PS3 Launch in under 2 months


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL

Did you guys completely forget who dominated E3? That's where the action is going to be, this generation.

That said, I own an Xbox360 (went out and picked one up the day it was confirmed Krazy Ken's $600 pricepoint was true) and so far, I love it.

Forza 2 is going to be a hell of a lot better than Gran Turismo on the PS3. I can't believe people actually argued that GT4 was better than Forza 1 at all - GT4 will only allow 6 cars on the screen at one time - wtf is with that? Forza's damage system allows for a much better simulation.

As far as 'omg PS3 pretty graphics!' I'd just like to point out that for the PS2, they promised us graphics they are JUST NOW SEEING with the PS3. FF8 Ballroom Scene anyone?

Sony is the great hype machine, plain and simple.

Furthermore, with the de-clocking of the Cell processor, the PS3 simply is BARELY ANY FASTER THAN THE XBOX360!

On top of that, the 3 * general PowerPC cores are a hell of a lot easier to program for. You're going to see that programming for 7 SPEs + 1 PPC is going to be a total bitch (coming from a programmer, here!!) - so you'll end up with a couple AWESOME JAW DROPPING GAMES and then a ton of lackluster games.

Go look up Gears of War. The graphics are PHENOMINAL.

Assassin's Creed, anyone?

Sony fanboys are arguing with M$ fanboys, and really it comes down to this -
Sony is overpriced, and shoving blu-ray down your throat, to force their own agenda. I dislike that, a hell of a lot. M$ is bringing me games I want, and allowing me the choice of what I want my console to do - I'm buying into it, for that reason only.

Notice though, that many MANY people are picking up a Wii to go alongside their Xbox360 or PS3.

If half the people on the block own a PS3, and the other half own an Xbox360 - yet 90% of the people on the block own a Wii - who the fuck wins that war? ;)

I'm really excited to see Nintendo rolling out the WiiChannel, too. Talk about a stiff kick in the nuts to both Sony and Microsoft.

Sorry, but Nintendo's already a step ahead of where Sony and Microsoft are wanting to be (the very center of your living room)

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
I love you Doward :love:

very good post.

In a odd coincidince I just stumbled across this on /v/


Lets hope not!

Edit: I didnt know about the Wii channel, cool stuff.

Just got back from browsing the latest set of MGS4 pics from IGN (Sep 22nd) and it looks like the second pic will be the graphics of MGS4. Judging from the pics the gameplay looks awesome despite the graphics.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Yellow 13 said:
I love you Doward :love:

very good post.

In a odd coincidince I just stumbled across this on /v/


Lets hope not!

Edit: I didnt know about the Wii channel, cool stuff.

Just got back from browsing the latest set of MGS4 pics from IGN (Sep 22nd) and it looks like the second pic will be the graphics of MGS4. Judging from the pics the gameplay looks awesome though.


Feed Sony's hype machine if you want, guys. I won't. I think Nintendo's simply going to out-innovate them this round, and Sony's scrambling to compete with Xbox Live! on top of that.

Too bad for Sony, as they've put all their eggs in the PS3 basket. If the PS3 tanks, odds are that Sony will, as well.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Yellow 13 said:
I love you Doward :love:

very good post.

In a odd coincidince I just stumbled across this on /v/


Lets hope not!

Edit: I didnt know about the Wii channel, cool stuff.

Just got back from browsing the latest set of MGS4 pics from IGN (Sep 22nd) and it looks like the second pic will be the graphics of MGS4. Judging from the pics the gameplay looks awesome despite the graphics.

Uh, I didn't notice any image reduction, just a different lighting. Don't even argue with me about graphics and processor speed, we already determened PS3 is on top, if you basing your "speed" on simpley ghz your looking at it in a way to simple form.... oh and don't forget they are only using 30% of the PS3's power with the current games... also, gg posting screens of a game that isn't finished. You guys remind me of the people on youtube who see a poor quality video of MGS4 and are complaining about the graphics being not as good as they are supposed to be. You guys can keep bashing it all you want, but when the game comes out I'm pretty sure you guys are going to be hella impressed, with the graphics, the phsyics, and the game. PS3 when it hits its full potential is a monster. Cell > 360 PERIOD. I recommend you guy go read more on it.... at least you Doward... its no joke.

Man look at this shitty game play screen, LOOKS HORRIABLE OMGZZ:



Now imagine that on a nice HD:TV :O.

And Sony may be pushing Blue ray, but so are alot of different companies... and its a great format for video games..

The reason the barrel wasn't moving realistically in the trailer was because the barrel was control by the motion sensing controller. You gotta tilt the controller and roll it to roll the barrel." Sounds pretty fun to me :)

Also, Nintendo channel, Sony has very similar things already. Also, with a HD, there is plenty of room for more applications / downloads.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
SupraOfDoom said:
Uh, I didn't notice any image reduction, just a different lighting. Don't even argue with me about graphics and processor speed, we already determened PS3 is on top, if you basing your "speed" on simpley ghz your looking at it in a way to simple form.... oh and don't forget they are only using 30% of the PS3's power with the current games... also, gg posting screens of a game that isn't finished. You guys remind me of the people on youtube who see a poor quality video of MGS4 and are complaining about the graphics being not as good as they are supposed to be. You guys can keep bashing it all you want, but when the game comes out I'm pretty sure you guys are going to be hella impressed, with the graphics, the phsyics, and the game. PS3 when it hits its full potential is a monster. Cell > 360 PERIOD. I recommend you guy go read more on it.... at least you Doward... its no joke.

Man look at this shitty game play screen, LOOKS HORRIABLE OMGZZ:



Now imagine that on a nice HD:TV :O.

And Sony may be pushing Blue ray, but so are alot of different companies... and its a great format for video games..

The reason the barrel wasn't moving realistically in the trailer was because the barrel was control by the motion sensing controller. You gotta tilt the controller and roll it to roll the barrel." Sounds pretty fun to me :)

Also, Nintendo channel, Sony has very similar things already. Also, with a HD, there is plenty of room for more applications / downloads.

Im viewing the HD pics on my 26" LCD LG HDTV and they still look OK, not mind blowing but still OK for this generation. the textures are nothing impressive, look at the pic I posted, the texture is horrible, like PS1 horrible. It looks like its a bridge or something though so Im not saying its at all important.

They may supposedly only be using 30% of the PS3's processing power, but how hard are they pushig the graphics card?

I just got done watching the latest HD 6 min trailer on my HD set and It looks good, Id say its a little better than GRAW for the 360 which was a good looking game.

There definitely is a difference between the actual gameplay and the In game cinematics that were being showen at E3 though.

The screens posted (from you and I) should be pretty damn close to final product., Ship date is Q4 2007 so they have till roughly the end of october to have the game finalized and ready for production (Assuming its a mid-late december launch). At this point they should already have a "gold" code and are just testing the games for bugs and doing minor tweaks. All graphics place holders and lighting should be in place this late.

It still looks like a great game from everything Ive seen.

Giant robot cows dumping excrement in unison after annihilating some soldiers FTW!


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
I don't see why they compare a picture of the CGI that you can't even make out the background texture's with a picture that you can. Also, the lighting looks different because he's inside vs outside in the middle east. I'm pretty sure there are not full quality perfect picture or vids out yet that are worth viewing on you HD setup... the game will look much better in person actually being played on your TV. It's a pretty nice graphics card no matter how you look at it.... I'm pretty sure it has plenty of potential to un-lock, but same goes for the 360.

Oh and about GT vs Forza... I was disapointed in GT4... but with the downloadable crash damage in 5, I'm sure its gonna be great! I did not like Forza either though, felt to fake to me.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
I will agree and say that whoever made the pic picked the most unfair pic to judge with. Probally just a fanboy trying to troll.

The first pic isnt actually CGI either, its all in-game but its a scripted movie so the PS3 can use more of its power into making everything look nicer compared to in game where it has to devote more resources to things such as AI and user input.

I found a few 1024X768 high res screen grabs and a few Trailers to do my comparisons with BTW.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Since it's a skripted movie, and in game, and only using 30% of the PS3's power... I'm sure the non-skripted game play will improve gradually over time... so just imagine what WILL come in the future. Looking back at PS2, launch day, I bought Tekken Tag... and man I thought the graphics were top notch, and so did everyone at that time. Now look at Tekken 5, HUGE major improvement over Tekken tag, its like night and day. The 360's been out like a year and the luanch games on PS3 are already looking better.... just imagine the potential.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
SoD, you gotta tell me where you're getting launch titles for PS3 that look better than current Xbox360 games?

There's not a single game out right now (including Oblivion) that has FULLY utilized the 360's potential.

The GPU of the 360 is more powerful than the PS3s. The CPU of the PS3 is more powerful than the 360's. The 360's core logic is a HELL of a lot easier to program for - hardware means precisely shit when you can't coax the full potential out of it.

NOTHING in ANY of the screenshots you have posted, look SIGNIFICANTLY better than the 360's current crop of games.

Where do you come up with 30% utilization? (oh yeah, on the subject of the Cell - you realize that 1 SPE is ALWAYS held back for the Linux-based OS, right? You can not release it. Also, the OS keeps another under control, and can pull it whenever it wants to. No programmer worth his/her salt is going to honestly program for the PS3, and assume he always has control of that 2nd SPE. Realistically, you don't have 7 SPEs to play with. You have 5. 5 SPEs + 1 PPC != significantly more CPU power than the 360.)

Considering something like 73% of statistics are made up out of one's ass, I'll have to assume you got the 30% figure from there, as well.

The PS3 OVERALL has a more powerful CPU subsystem (7spe + 1ppc) than the triple-core PPC of the Xbox360.

The xbox's GPU system is faster, and more efficient, than the PS3s.

When you actually look at AVAILABLE RESOURCES - they are damn near equal.


Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California