I don't try and convince anyone that evolution is not what I believe in, if they have no intent on actually believing anything else. That's like saying "Hey I will never stray from Honda, but go ahead and try to convince me that Supra's are better". Ok no matter how hard you try, you aren't going to tell him his Honda is a POS. It's your oppinion. You have proof, sure you do, but he will still say "Naw, my Honda gets better gas mileage.". Ok so, really, what's the point?
If someone actually has questions about Creation, or the Christian life, I'll answer them. If they want me to prove there is a God, I'll tell them "Prove there isn't one." Then they'll say something like "Well you can't see him". And I'll say "You can't see the wind either can you?". And they'll say "Well I can feel the wind." And I'll say, "Yeah but I feel God too." If you're in a house, you won't feel the wind, even though you see what it's doing. But you can come up with all sorts of explinations for why plastic sacks are moving other than wind. If you don't want to believe in God, I can't prove there is one. The only way you'll know there really is a God is if you "walk outside" and feel it for yourself. But if you're ok with just saying "Naw, there is no wind (God) and you can't prove it". Hey, I can't force you to walk outside and have the wind flow around you.
Why would anyone who is dead set on Evolution ask what is so unbelievable about it? Well, for someone like me, I have a lot of reasons! But my proof is only good if you want to believe something else besides Evolution. Hey I can show you the facts, but all you'll do is tell me I'm full of crap. So, there's no reason to. Internet links, useless. There's more internet links on this subject than porn sites. (well almost;0) :naughty:
In closing, if you want information, and you actually want to believe something different, or you just want to know why someone else believes differently, that's fine. I'll tell you what I know and believe. I keep an open mind. I won't get mad if you try and prove me wrong because it just makes my faith stronger.
This thread kind of makes me think of a parable. Say I'm a Total Supra junkie. I live breath and eat them... :evil2: But now I want some info on Honda. So I go over there and start talking about Honda. Then people start giving me ideas about Honda, and I get pissed and say "DAMN IT, you're trying to SHOVE that Honda crap down my throat!!"
We Christians do love talking about God, but you know what, I will be the first to admit some Christians go about it the wrong way. You can say anything you want about God, I really don't care. Just ask me a question about what I believe and I'll answer it. Other than that, I try really hard not to state my oppinion about the subject unless it's asked for.