KeithH said:I love those 2Way Radios but beware. Not all are created equal.
For SILV97 - the first one - I tried using CBs with the guy I was rolling with. I didn't want to mount the thing on the car and the reception SUCKED!
For SILV98 I picked up a Motorolla 2Way radio - only 2 miles back then. WOW! So much better than the CB. I was able to stay in contact with the other guy in my caravan easily during the entire drive - even when cellphone coverage dropped out.
For SILV99 we had others join us for the caravan. Some had Motorollas and some didn't. Those off-brands worked ok but we had to figure out what channel on the Mots worked with their channels. They weren't as user friendly as the Mots and didn't have quite the range either.
I've since upgraded to the 5-Mile 2way radios. Those don't seem to have quite the range of the original 2-mile ones.
KeithH said:Not usually. It is actually shorter from Seattle to go throuh Idaho.
I zip through Bakersfield on my way to Vegas - but I am there a week early. Gotta get my drink on before everyone shows up.![]()
KeithH said:The Caravan typically leaves mid-week.
I head out (leaving Portland) on Saturday morning before the event. Get to Vegas in time for Lunch on Sunday.
KeithH said:Not yet. Need a Drag Coordinator to come up with the classes.
DANG! Give me some time. We're still 6 months out.
KeithH said:We try to hit the road by 7 - 7:30am on Saturday morning. This puts us in Tehachapi by 8 - 9pm. We try to hit the road by 9 on Sunday and hit Vegas by about 1pm.
KeithH said:On hwy 58 east of Bakersfield CA.,-118.448067&spn=0.071319,0.1157&om=1
Will have to find out what the name of the place is.