what i did to lower

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Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
drift40;1016211 said:
i have my 240 as the drift car if you would have read anything on this thread. I guess it is just easier to critizes then smile and sigh.

Once again, megan is 1k anyways not $400-$600 and cutting is not cutting corners just springs for the moment.

By the way this thread is not about me it is about this guy here xcyanideslethalx so congrats or something. Don't talk mad shit cause this is not the way you wanted his car.

I am trying to save him a potential headach. Let me guess, you have an....sr20 in a s13 with cut springs and 215s on a 8" wide tire??

Guess what, if you are broke, a supra is not the car for you. The only things less reliable than these (without maintaining your supra) are DSMs and mustangs.
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Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Supra-K;1016108 said:
I disagree 100%, first off our cars are from the 80's era and early 90's, most of them are going to be pos considering most of them are 20 years old, meaning you can pick up a running one for about $1000 bucks so expect the worst of the worse, now what makes some of our cars stand out and not be 20 year old pos is the money time and effort we drop into them, even tears haha just like any old car, so expect respect to be lost, its happens just like every car, times change welcome to the world, no as of cheap, just because something is cheap doesnt mean your going to resort to half assing the whole car, if a part is cheap and it works perfectly fine and is excuted perfessionally then I see that as a benficial modifcation, kinda how trends and business get started. o and you just called driftmotion cheap which is a sin :sarcasm:

thank you! finally someone with a brain

just because it doesnt have a high priced label doesnt mean crap, that just mean hes found another cheaper way to lower his car, if its excuted nicely, accomplishes what he was looking for then I see absolutely no porblem with it, just because its not your way like blowing $$$ which seems to be short nowa days doesnt doesnt mean every other way is stupid and shouldnt work.......

dude theres always going to be people not giving a shit about their cars thats just how the world works with any car, I dont car if its a 2008 toyota camry or a 87 turboed supra theres always going to be shit owners doing shit things to their cars, now for us its even worse considering our cars are sorta fast and can be prchased for cheap, people are dumb and will dumb stuff, just face it like i have and go on with your life, now as of mods, if its nicely excuted accomplishes what its suppose too and doesnt "hurt" the car then I dont care what price tag is on it, its perfectly fine to me and more power to who ever does it, and save a little money for the people who cant afford expensive parts, like me, so in other word I have cut springs, along with every car ive owned and Ive love them to death, these little mods are kinda like for the little guyz, well im getting off topic now so theres my 2 cents yo!

keep up the good work man i dig the painted wheels to :) i did the same

Another advocator of and making excuses for ghetto modding.


7M Boy aka LaaagMaster
Sep 6, 2007
first off blown struts i highly dought im going ot have them like that but i thing cutting only 1 coil off is perfectly fine. then if i do end up blowing my struts then ill just guess i will have to fork out the money to go and buy some new ones but id rather not spend the money and save it instead of wasting it if i dont have to.


May 1, 2008
blowing a stut is easy if you cut it too short but that is hard to do
i had them for 6 months and still hardles like a indy car


New Member
Feb 10, 2008
もうちょっと車をきれいにしろよなぁ。 笑


May 1, 2008
Here is mine to show





Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
sigh, this thread is full of fail.

200$ for lowered springs too much? i would love/hate to see your solution to a BHG (stopleak anyone?)


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
god you guys are all little babys, just accept what the kid did. ill admit i hate the idea of cutting springs personally but people do shit, get use to it. we cant control the actions of others by sitting here and smacking him in the face. if his struts blow they blow, he will find it out the hard way, but for now let him enjoy what he has. i personally drove the car today after i helped him install the front shocks back on, and ill say this now it wasnt that bad. its not like a honda. it didnt pogostick, it actually did a very nice job. it held to the ground and it stoped like a champ, took the turns alot better than at stock height. i would actually rate this higher than stock height and better handeling personally and the ride quality was just as comfortable as stock. we took it on my test track by my college and drove the piss out of it and i had no problems, the only thing wrong i saw was his tires being shitty. so dont low ball on the kid because he is trying to experience somthing. sorry i mean i usually would leave a subject like this alone and keep things to myself, but seriously there is this topic and then the lambo door topic going on. some people like it and some people dont its all about perspective. as for his saftey its fine, all i have to say is i drove it. its still in one piece :p


Aug 1, 2007
It all comes down to this:

It's his car

You've expressed your opinions and debated the pro's and cons of cutting springs and beat the ever living shit out of a dead horse. Sometimes you have to let people learn their own way. If a ghetto/cheap/redneck mod works for someone then let it be because it's not your car. Once you start flaming any useful advice someone may have posted is lost in the bullshit.

Cutting/heating spring is an old hot-rodder trick. Cutting springs was a skill that has been lost in the age of aftermarket replaceable parts. You hardly ever hear about the successful jobs but man you can bet your ass you will hear about the half-ass jobs. When someone mentions cutting spring you all jump to conclusions and remember the outcome of some one half-assing the job.

Some useful advice to the OP. Check the tire clearance because if you went too low you might need to roll the lip of the fender well out of the way so you don't slice your tires in hard turns.


Starting FRESH !!!!
Dec 17, 2006
F.I.D Bro, it's your car if your happy with it, cool. If your not then you failed. Why even start a thread if you know pep's will be letting you know what they think. Well , like i said if your satisfied then cool.


New Member
Apr 15, 2008
San Diego
xcyanideslethalx;1015008 said:
please dont flame me but today i cut my springs on my car and personally it did not turn out to be that bad it looks really good and sits just right but this is onlt a temporary fix for now until i get enough saved up for some megan coilovers

....and 10 pages of flaming commenced:biglaugh:


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
suprarx7nut;1015134 said:
I hope your struts blow before you can save up to buy the coilovers.

I hope that didn't sound *too* mean.

When you cut the length of the springs, you change the spring rate and the dynamics of the suspension system.

IMO, changing your suspension for "looks" and completely disregarding performance is idiotic if the car is driven on public roads.

I dont mean to be a dick, and I'm not insulting you, perse, but I hate it when people do this.





It dosent look any lower to me.

and if you didn't want to get flamed why did you post that you did this?This thread is a waste of space and hasnt shown me anything except that you cheaped out and thats ok because it's what you wanted and every body has there own opion but don't post shit if you know your going to get flamed


New Member
Sep 19, 2006
Washington, Marysville
posting and know your going to get flamed. maby he wanted to get flamed. most likely not. maby he thought that the supra community is a fun loveing place. not always. and the picture he has up right now with the sunset isnt the lowered picture, thats stock


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
drift40;1015469 said:
Come on the ride is not that bad I have had cut springs for awhile and the ride is desent. This is for us poor people. My truts haven't blown yet, of couse I don't have a factory 3800lbs car, but I beat the shit out of my 240

ok your name is drift40? well I guess you know nothing about drifting of how a real drift cars set up is and your saying that cut springs don't ride that bad o what are you compairing this to your friends shity civic with 75$ ebay coilovers.O and I'm next to poor and I have lowering springs and new shocks it's called I save and do things right.O and him of most of you are not "poor"caue if he's poor the last thing on his mind should be moding a car he should be worrying about paying bills and also he is talking on a computer witch if your poor thats not as needed as food or rent so life isnt that bad for him.

I hate cut and heated springs more than anything in the world and I'm sorry to all of supramania but it piss me off cause it's not safe and the fact that you know it's not just "for looks" because people make these there cars that they push to the limet.

O and could I ask any of you smart ass's somthing?Have any of you guys seen spings after they have been cut of heated and driven around for about a year or more.Well lets just say they look like the leaning tower of pisa with a lot of more twisting and if your lucky some snaping.

I saw a old 80's cutless that got towd in because "SOMTHING SNAPED" and the car felt rough.so I we checked it out and oo his cut spring broke one of the ends off caused it to slip off and took a nice chunk of his frame out.The car is now on the road with all new shocks and oem springs"not cut"because he learned the hard way oo and yes there still is a hold in his frame.

look if you asked us about cuting the springs you know what we would all say and you most likey would have gottin flamed a bit but SM is a great forum for learning and theres not really any big time ass holes but you asked for it.

All I'm saying is if you can't buy 235$ springs than keep it stock.If you want coilovers just save and enjoy the car the way it is.and if you can't modifie a car than don't just keep it goin and keep it in good shape and if you take good care of it it will always be there for you when you do have money to go nuts on it.
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