PS3 Launch in under 2 months

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
That was a production unit. Why would Sony be using pre-production units when actual production started in July.

That also wasnt the only PLAYSTATION 3 unit that failed at TGS.

Heres something pulled from the quotes:

"Don't start with this "but it is early hardware and software", the system and games are less than a few weeks away from mass production, and shouldn't be acting like this. This isn't E3 anymore, it is almost launch time."

Agreed. Near-gold beta game codes should not crash the system. Heck, near-gold hardware should not just burn out and die. This plus the "say alot without actually saying anything" keynote by kutaragi pretty much confirms to me that sony is NOT ready for this launch period. This is not a bluff... there is no ace up their sleeve. They will just push everything out the door and damage/spin control later. Mark my words, the initial run of ps3 (until they get all the kinks worked out) will be everything we fear. It will just as buggy if not more-so than the 360. Launch titles will be underwhelming to say the least. The ps3 may be worth it down the road, but i am sure it wont be worth the hassle at launch.


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Quotes eh

"I could easily make a joke about how the PS3 sucks, but the simple fact is, even if its near final, IT HAPPENS. Bad code can KILL a system, an overheat (which im guessing is a problem there, not because of the system, but just the heat of the place in general) from long exposure can kill a system."

"I could point out that those demo units are hardly same as open shelve next to your TV at home, they are cramped holes to hide and protect the systems stacked next to eachother in a hot hall full of sweaty people. But even so, Sony knows it and should have planted one hell of a cooling system in there, always better to be safe."

I love how people will come up with anything to bash the obvious best system.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California
If you'll look at the back of the case the PS3 is in youll see its very openly vented, and if the heat of the room is infact the cause of the crash, then thats garbage.

I can leave my 360 in my sunbaked non airconditioned room that gets over 90 degrees and have no problems.

Warhawk, meh. BF2 FTW!


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
That is still a pre-production unit. Production starts at the end of this month. Also, did you not read my entire post? It was most likely Ridge Racers code which was faulty, causing the system to over heat.

360 had tons of problems with the power supplies over heating causing the 360 to crash, even past production... so dont give me this 360 is perfect bs.

Yellow 13

Apr 4, 2006
Fairfield, California

lol, the would you like to tell me what those are that this man is packaging?

Like I said PS3 production has been going on since July-ish.

That show floor model was a production unit, one of 200 that Sony had on hand for the TGS.

Heres a quote from me:

Yellow 13 said:
Another reason im not getting a PS3 on launch is that they will be likely to have problems like the 1st gen 360's.

I know that the 360 had problems. Im not a fanboy, but I wont defend a company (Sony) thats shipping an unfinished product so that the consumers can do quality control for them. Microsoft did it too and I didnt defend them either.