PS3 Launch in under 2 months

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
SupraOfDoom said:
20 different Nintendo fans. Do you want me to have an article writen by 20 ps3 fans and have a completely different outcome?

Can you find me a source saying that those people are all 100% Nintendo/360 fans? A few of those were from developers that have developed for sony in the past.

If you want to resort to calling everyone who says something negative about the PS3 a Nintendo/Microsoft fanboy that fine.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Resort, that article was rediculous assumtions. Most analsysts have perdicted PS3 on top by 2009. Based apon pre-order sales in japan Sony will not have the slightest problem selling units, in japan or america.

Sounds like Sony's in for trouble! :
( Look at that one --^ PS3 slightly ahead of Nintendo, and of all the places in t the world, japan, the home of nintendo fan boys... america / uk prefer sony )

Anyone who thinks sony will have problems is kidding themselves. The most I can say is it won't lead at first.... but once the huge titles like MGS4, GT:HD, DMC4, KILLZONE2, TEKKEN6, RE5, FFXIII and other titles start comming out it won't have the slightest bit of problem selling units.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Also, a heads up, your sources info is 50% rumors and worries, like $100 game prices which have already been said to be $60 by sony.. It's not even out yet but of course everyone needs to jump to conclusions and attack the more powerful system. It's the same way with people hating on the USA for being powerful and having it good comparitivly...

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
Heres some real videogame analysts, not any of those "I've never played a videogame but I think PS3 is gonna win" types.
You should read before moving onto my post.

To start Pre-orders are not a good place to look at for a consoles success. They typically show the standing fanbase. Judging from the AmazonJapan preorder chart the PS3 is still only slightly higher than the Wii in total reserves. Also consider that the reserves for the PS3 may be so high due to the low amount that will be available at launch giving people the "I must reserve it or I'll never get one" mentality. People probally do'nt see a need to pre-order the Wii since its been announced there will be plenty to go around (400,000 PS3 vs 1,000,000 Wii at launch in US). The Wii is also easier to manufacture so it will have a steady supply vs the hard to manufacture PS3 and its blue diode shortages which will for Sonys sake be resolved by launch.

Secondly, the polls from TGS are not a good area to have a PS3 vs. Wii poll. Nintendo was pretty much absent for TGS so the people who were mostly attending were people interested in the PS3 from the beginning. An independant study from Hamamura's company showed that only 50% of Japanese preffered the PS3 and that even some of those who preferred it could'nt afford it. Im sure that poll consisted of more than 22 people.

SupraOfDoom said:
It's not even out yet but of course everyone needs to jump to conclusions and attack the more powerful system. It's the same way with people hating on the USA for being powerful and having it good comparitivly...

So is that why people are bashing the Wii as well? Because its weak and innovative, or just because it has a funny name?

No doubt the PS3 will do good, but winning the console wars is anyones guess. Im personally thinking they wont due to the high price point and low appeal to non hardcore gamers. Do parents really think their kids need a blue ray player and MGS4?

Also: Take anything Sony says with a grain of salt. Like how they claimed the PSP was beating the DS. LOL!


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Well, PSP is a better system then DS, so in theory it does own it! But anyway, I agree with the article... Wii will lead the first couple years... but IMHO PS3 will in the end rain supreme due to its much more advanced technology and library / major titles.

I don't really agree that Nintendo Wii is for hardcore gamers however, I've never seen anyone hooked on a Nintendo game for a rediculous amount of time like some PS/XBOX games... Nintendo has always made quick fun easy to get into games... innovative products that have a immediate appeal but after that don't have a huge longitivity.

I am more shocked that Nintendo might pull off a really good system or game plan.... the last systems beyond SNES were just retarded IMO, and only saved by the fanboys. If Wii were to fail, although it probably wont at all, I would for see Nintendo's fate the same as Sega's.

Also, I've never bashed Wii, and I've even considered getting one.... I just know PS3 will be a better system with titles that appeal to me, a hardcore gamer / tech nut.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
SupraOfDoom said:
I don't really agree that Nintendo Wii is for hardcore gamers however, I've never seen anyone hooked on a Nintendo game for a rediculous amount of time like some PS/XBOX games... Nintendo has always made quick fun easy to get into games... innovative products that have a immediate appeal but after that don't have a huge longitivity.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Starfox 64, Mario 64, Mario Party, Super Smash Bros, CONKERS BAD FURDAY!

Edit: Oh shi- I forgot about sumz Pokemon Arena and Pokemon SNAP!

I know theres more but thats about where I stopped cause of Dreamcast and Phantasy Star online.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I hope your joking mentioning Starfox 64, a game I beat in under 1 hour my first time.... at a mall demo station... and... pokemon... I wouldn't consider any of those games very hardcore at all.... Maybe Zelda a little, Mario 64 a little, and Smash Brothers since it has actual compitions.

By hardcore, I mean games you invest years of your time into, with some sort of major compition ( Like Tekken, Counter Strike, Socom, Halo, Starcraft, Warcraft, Qauke, Everquest, Diablo, WoW, MGS Subsistance, ect ect ).

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
Starfox: Going through expert mode trying to get every medal when your like 10 is pretty hardcore.

Conkers BFD was the hardcore get together game before Halo.

The gameboy Pokemon combined with the N64 version could take quite a bit of time and effort leveling all of your pokemon and having to catch the bastards at that. (You could link the gameboy version and transfer your pokemon to the N64, we used to have local tourneys at comic stores). I also made quite a bit of money gamesharking pokemon and selling them for money in middle school lol.

Just a few examples.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
megaman is hardly dizzying(is that a word?) compared to that dino thing.

it is pretty neat though, but i cant even stand to scroll past it without feeling a seizure coming on.:rofl: