I don't know about there, but I do know a good bit of the general laws.
Everything everyone says about the cop having a right to write you up in a private parking lot is bullshit. They can't do that.
Go to the hwy patrol and request a rules of the road manual. In every law you "supposedly" broke, look for the phrase "upon the public highways and roads of "" state. A PRIVATE parking lot is not a state owned area.
If you back you car into your garage and spin the tires, can you get a ticket? Hell no. In most cases to come on private property the LE either has to have a warrant or complaint.
True shit.
Everything everyone says about the cop having a right to write you up in a private parking lot is bullshit. They can't do that.
Go to the hwy patrol and request a rules of the road manual. In every law you "supposedly" broke, look for the phrase "upon the public highways and roads of "" state. A PRIVATE parking lot is not a state owned area.
If you back you car into your garage and spin the tires, can you get a ticket? Hell no. In most cases to come on private property the LE either has to have a warrant or complaint.
True shit.