Did you guys completely forget who dominated E3? That's where the action is going to be, this generation.
That said, I own an Xbox360 (went out and picked one up the day it was confirmed Krazy Ken's $600 pricepoint was true) and so far, I love it.
Forza 2 is going to be a hell of a lot better than Gran Turismo on the PS3. I can't believe people actually argued that GT4 was better than Forza 1 at all - GT4 will only allow 6 cars on the screen at one time - wtf is with that? Forza's damage system allows for a much better simulation.
As far as 'omg PS3 pretty graphics!' I'd just like to point out that for the PS2, they promised us graphics they are JUST NOW SEEING with the PS3. FF8 Ballroom Scene anyone?
Sony is the great hype machine, plain and simple.
Furthermore, with the de-clocking of the Cell processor, the PS3 simply is BARELY ANY FASTER THAN THE XBOX360!
On top of that, the 3 * general PowerPC cores are a hell of a lot easier to program for. You're going to see that programming for 7 SPEs + 1 PPC is going to be a total bitch (coming from a programmer, here!!) - so you'll end up with a couple AWESOME JAW DROPPING GAMES and then a ton of lackluster games.
Go look up Gears of War. The graphics are PHENOMINAL.
Assassin's Creed, anyone?
Sony fanboys are arguing with M$ fanboys, and really it comes down to this -
Sony is overpriced, and shoving blu-ray down your throat, to force their own agenda. I dislike that, a hell of a lot. M$ is bringing me games I want, and allowing me the choice of what I want my console to do - I'm buying into it, for that reason only.
Notice though, that many MANY people are picking up a Wii to go alongside their Xbox360 or PS3.
If half the people on the block own a PS3, and the other half own an Xbox360 - yet 90% of the people on the block own a Wii - who the fuck wins that war?
I'm really excited to see Nintendo rolling out the WiiChannel, too. Talk about a stiff kick in the nuts to both Sony and Microsoft.
Sorry, but Nintendo's already a step ahead of where Sony and Microsoft are wanting to be (the very center of your living room)