Why i am seriously considering...

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Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
No offence Adjuster, But you have been attacking me on every issue questioning my patriotism, honor and my character. You started that stupid ass thread as an attack on me and yes, I took it personally. Yes, your views on things are extremely funny in a Orwellian way...

Was I correct in the way I responded to you? No, it was probably not one of my better judgement calls. I should have PM'ed you again, to refuse the debate as I am told.

Did you read the first two links posted in this thread or are you just rambling on again? They just took your fucking freedom away... ;)

I offer peace with you here and now. Accept it, or do not.. That will be your call..


Supramania Contributor
Let's see, nice insult hidden as a peace offering..

Orwellian of me? LOL

Let's see how to word this...

Thank's Joel for the peace offer, and I'd be happy to ramble on about something else anytime George Orwell would allow me to since big brother is watching me, and you all the time anyway you know..

I think I will convert over to being a ultra liberal elite environmentalist, offer up my services to their misguided causes and sell my supra to be replaced with a plug in car.. no better yet, I'm going to sell my house in the urban sprawl, and move to the city where I can ride the bus, and walk to work and live the perfect life according to our saviour, Al Gore.

Next time I start a "stupid ass thread" in your words, I'll be sure to remember to take you up on your peace offering. (Especially one with so many well placed insults in it.)

Are you declaring a truce from a position of power? Or are you just tired of trying to defend your opinions so clearly based on limited information and obvious bias?

"I offer peace with you hear and now, Accept it, or do not.. That will be your call.." What the heck is that? LOL Your offer of peace v/s what Joel?

Oh crap, no peace with Joel? Whatever will I do... ?

Question is, are you going to be a man or hide behind your mod power and friends on here that will ban me or something? Is that the threat here Joel?

It would be a dark day for the Off Topic when anyone is banned for debating their opinion based on fact, and I might add keeping the name calling to a minimum, even in the face of blatent name calling on the part of the moderator..

Question of the day. Are you a hypocrite? We will soon find out I suppose.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
No one will ever be banned for their opinions here and you should know that.

The problem with your facts is, they are based on opinions and not fact.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Adjuster said:
Have you looked in the mirror lately Joel?

Every day, What are you saying now my friend?

I do not have many friends here any longer, more or less mod friends...I am the boat rocker, and no one likes a boat rocker.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
91T breezen' said:
That's priceless!...Joel, you don't think very often before you start talking about things you have no idea about!

I am 8 moves ahead of you in this little chess game we are playing here...

You just fail to realize this FACT..

I am well aware of how the military works. This is NOT my first day here..:naughty:

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
rakkasan said:
That speaks volumes for your character. Congrats.

Thanks, You would not listen to me...So I made it so you could listen to someone else, Was this sneaky on my part? Hell ya..

But it was also very effective..:evil2:

No hard feeling here man...


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Joel W. said:
Thanks, You would not listen to me...So I made it so you could listen to someone else, Was this sneaky on my part? Hell ya..

You lost me, again. Was I supposed to be the target of your BS?

But it was also very effective..:evil2:

No hard feeling here man...

Why would you be upset? You got what you wanted by way of deception....

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I am not upset at all, I just wanted you to know that..

I wanted you to think a bit and I believe you are thinking more now.

It was not really deceptive if you read it again... It is fairly obvious what I was doing... :dunno:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Well, I can't pass judgement on somebody based on internet opinions. I do have some good friends that are left wing. We don't agree about stuff, but we still have a good time with everything else.

More proof, I married a social worker.

And I don't like things posted or linked that are not factual either, and it is agrivating. So eventually, just stay out of the topic.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I consider you a friend also Nick. Even though we differ in some areas of our beliefs, we also have our common ground. That is enough for me.. ;)

This goes for all of you, yes, all of you...:)
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