
I love you.
Nov 25, 2007
Viera, Florida
Poodles;1155997 said:
Yep, it's a feature on the car, if they didn't want it used, don't include it.

Also, one of the guys on SF had his tranny stick in park... there is a reason they have stopped filling orders on the GTR for the moment, there IS a problem.

What I don't understand is why are they having problems? Its a fucking $80k car that they are selling for $120k. Its not like its a $10k Hyundia with the launch control failing. Its 80 fucking grand. Where is the money going?


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
x10secondzx2;1156021 said:
What I don't understand is why are they having problems? Its a fucking $80k car that they are selling for $120k. Its not like its a $10k Hyundia with the launch control failing. Its 80 fucking grand. Where is the money going?

their pockets?


T-virus infected
yup their pockets. Dealers are not allowed to sell that car for over 100k.

The transmission in the GTR if weird 1st gear and iirc 5th gear are running at the same time. Each gear it goes thru its also running in another gear at the same time. Weird shit.

BTW warranty doesn't cover abuse. If any type of abuse or neglegent behavoir can be proven then they will not warranty it. They may once but wont twice and if they do it's the service managers call on that one. Not nissan. The 04 and up frontiers are flawed by tons of things. Talk to the Nismo or 4x4 frontier owners that take their rigs off road or atleast trail ride. The alternator is at the very bottom. Gets wet and it dies. Brand new 09 Nismo frontier came in with that problem. It was cleaned really really well. I could see the mud stains on the a/c lines and so on. Warranty void customer has to pay out of pocket.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
Some let me get this straight...

the GT-r is 94k and their launch control is based on slipping the clutch on the tranny? So that is the best the fucking Nissan Engineers could cook up? You have got to be fucking shitting me.

<-- Looks over at my lowly 5k EMS that has Tranction control/Launch Control that is tied to the DBW.

Those engineers look like they might take some lessons from MoTeC on launch control. Fucking stupid!


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Justin727;1156096 said:
Let me tell ya brother. Nissan isn't what it use to be by far. Their qaulity is falling in catagory to ford.

And everyone at nissan wonders why I'm the only employee driving a toyota...

Had toyota had a LC, they would actually let the customer use it? If you're gonna get all pissy about the LC, by all means remove the temptation.


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
figgie;1156086 said:
Some let me get this straight...

the GT-r is 94k and their launch control is based on slipping the clutch on the tranny? So that is the best the fucking Nissan Engineers could cook up? You have got to be fucking shitting me.

<-- Looks over at my lowly 5k EMS that has Tranction control/Launch Control that is tied to the DBW.

Those engineers look like they might take some lessons from MoTeC on launch control. Fucking stupid!

Err, it's not a intended feature. There is no "Press here for epic launch" button in the car, neither is their any mention of Launch control in the spec or the user manual. The Launch control is a manipulation of the car's software with the "How To" being spread via the internet, not a decided feature that engineered in. I'm sure if it was meant to be there, Nissan would have spent a bit more bit on it ;).


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
No, it's a "hidden feature" as it's the ONLY way to get the 1/4 mile times and the 0-60 times that Nissan is reporting...


Black Supramacist.
Mar 19, 2006
Poodles;1156121 said:
No, it's a "hidden feature" as it's the ONLY way to get the 1/4 mile times and the 0-60 times that Nissan is reporting...

Proof of this? I'm sure I read a Road & Track article that said they acheived 0 - 60 in 3.6sec without LC and 3.2 seconds with it all. Oh, and they also claimed to do 15 full bore Launch controlled launches in a row and the transmission was fine - Make you think just how many times the guy in question had to use the feature because things went bang...


I love you.
Nov 25, 2007
Viera, Florida
DonS1mpson;1156132 said:
Proof of this? I'm sure I read a Road & Track article that said they acheived 0 - 60 in 3.6sec without LC and 3.2 seconds with it all. Oh, and they also claimed to do 15 full bore Launch controlled launches in a row and the transmission was fine - Make you think just how many times the guy in question had to use the feature because things went bang...

Thats not the point. It should be able to do 100000000 launch controled launches in a row. The car is $80k. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes, ect can build the car to do launch after launch after launch. Why can't Nissan. And the launch control is similar to every other car with it. Put it in first, push a button, hold brake, floor gas, let off brake, there you go.....
This is from Edmunds.....

Activating the Nissan GT-R's launch control is a matter of configuring its transmission, dynamics control and damping adjustments properly. The transmission and damping switches must both be set to the R mode and the VDC must be switched off completely by holding the VDC-R button down for a few seconds. Then it's just a matter of pinning the brake with your left foot and wooding the throttle with your right, not unlike the technique used to produce a tire-shredding burnout in that '85 Camaro you drove in high school.

The result, however, is quite different. The computer holds the engine at 4,500 rpm and waits for you to lift your left foot off the brake pedal. When you do the GT-R produces the most crushing acceleration of virtually any production car in the world. Our test was conducted on a fairly low-grip surface that produced lots of rear wheelspin before the GT-R's sophisticated all-wheel-drive system engaged the front wheels and it thundered down the track. Its 3.3-second 0-60-mph run and 11.6 at 120.9 mph performance make the GT-R the quickest car we've ever tested.

It's even quicker than the Porsche 911 Turbo Tiptronic, but not by much. The German hits 60 mph in 3.4 seconds and blasts through the quarter-mile in 11.6 at 118.5 mph. Due to their lack of all-wheel drive, the Dodge Viper and Corvette Z06 are held back by traction limitations. Despite its 600-hp V10, the last Viper coupe we tested reached 60 mph in 3.7 seconds and finished the quarter-mile 11.8 at 125.3 mph. The Corvette Z06 isn't even close. Once impressive, its 4.1-second 0-60-mph run and 12-second quarter-mile at 121.8 mph are now well off the pace, which is why Chevy is creating the supercharged Corvette ZR1.

In an effort to preserve its drivetrain and relations with the owner, we only activated the launch control twice, but with a few more attempts to calm the violent wheelspin, the numbers would likely have been even better.

Leave the launch control off and the tranny in R mode, and the car is still sick quick. Sixty mph arrives in 4.0 seconds and the quarter-mile disappears in 12.3 seconds at 120.6 mph. All our testing was completed using manual shifting.


New Member
Sep 20, 2008
11.6 at 120.9 haha...90k and thats all you get. I am definitely not a big fan of this car...not that I just don't like it, more like it is definitely not worth the 100k when you could get a C6 Z06 for almost half the price and spank the gt-r. Best run for a stock Z06 to date is 10.89 and the same guy ran 10.9x all day with three different Z06s. Tremec FTMFW!!! Kinda stupid that Nissan acts that way about their cars. Drive your Z06 to the track, race all day, and drive it home. Trailer your GT-R to the track, race for 2 passes, void warranty just to run 12s, break down after lunch, pay 14k for new trans, return home and weep for the stupid purchase you just made. I might of been a bit harsh but most is the truth haha.

Z06, ZR-1, and Tremec FTMFW


T-virus infected
07 AND ^ Toyota tundra has a form of LC. You can completely disable it and roast the tires for days. No it won't break.

When everyone is throwing prices and so on around about the new GTR. Remember back in 93-94 Supra's were in the ball park of 45-50k and in those earlier years that was crazy.

But of course like all brand new cars its priced pretty high over the next few years it will drop in price.

I'm not at all taking up for nissan because I hate nissan with a passion but every automaker has it's quirks. This year may have that problem with the LC but next year it maybe solved. BTW round the track the GTR spanked the Z06.
Everyone talk's about well I'd have this or I'd own that. Ferrari's and lambo's have problems too along with porsche. My buddies Porsche had a sticking bypass valve which in turned bombed the turbo's all under warranty of course.
But agian warranty doesn't mean abuse. Those two don't coincide together either.
Nissan is garbage simple enough and I wouldn't buy a damn thing with a nissan symbol on it unless of course it was an older hard body pick up. These days they build nothing but garbage.


New Member
Sep 20, 2008
Yes, we all know that the GT-R beat the Z06 around the Ring...but lets be honest...most of us are not going to be driving around the Ring anytime soon. We are going to be racing down the freeway, or at the drag strip. Through all of the hipe in magazines, people didnt look at real numbers, they looked at biased magazine numbers. Everyone knows that C&D, R&T, etc are biased most of the time to the foriegn cars. I love how they tested the Z06 and said that it would only hit 12s...pretty much everyone with a Z06 can hit mid 11s yet they only claim 12s? This is with 2WD. The ZR-1 mind you will be in the low 10s in no time when it gets in the right hands on down the strip. STOCK!!

I guess I would expect more from a near 100k car.


T-virus infected
Base price for a GTR starts @ 60k so of course its first year running dealers are really putting it down to these guys willing to shed the cash for one. But I'm almost positive you wont see a ZR-1 going for under 60k either.

But just like magazine's bs over times and what not because every car and place is different someone may break into the 11's with a stock gtr. Who knows. Just wait till there are more out there and then look at it.

But seriously people paying that much for a car that starts out @ 60k is rediculous. Even though the silver one is a little more expensive I wouldn't spend 94k on a GTR. But deep down the overall build of the car and design is pretty amazing.

I can promise you, much like ford that anything nissan first year really sucks. You'll be back and forth to the dealer enough it will make your head spin. So give it a few years and see what changes they make to this thing..


New Member
Sep 20, 2008
You got that right about first run cars...many run into problems due to the big push from the company to release it early.

The difference I see b/w the ZR-1 and the GT-R is that I think the ZR-1 is worth the extra pennies. Its and engineering marvel. Sure it doesn't have a fancy transmission but it has a reliable and stout one. It totally redesigned the way modern supercharged vehicles will be built. Handling is out of this world. Stopping distance is the shortest any mag has ever tested. Acceleration is neck breaking. It makes 540-550whp STOCK! Tune got it to around 580rwhp. Its a great reliable car.

So far the GT-R has yet to prove itself to me.


New Member
Sep 20, 2008
Yea I like the new Camaro...just wish they would have done a few things different. Like make it a little lighter haha.


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
03bamaGT;1156572 said:
You got that right about first run cars...many run into problems due to the big push from the company to release it early.

The difference I see b/w the ZR-1 and the GT-R is that I think the ZR-1 is worth the extra pennies. Its and engineering marvel. Sure it doesn't have a fancy transmission but it has a reliable and stout one. It totally redesigned the way modern supercharged vehicles will be built. Handling is out of this world. Stopping distance is the shortest any mag has ever tested. Acceleration is neck breaking. It makes 540-550whp STOCK! Tune got it to around 580rwhp. Its a great reliable car.

So far the GT-R has yet to prove itself to me.

It's reliable? Really? Have you driven it? No? Do you have scientific research to back up your claim? (true delta comes to mind) No? Then surely GM has put a powertrain together in the same configuration on a previous car and its been proven to be reliable right? NO??!?!?!?!

Now I can see from your posts that your an american mfg nut swinger (heck i'm a die hard Mopar guy myself) but please try and keep some rational here.

The GTR on paper seems like a great car. Yes I agree that its pretty dumb to have a car with LC and then expect people not to use it. American mfgers have alot of the same problems with first year cars too (didn't the new Z'06's have a problem with roofs delaminating?)

Now I don't know about you but I drive my Supra pretty hard but I don't do a drag start at every stoplight, maybe once a month at best. Heck I bet most of the LC launches will take place on the GTR before an owner even takes possession of the car.

hope thats enough of my soapbox rant for you guys...