REIGN's REBUILD! Its a beautiful thing... (THAT IS FOR SALE) =(


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
2jzmk3 said:
jake when you bringing that POS out?
I dunno... When am I gunna get those Titan cam gears and my 2 feet of -10an line? LOL... :icon_razz

Thanks for the dusty comments ya bastads... lol... Look, its true, when you let your car sit for two years you accumulate dust... The best thing about it is when critters walk across it and leave prints... I have mouse prints, rat or bigger mouse *not sure* prints, cat prints and ever raccoon prints...

This week has been an utter nightmare... I've got 6 contracts on a Wing Stop they are building here... *Its a hot wings food joint* I have NEVER beenon a comercial job more fucked up and disorganized as this... But, hopefully I can stick it out with out going postal make a few grand to finish the car... Dude, I almost got in a fist fight with the retarded plumber... That dude just lost his mothuh effin mind, oh, and his mothuh effin job... You dont go off on me in front of my crew because I ASK you *nicely* to move your gear outta my floor guys way... I was pretty cool, stayed calm, no yuelling or cussin on my part, even though he was threatenin to "knock me the fuck out" and fuck you and Im a piece of shit. the last straw was when he told me to suck a dick..... zip....... he's gone... I was like, thats it guy, get your shit and get the FUCK off my job site... Later he came by after his boss reamed him and cried me a river about how stressful his life is... Im like, dont care, you have a problem with someone on a job site, you take them to the side and talk to them man to man, you dont run that cock holster like you're somebody important... But anyway, he's gone and it's MY call whether that plumbing contractor keeps the contract or not... The general contractor told me to make the call, they stay or go... I told him I wanna sleep on it... What do you think? Should I fire the whole company, or just tell them never to send that guy back?


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
I hate when people bring out the angry man at work, I just so am not in need of that.....better than people bringing him out at home I guess:biglaugh:


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
You handled it good Jake. I don't know if I could have been so calm cool and collective. I had to take an axe handle away from a guy one time that wanted to kill one of my employees. I got so mad, I thought I was going to kill him with it, but I ended up running him off my job........without his axe handle.

Any chance of you making the Texas meet.............Please!!!!!!


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
7Mboost said:
Jake could you describe the dust patterns when letting you car sit? I'm just wondering the amount of dust I'll collect if I let my car sit for ~roughly 3 weeks? lmk thanks :) lol


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Supraholics said:
Jake, what are you waiting for? At least Dave and I have an excuse, it snows here :biglaugh:

It doesn't snow down here, and that's why Jake is being able to work on that big job to make the money to finish this thing. I can't wait either, but building the power Jake wants with the quality of what we have seen so far does take a good bit of cash. I myself am feeling this crunch right now.


.928 RWHP & Climing!
Apr 1, 2006
LilMissMkIII said:
I really wanna do some happy dances, but no one on this site is giving me anything to dance for :(

LilMiss, I think you should start recording your happy dances and posting them on YouTube instead...don't worry, you can keep the videos private just for us here on SM.

who's with me???