean do they show you all the information involved, let you interview the witnesses, show you their proof, let you do any research or allow any time from when they give you the order and when they expect you to follow it so you can decide if the order is one or the other?


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Joel W. said:
I mean do they show you all the information involved, let you interview the witnesses, show you their proof, let you do any research or allow any time from when they give you the order and when they expect you to follow it so you can decide if the order is one or the other?

If you are asking if soldiers are allowed to sit in briefing room the the POTUS, the answer is no, but what does that matter?


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
As for 1984, I think you can't deny there is a strong tendency to it.
Not only in the US, but also in the UK and Germany (and probably other countries).
All in the name of the "War on Terrorism".
- The US government demands all flight data of inner-european flights forwarded to them. WTF?
- The NSA is/was eavesdropping inner-US telephone calls by Dubya's order. WTF?
- Europe has to introduce passports with RFID tags due to pressure from the US, even though there's no real security benefit.
- British politicians are calling for a law to allow prosecutors to force people to reveal passwords used for encryption or to even forbid strong encryption for personal use.
- The German government is more and more striving towards softening the strict separation of police and secret service (which became part of our consitution after WWII for a good reason).
- An EU directive forcing all internet and telephone service providers in Europe to store connection data of ALL Europeans (be they suspects or not) for 6 to 24 months has been passed in record time, not leaving any time for people to stand up against it. However, if we're lucky, such a law would be unconstitutional in Germany.

The list goes on and on, it's really disturbing.
Australia here I come... I might just join my aunt and my cousin in Melbourne ;)


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
CtSupra said:
I knew it.

I was just typing a long response to this thread when I ask myself, "Why the hell do I need to explain myself, in exact detail why I boldly stand forth of my country, to the people who want to run away and to the people who don't even live here?"

And now I'm being called a communist for it. I love it. Fuck this thread.

First of all, there's nothing really wrong with communism - at least not from my point of view, if someone wants to live that way, fine by me.

Secondly, I don't think communism has ever been widespread in Germany. If you're confusing Germany with the former CCCP, or perhaps China? I dunno, now I'm just shooting in the dark.

And finally, I don't agree with blind faith in ANYTHING. I love my country if it EARNS it, just the same as I do my family, friends, pets, and even this online community that boasts membership from all over the planet. Blind faith leaves you open to be manipulated by anyone who understands your ideals without sharing them.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
rakkasan said:
If you are asking if soldiers are allowed to sit in briefing room the the POTUS, the answer is no, but what does that matter?

It means soldiers do not get to decide what orders they follow and you know it...
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