The $2145.00 lesson!


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
I don't know about there, but I do know a good bit of the general laws.

Everything everyone says about the cop having a right to write you up in a private parking lot is bullshit. They can't do that.

Go to the hwy patrol and request a rules of the road manual. In every law you "supposedly" broke, look for the phrase "upon the public highways and roads of "" state. A PRIVATE parking lot is not a state owned area.

If you back you car into your garage and spin the tires, can you get a ticket? Hell no. In most cases to come on private property the LE either has to have a warrant or complaint.

True shit.


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
gixxer750 said:
I don't know about there, but I do know a good bit of the general laws.

Everything everyone says about the cop having a right to write you up in a private parking lot is bullshit. They can't do that.

Go to the hwy patrol and request a rules of the road manual. In every law you "supposedly" broke, look for the phrase "upon the public highways and roads of "" state. A PRIVATE parking lot is not a state owned area.

If you back you car into your garage and spin the tires, can you get a ticket? Hell no. In most cases to come on private property the LE either has to have a warrant or complaint.

True shit.

Phew, I was worried I might get a ticket in the mail for spinning out up my driveway when I was backing up in the rain!!!!

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I agree, But cops do not like to be argued with. I lived on a reservation and the tribal cops had no jurisdiction over anyone who was not an Indian. This does not stop them from pulling you over and issuing you a ticket.

All you have to do is go to court and the judge will toss the case. Most people just paid them because they did not know any better. If you refuse a ticket, they would just call the real cops in to arrest you. Better to just take it and go to court. :)


i believe i was origionally right about this thank you thats a +1 for me mmhmm..

i was just too lazy to write up a valid excuse as to why i was right.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
It would be different if the laws were written about simply operating a motor vehicle, but almost all are written "while on public roadways, etc."

Operating a motorvehicle on private property means a lot of rules no longer apply.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
I didn't read the whole thread so somebody might have suggested this, but get a lawyer and go to court! I work with a woman who got a really bad ticket for doing 85 in a construction zone with a 45 mph limit. She paid no fines and only $50 for the lawyer. Keep in mind this was for speeding and she had no points on her license, but you get the idea. She has used the lawyer/court approach on two other less serious speeding offenses, with the same results.

You can actually pull a lawyer from the court hallway the day of your appearnace for $40 -$90, but it's better to find one first in the yellow pages so he can dig in a little. For some reason the judges seem to take mercy if you take the initiative to get some help. Seems weird to me, but it has worked for her, and seems worth a try when you're looking at over $2K in fines.

Edit: A lawyer should be able to give some excellent input on the debate over private property and laws, etc and the judge will be the final word on it. Good luck on this.
Last edited:


What? ...Yaaassss!
May 10, 2006
Bradenton, FL
LouKY said:
You can actually pull a lawyer from the court hallway the day of your appearnace for $40 -$90, but it's better to find one first in the yellow pages so he can dig in a little. For some reason the judges seem to take mercy if you take the initiative to get some help. Seems weird to me, but it has worked for her, and seems worth a try when you're looking at over $2K in fines.

Edit: A lawyer should be able to give some excellent input on the debate over private property and laws, etc and the judge will be the final word on it. Good luck on this.


mkiii in hibernation
Jul 12, 2005
Upstate NY
s383mmber1 said:
What if you kill someone on private property? ITS STILL KILLING.

Obviously, but TRAFFIC laws don't apply to someones backyard. I can do donuts on my personal property all I want, drive my car into trees, etc, as long as I don't break anything non-traffic like noise laws.

To the poster:
I don't know the specifics of the law there, or here. They can probobly cite you because its a public parking lot, even though it's privately owned. However, The person to ask would be a lawyer. Law enforcement will almost always try to get you for more than they really can, so talk to a lawyer, for sure.


Apr 11, 2005
Colonial Heights
87soup said:
All right guys,

I’m a security guard part time while I go to school, and i guard a big open parking lot....

Now the thing with open parking lots is... Endless fun for the FR crowd, but it is also a very open place to be seen.

Any ways, I was just getting off from my shift, and I decided to slide some circles around a light pole in the lot. I was getting my drift on! After i was just a big white cloud of smoke, I see the worst thing that could happen... Red and Blue flashing lights! Fuck...

I got a fat ass ticket for wreck less driving, having a CA license while driving and living in AZ, no proof of insurance, and a diff address on record (OOUCH!)

The lesson in this story is not just "Cops are Dicks", but even though the temptation may be great, the consequence is not always worth it!

I got busted for 2145.00! There goes my Tein coils:icon_frow

Nope you need to fight the ticket... I got a ticket from an idiot trooper who actually got in trouble in court because I ran him... YES ran him on our access road at the farm. I was beside him while he was on the road and the devil made me floor it and hack him off.... He drove down to the entrance came over to the house and proceeded to be an ass and right me a ticket... This was many years ago and I was young... When I went to court the judge was all ready to hose me down until I said "But sir I was in our pasture"... Then something funny happened. The judge asked the cop "was he doing 70mph on the road"? cop said no. Judge asked how he saw me and the cop said I was rolling beside him on an 'access road' ooooooooops. Cop had written the name of HIS road of travel not mine!

No fine was paid by me at all.



I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
meth, yea i know that stuff.
yep, cookeville TN meth capital of the nation.
i think people have clarified that the ticket is bullshit.
-peace cracka's


Jan 23, 2006
NDBoost said:
this wouldn't of happened to be in a scottsdale parking lot area would it? Near a high end parking garage?

No it was in a Metro area parking lot... By the mall in the sports authority lot.


Jan 23, 2006
I will be fighting this ticket! Thanks guys i will post what happens... 6-16-06 is the court date!

Stay tuned...:evil2:


Feb 8, 2006
Kentucky (NKY)
Went to court for my Racing and Reckless driving charge yesterday. $338 in Fines and License suspension not sure how long yet, could be up to a year. Cops can write you up for anything they want. If it stands in court is another story.