The stock VAF simply won't do for this project. The vane can only move so far before it's providing the ECU a static signal which may not provide nearly enough fuel for what's getting shoved into that 22.75cu in (yes, pre89 foglight openings are huge!) opening at 50MPH and above. The foglight opening is one of the highest pressure areas on the car... the highest is in the center of the bumper, the main air pathway below, and the opening above the bumper on the pre89.
I am considering a design for the pre89 air inlet, but that one will be a while off as I'll have to move a few things... if I even decide it's worth the trouble.
I'll correct myself right now and state that I don't know for sure if the stock VAF could measure the airflow well enough... I doubt it, and I'm sure if it could that it wouldn't be accurate.
Anyone know how to dyno a car with a massive air ram to see what the RWHP would be at 70MPH or 90MPH or (my favorite) 110MPH?