Why i am seriously considering...

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Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
rakkasan said:
So, you were digging up information to fight a little battle with CT? You put Jdub & me in the middle of your fight without explaining why. That's complete BS, and IMO, it strips you of any right you had of saying the Administration uses the military for their personal benefit. You just did it yourself.

You are mistaken, I was defending his honor and integrity.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Joel W. said:
You are mistaken, I was defending his honor and integrity.

Still, the point remains regardless of the situation. You were fighting with someone and using the info from Jdub & me as ammo. That is not right, Joel, especially since I started asking you why much earlier in the thread.

I'm out.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Who was I fighting with??

It seems to work better explaining a situation if I pretend to be stupid and let someone else point out the facts of a case. You seem to believe it easier.

Life is a chess game.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
CtSupra said:
Army. Sorry, should've included that.

Ok...thanks. I used to have a friend years ago that was an Army Captain in charge of a Company. Guess the Army is starting to get rank heavy at the top like the AF.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
A regiment is under a brigade, they are not the same. A regiment sometimes replaces a brigade.

Now if you are refering to something other than the US Army, that is different. In the US Army, a regiment answers to a brigade.

But I will give you this. Times do change, and specialized units can follow a different lead, but within the same hierarchy.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
So I got Regiment & Battalion swapped?

The USAF structure goes like this:

Wing Commander - BGen or BGen select

Group Commander - Colonel

Squadron Commander - Lt Colonel

Flight Commander - Major or Captain

Sometimes there is a Section Commander (Major) between the Squadron and Flight...almost never happens in the Operations Group though. You usually see it in big Squadrons like those under the Support Group.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
damn you Joel for jacking this thread into some meaningless discussion about ranks and orders and blah blah blah! ;)

I want to get back to the flag waving!

::salute:: :bsflag: <---was the only flag I could find


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Nick M said:
A regiment is under a brigade, they are not the same. A regiment sometimes replaces a brigade.

Now if you are refering to something other than the US Army, that is different. In the US Army, a regiment answers to a brigade.

But I will give you this. Times do change, and specialized units can follow a different lead, but within the same hierarchy.

Sorry Nick, but I'm sticking to my guns. A regiment & a Brigade are basically the same thing. When speaking of unit assigned to a division, let's say the 101st, they have 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Brigades (sub units of the division). When addressing the brigades directly, let's say the 101st 3rd Brigade, they are the 187th Infantry Regiment. Same unit, different title/name. Within the 187th, you have 1st, 2nd & 3rd Battalions.

They are the same, unless their attachments are present. Then they become the 187th ARCT (Airborne Regimental Combat Team)

Although it's a different unit than used above, click the link to see an example using the 508th PIR



Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
theWeezL said:
damn you Joel for jacking this thread into some meaningless discussion about ranks and orders and blah blah blah! ;)

I want to get back to the flag waving!

Nah...it's a good education for you civilian types ;)

And we are waving the flag...how much more patriotic can ya get ::salute::


Supramania Contributor
Yes, rakkasan, thanks I was just going to correct myself. A Captain will still command a company, but there will be a Major as the Battalion Executive Officer. Lieutenants are usually a company XO if the company chooses to have one. There are also two Command Sergeants Majors. One for the Brigade and one for the Battalion.

91T breezen'

Apr 4, 2005
Joel W. said:
My only intent was to get some of us to think a bit. ;)

That's priceless!...Joel, you don't think very often before you start talking about things you have no idea about! Wanna' find out how the military really works, and how fucked up your attitude is?...Join the fuckin' Marines!


Supramania Contributor
Ok, back on topic.

Someone wants to leave, thinks his country has failed him, and that the grass is greener elsewhere. (Just happens to appear this person want's to run off to socialist fantasy land, where everyone loves their neighbor, there is no crime, poverty and surely no urban sprawl causing MMGW.. LOL)

I've seen comments in here like "Communism is not bad" and arguements over organizational structure of our military.. (Like that's involved in the title at all?)

I'd much rather debate on a seperate thread, and I tried, but it was locked out after Joel throws down his not well thought out responses to my "list" LOL Dude! Catch a clue, many of those things were in there as humor, like Orange Juice... Hello? Anyone there? Anyone home?.... Nope, did not think so.

I still stand by my country as the place I want to live in. I've been around, seen others, and they are nice, but not home for me. I think if you want to leave the USA, please, by all means, be my guest, and go.

Just remember that the same freedom that just allowed you to leave your country is not common around the globe. (Reciently in some of those socialist countries you think have greener grass, many restricted travel to better control the people they were oppressing. Russia, you know who you are.)
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