Lots of pics of the build through out the thread Senor Dan...

Any particular one you want to see?
Boost: I would drop it to where the AC is, but dont have the $100 or so for that bracket... I have all the stuff for the AC if I ever decide I just HAVE to have it... As for when the motor goes in, Im not sayin... Its like tellin people when yur gunna quit smoking, and then you DONT quit, and they'er all like, you said you'd quit and you didnt cry cry cry... So, my feeling is, one day, this thread will be bumped, with engine IN car pics, and you guys will be like, DAMN JAKE IS A PIMP< and I'll be baskin in supra loooooove!

Oh, I will tell you this, I just got off the phone with my fabricator, I should have something REALLY nice on sunday...
Screamer: yes, red paint throughout the bay is my concoction, and it's base is a 1200* paint... I dont think it'll last either... But meh, it probably wont be seen anyway, or atleast not that well... But everything painted has that 1200* ceramic base and it's all been clear coated with high temp clear...