PTE 550's, the new Venoms?


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
drjonez said:
ummmmmmmm....same link i posted. same sketchy seller.....

i think the moral of this story is that if you want a quality product, get it from the mfg....

looks like he just buys delhpi's and then slaps PTE sticker and call it a day. I am betting no scribe.


Stock is boring :(
Apr 5, 2005
Melbourne, FL
drjonez said:
ummmmmmmm....same link i posted. same sketchy seller.....

i think the moral of this story is that if you want a quality product, get it from the mfg....
or a reputable reseller..


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Give it up, it's been proven. Ask the seller if the injectors are scribed. If you don't get an answer, then there's your answer, if you do and he says that they have a sticker on them, then there's your answer, if he says yes, then buy them, send them off unopened to get flow tested, and find out for yourself. If they come back bad, then try and throw those injectors back in the seller's face telling them you want your PTE warranty ;).


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
starscream5000 said:
Give it up, it's been proven. Ask the seller if the injectors are scribed. If you don't get an answer, then there's your answer, if you do and he says that they have a sticker on them, then there's your answer, if he says yes, then buy them, send them off unopened to get flow tested, and find out for yourself. If they come back bad, then try and throw those injectors back in the seller's face telling them you want your PTE warranty ;).

well i will say that some of the ebay sellers DO list the injectors being flow tested AND that they come with flow sheets. so if you get a set and they dont come with a flow sheet and you get them tested...i would THINK you would have an argument.

how much the seller will comply and be helpful remains to be seen. however you could always try to file a claim with paypal and go from there etc...

im going to get these 780s tested (thats 25 bucks to test them is an insane price) and ill post up the results...


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
I'm curious as to what the flowsheets say vs. what a flowchart says after you buy them. And I'm talking about one bought from ebay that doesn't have the taletale scribes on the injector. Do you wonder if the flow sheet will be "accidentally" lost during packaging and shipping? I'm curious, but I'm not gutsy enough to waste my money on something I have serious doubts about.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I will soon know, as I'm on the buyers list in the auction shown. When they get here, they are going STRAIGHT to cleaninjectors to know for sure. I will settle the scribe/sticker argument as soon as I get em, then flow results when they come back.

Import blowout sales will get feedback AFTER they have been tested. I feel like his feedback rating is inflated by people leaving feedback as soon as they receive the product, and it LOOKS good. Then once the motor blows, it's too late to leave feedback again.

I wonder if you would get the "I gave you a flow sheet" excuse when making a complaint. Then it's your sheet against his, and he could say GTFO


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
And then when he says GTFO you say, "where did you come up with these numbers? They flow sheet doesn't lie, this came from John Doe at flow your injectors inc. at anywhere, USA. He can be reached at 555-555-5555. Who did this flow sheet? And can I have the contact info for them?" See what kinda answer you get ;).


Setting the standard
Feb 22, 2007
Central Florida
^ That's retarded.

How can you tell an ebay parts car agenst a car owner that buys parts direct?

The car that has ebay parts on it doesn't run properly, or doesn't run at all due to some weird factory defect on a "name brand" part.

The owner of the car that's been running for 3 years without ever breaking down that bought direct from the vendor is then usually stuck helping his buddy fix his broken down ebay parts car, reminding him every 15mins that he shouldnt have bought ebay shit. The guy then procedes to ebay to buy the part to fix his car..

You think thats an exaggeration? It's far from it.

Sorry, but people complaining about ebay parts is my pet peeve. They get what they deserve.
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Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
You are entitle to your opinion as I am to mine. I'm not buying the stuff just like I posted earlier. Notice the last sentence? See what kinda answers you get? It's a vicious circle when it comes to dealing with ebay parts that play critical roles in a car's performance/reliability.


Apr 1, 2005
just want to add a couple things. back when we first starting selling pte injectors in ~2001 they were just as dr j pictured w/ the scribing. in fact, i think dr j even bought those from us ;) i think it was last year or so pte started putting the precision turbo stickers on them. ive never peeled up the sticker but im pretty positive the scribing is still there.

and yes, they are delphi made injectors like was said. pte just does the testing and matching to sell them in sets.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
dbsupra90 said:
just want to add a couple things. back when we first starting selling pte injectors in ~2001 they were just as dr j pictured w/ the scribing. in fact, i think dr j even bought those from us ;) i think it was last year or so pte started putting the precision turbo stickers on them. ive never peeled up the sticker but im pretty positive the scribing is still there.

and yes, they are delphi made injectors like was said. pte just does the testing and matching to sell them in sets.

do the stickers in the pic i posted look like the stickers you have seen?


Fears no evil!
Mar 31, 2005
Lancaster, PA.
drjonez said:
yups. that's a delphi or siemens injector. the 680 i posted is a delphi (IIRC?)....

as already stated, if it really is from PTE, they scribe in the flow rate and date ON the injector (see my above posted pic).

How do you interpret those numbers?:1zhelp:


Apr 1, 2005
Idealsupra said:
do the stickers in the pic i posted look like the stickers you have seen?

the one on the left yes. i have no idea what the inj on the right is. the body looks nothing like the ones we sell.

more stuff i want to clarify.

ive never sold a 550cc injector from precision. they are 580cc.

and these days, i rarely sell those. i cant compete w/ the pricing on ebay. where mine are flow tested, matched and come with a warranty direct from precision, it all comes down to money. the only ones i really sell now are the 680cc and 1000cc. i can beat the ebay price on those for the most part. just not the smaller ones since those are the ones they buy mass quanities of.


Supramania Contributor
I have a set of the Delphi 780's with both a sticker and the scribed flow and date on the.

Bought them off Ebay, from PTE direct.

They look exactly like the Delphi 680 that Dr. Jonez posted, but I think the color is different.

Now I wonder if I should flow test them... LOL (I belive I bought them from PTE, the real PTE... ) Even called them to get 6 because they were advertised as sets of 4....

Each scribed flow is very close, and I put the higher flow ones on the ends, and lower in the middles... as I did with my 550's RC's from Lucas that never gave me any trouble at all. (Never tested them however, and I did have #5 melt down on bad day on crappy gas, and too much boost..)


New Member
Apr 2, 2005
Los Angeles
IJ. said:
After burning a hole in a piston a few years back on the dyno I'd have ANY injectors tested/flowed no matter where they came from.

When your piston did that what were the symptoms? Perhaps this is what my car did. Or maybe I have rodknock because I have rodknock. Just wondering.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
suprarich said:
It has nothing to do with the seller or the fact that they came from e-bay. A Precision injector is a Precision injector no matter who sells them. A bad injector can come from precision. It happens. the seller would be a stand up guy if he repalced the bad one. But unless he advertized them as being flow tested, then you have little recourse. A seller is just a seller, he does not make the things. The genuine precison injectors are cheap on e-bay because most sellers are only making 2 bucks on each injector. Buing straight from precision just means that you are paying a price closer to retail. BTW, precison themselves sell all kinds of their products on e-bay. Does that instantly make them junk? You take your chances by not purchasing a flowed and matched set of injectors.

I was going to respond to all the bullshit witchcraft and voodoo hype about buying off ebay, but I think Rich covered it pretty well.

I bought a cometic gasket off ebay. Yes its a genuine Cometic, yes it was cheaper...because it came from ebay does that make in inherently bad? NO! some people can afford to just go plop down a large sum and get their parts form the "expensive sellers" but if you ask me (and I know you didnt) those people are just BAD shoppers.

If there a difference between one brand an another on ebay? yes. If you are buying name brand and are sure its name brand, is there a difference? NO! Is there a risk buying name brand from a "discount house" yes!

Ohh and just to clarify. I bought PTE's from Performance Import on ebay, they ARE PTE's, they came in a PTE box, they are scribed with PTE flow numbers, and I called PTE to verify and they are in fact PTE tested injectors. You guys worry about what you get, I had mine flowed and they are awesome, and just as scribed.

If you think you stand a better chance not getting a "bad" injector from a HPF or SS or another "retailer" then go right ahead. I'll save the $100 and buy my genuine PTE's from a place that sells em for less.
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Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Well as promised..................I'm here with pics of my "PTE 550 Injectors" as purchased from Import Blowout Sales on Ebay. They were just delivered today. I opened them only for thee pictures, and will be sending them out to as soon as I contact them (hopefully tomorrow). As was suggested earlier in this thread, the flow sheet is mysteriously missing. They came in nice PTE looking boxes, and are scribed, not stickered. The numbers scribed on them are all different, but all end in 457 (if that means anything). I have no reason to doubt that they are legit, other than what I have read in this thread. This thread has been very eye opening to me, and I hope that my pictures can give a little back to the community (good or bad). I will also be posting my flow sheets as soon as they come back.








DFW Supra's!
Sep 11, 2005
ForcedTorque said:
Well as promised..................I'm here with pics of my "PTE 550 Injectors" as purchased from Import Blowout Sales on Ebay. They were just delivered today. I opened them only for thee pictures, and will be sending them out to as soon as I contact them (hopefully tomorrow). As was suggested earlier in this thread, the flow sheet is mysteriously missing. They came in nice PTE looking boxes, and are scribed, not stickered. The numbers scribed on them are all different, but all end in 457 (if that means anything). I have no reason to doubt that they are legit, other than what I have read in this thread. This thread has been very eye opening to me, and I hope that my pictures can give a little back to the community (good or bad). I will also be posting my flow sheets as soon as they come back.
Did they come with the flow chart as stated?

Edit* Nvm just read the description, well hopefully all goes well with flow test because im thinking of getting some myself but am unsure due what has been said, GL.