It's just the Xbox 360 people never seem to mention the point in the PS3 vs Xbox 360 war, that the HD-DVD addon, and other things to match the PS3 will cost them a pretty penny, then they still bash the PS3's price. I don't think many will even buy the add on personally, because people like yourself are satasified with what you got, because it is an ok format.
So in terms of PS3's with blue ray sold, vs Xbox 360's with the HD add-on I'm damn near positive it will not even come close to selling as many as the blue ray PS3., which might actually be the winning factor in who wins the war, HD-DVD or Blue-RAy.. because honestly I don't think people are ready to jump on either player by itself just yet, at least not many.
I have a question though, in theory you could have a player that played both right???