UPCOMING GROUP BUY: White Hoodies (More info inside)

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Rajunz: We are little girls? Weird how you factor that in because Brandon has frequent and supporting customers that enjoy his business and what he does for the community. Don't bother to PM everyone that you think hurt our feelings; I think it is very clear that your post was not a cool thing to do in this thread. HOWEVER, although I don't think that you had any demanding and SERIOUS intentions to try to steal his business, It was still wrong to post that here...I'm not going to argue and bitch about it with you through here OR PM's, so just drop it. It's a done deal and I'm not sweatin' it anymore.



New Member
Feb 19, 2006
New Jersey
Boost Lee said:
Rajunz: We are little girls? Weird how you factor that in because Brandon has frequent and supporting customers that enjoy his business and what he does for the community. Don't bother to PM everyone that you think hurt our feelings; I think it is very clear that your post was not a cool thing to do in this thread. HOWEVER, although I don't think that you had any demanding and SERIOUS intentions to try to steal his business, It was still wrong to post that here...I'm not going to argue and bitch about it with you through here OR PM's, so just drop it. It's a done deal and I'm not sweatin' it anymore.


Yeah dude, I understand you didn't have bad intentions in mind, but that was a major hijack.

Turbo. Targa. Life.

SupraMania Shirt Slinger!
Apr 16, 2005
O'Fallon, MO
Boost Lee said:
Rajunz: We are little girls? Weird how you factor that in because Brandon has frequent and supporting customers that enjoy his business and what he does for the community. Don't bother to PM everyone that you think hurt our feelings; I think it is very clear that your post was not a cool thing to do in this thread. HOWEVER, although I don't think that you had any demanding and SERIOUS intentions to try to steal his business, It was still wrong to post that here...I'm not going to argue and bitch about it with you through here OR PM's, so just drop it. It's a done deal and I'm not sweatin' it anymore.

I'm glad I have my mafia members around here to stick up for me when I'm gone--thanks Jeff :)

As for you Rajunz...just GTFO. Period.


Fast Coonass
Apr 5, 2005
Austin, Texas USA
Oh my God, you pussies are a bunch of little school girls..................

I tried to address this in the proper manner, through PM's and TooSlow was the only one that had enough integrity to handle it as such.....................

So now I'll lay it out for everyone to read, I never have, nor will I EVER make a dime off of the Supra Community. I have zero desire to sell fucking T-Shirts, Hoodies, whatever. I merely offered up a much better product that I was willing to fix up TURBO, TARGA with for costs, so that he could still make his profits off of you guys. Something classier and more durable than another screen print. I offered my apology for the misunderstanding, he chose, as did the rest of you, to just ignore my PM's, and to come back on here and continue with the childish dribble.

So with the way this has played out, should I just come on here and offer the Embroidered Garments to the whole community for cost. I don't need to make money off of the Supra Community, and I would be doing everyone a favor.
Boost Lee said:
...............It's a done deal and I'm not sweatin' it anymore.

You got that right......................
Turbo. Targa. Life. said:
I'm glad I have my mafia members around here to stick up for me when I'm gone--thanks Jeff :)

As for you Rajunz...just GTFO. Period.
Fuck you Little Boy, I'm not going anywhere, I've earned my place here. You should just quit while you're ahead.


Jul 10, 2006
Vancouver, Washington
honestly, if you offered a shirt that was embroadered i would buy it. But this isnt the place, nor the time to discuss that. You should put together your own group buy to see the communities interest in it. I am sure if you arent after some profit people will flock to your product. Make a design and show a sample. But other than that, this is TTL's post trying to make his own group buy, I think he came defensive just because it's a business to him.


Fast Coonass
Apr 5, 2005
Austin, Texas USA
JoeC said:
...................I think he came defensive just because it's a business to him.
I can see that Joe, and I apologized for the misunderstanding and made a nice jesture to him which I see is now being thrown in my face................................

I'm done in this thread, if anything else needs to be said, take it up in PM's where it belongs.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Rajunz via PM: said:
Turbo, Targa, Life,

Whoa up there buddy. I am not trying to take your business, I am not trying to, nor will I EVER make a dime off of the Supra community, if anything I give to the community. If you need the money then go for it by all means, I'm all for free enterprise.

I was simply trying to offer a QUALITY piece of apparel, not another screen print that lasts for 15-20 washes then it's done.. My brother owns an embroidery company and if we could get enough people interested he would make a run of them, pretty much at cost. You could have contacted me and asked about it instead of the childish shit that you wrote in your thread.............anyways, let me know if you would like to pursue this and we make it happen.

The rest of you little girls need to loosen up on the grip on his balls.


Lance, are you just TRYING to ignite my fire?
You know what is really sad? Before your 16 year old comebacks, just from random posts, I had a pretty good amount of respect for you as a person and your position in the community. Let me break this down very simple...You posted in a thread and said something that shouldn't have been said. Yes, I realized that Brandon had people "defending" him (I, being one of them), which to you, came off as a personal attack...and I completely understand your hatrid to this thread...but stop acting childish, blow off some steam, go read a book, then come back and realize that posting that in his thread WAS wrong. All you would of had to do was said a word SO simple and defining that it would have just been dropped on the spot...But no, you proceed with your butt hurting comments that are just making matters worse.
I, as a person, have a hard time holding a grudge against someone for something so little as this, and eventually I'll get over it and forget about it...but if you had ANY idea how simple this could have been if you would have just accepted the fact that you said something you shouldn't have said IN HIS FOR SALE thread.

Lance, if you are willing to sell things for what you pay for and charge NO extra, then you are my fucking hero. If this is the case, go start a Motorsports shop and start building turbo's and selling parts frequently...after all your hard work and time has taken place, you'll soon learn that as much as you love the community, you've got to charge. Ask me or Jon (MDC), 935motorsports, HPF, BIC, etc etc why none of us sell stuff for what we get them for? Because eventually, the work becomes a job. I know we are dealing with just clothing, but there is more organization and work than you think...

Brandon has been doing this for a little while...Hell, I've got several articles of clothing from him in my closet. My fires starting to go out now...but I'll stop now with one last thing. You never DID apologize. You say that you tried, but I saw no efforts of doing so either to anyone else, or me, via PM. I'm done.



New Member
Feb 19, 2006
New Jersey
I think it would be best if EVERYBODY just dropped the whole thing.
Rajunz - I see where you're coming from, and I might be interested if you made the serious step and posted a group buy. No hard feelings dude.

We should just end this thing now and get back to the GB though. We aren't little kids trying to be tough guys.

Maybe a mod could clean this thread up?


Turbo. Targa. Life.

SupraMania Shirt Slinger!
Apr 16, 2005
O'Fallon, MO
There's no cleaning up necessary. There wasn't anything "hostile" said, just an invasion of business. Think of it this way Rajunz. What you did, is in essence the same as walking into MDC motorsports with a bunch of customers in there and yelling "Hey everyone, I'll sell you a 57trim CT26 for less than what they will!! Better quality and cheaper!!!" You would:
A.) get your ass kicked by jeff and jon
B.) Probably have all respect for you lost

Jeff's right, you never did appologize, and that's all it would've taken. Instead you continued being juvenile, then called ME a little kid. How's this, go away and don't return to any of my threads. In all honesty, I really just don't want to see you nor hear from you again, because flat out I think you're an ass-clown.



Jul 10, 2006
Vancouver, Washington
sweet man, get that thing back on the road again! Once you get your art work back you should hit me up and tell me what your deciding on for hoodies :icon_razz

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Turbo. Targa. Life. said:
What you did, is in essence the same as walking into MDC motorsports with a bunch of customers in there and yelling "Hey everyone, I'll sell you a 57trim CT26 for less than what they will!! Better quality and cheaper!!!" You would:
A.) get your ass kicked by jeff and jon
B.) Probably have all respect for you lost

Bahh, Jon is weaksauce, I am the bouncer of MDC. :naughty:

Anyways, back on topic.

I'm excited for these hoodies!!! :love:
Want to hear something really stupid?
A few nights back, I actually had a dream that I was wearing a white hoodie...it was HUUUUUGE and everybody was staring at me because it was so badass.........I felt like Fat Joe...



Jul 10, 2006
Vancouver, Washington
Brandon, I was just looking around and i saw "87soup" had a picture in his comment, and my first reaction was.. OMG PERFECT!

How awesome would it be to have a SM shirt with this picture on front.. And maybe a picture of 3 rears on the back?? :love:
