Police harrasment


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
yes, he has an agenda. He saw things where wrong and people didn't believe him, so he sets up a camera and puts it to rest...


Almost done.
Nov 3, 2005
I agree with you on the fact that officer was corrupt and out of line.
But the driver was not a Saint either, that is the point I'm trying to make. He had an attitude from the get-go. I guess running into these a-hole cops all the time He's fed up with that town/county and it's enforcement.

His age has nothing to do with my opinion, as I am the same age as him. I make my judgement's more on maturity, rather than a number.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
7Mboost said:
It just kills some of you that a kid is fighting against corruption and obviously all you see is the age and go off, maybe you should read this.


Now lets see you defend this "heroic hero". :)

Brett Darrow is no poor innocent victim here. Here's a link off the page you posted above. I think both him and the cop need to have the crap beat out of them.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
gtsfirefighter said:
Brett Darrow is no poor innocent victim here. Here's a link off the page you posted above. I think both him and the cop need to have the crap beat out of them.

What is wrong with you, you act like putting upon bodily harm will fix everything. Brett obviously keep the camera for protection and as stated in that link, the cops PULL HIM OVER. You act like you don't wanna see the reality of what happens with some power-abusing cops, making the good ones look bad.


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
7Mboost said:
What is wrong with you, you act like putting upon bodily harm will fix everything. Brett obviously keep the camera for protection and as stated in that link, the cops PULL HIM OVER. You act like you don't wanna see the reality of what happens with some power-abusing cops, making the good ones look bad.
in the DUI check point,they pull EVEYONE over,he was not singled out! i cant see this driver as a trumpet for justice,more like a "beat me so i can sue" type of situation. if he has nothing to hide,why put up a fight? why is it so hard just to answer a few simple questions? is he forgetting that driving on the road is a PRIVILAGE,not a right.
the cop watched as HE drove past into the parking lot.HE turned off his lights in a parking lot WAY late at night. suspicious? HMMMM? i think yes.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
7Mboost said:
What is wrong with you, you act like putting upon bodily harm will fix everything. Brett obviously keep the camera for protection and as stated in that link, the cops PULL HIM OVER. You act like you don't wanna see the reality of what happens with some power-abusing cops, making the good ones look bad.

There's nothing wrong with me. I have seen a good ole fashion ass whuppin fix several things, but I digress. The cops pull him over because he baits them! He finally got the audio he's been looking for.

I work in public safety so I see the reality just as plain as day. I've made several posts here and go back and find where I have condoned the officers behavior. I haven't. He's actually a dirt bag. Brett Darrow is no better and yet you elevate him to be some kind of hero. He's not. He's getting his fifteen minutes of fame now just like he wanted. He didn't do this for the greater good of humanity. His DWI checkpoint video summed up his type of character, the kind I would keep my kids away from.

A quote from you previously
"There's a difference between "police" and "traffic cops/pigs". I respect cops that protect and serve, I disrespect pigs who "ticket, threaten, harass, and in this case taunt".

No there's not. Police are police. They are assigned different duties but they all took the same oath when they were sworn in. The same officer could be patrolling the neighborhoods one day and then the next he's running radar on the interstate being a traffic cop pig.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
If I don't feel like giving the officer an itemized list of what I'm doing, then I'm not going to.

There is a difference between someone going off the deep end (as seen in that video) and the officer professionally handling the situation.

Matter of fact, I remember a clip on TV some years ago, with a State Trooper pulling over a gentleman, who is screaming and carrying on, while the Trooper is nothing but polite in the situation. THAT is how an Officer of the law should behave. There is ZERO reason for an officer to go on a power trip!

Police should be held to a higher bar than the general populous, in my opinion.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Of course the police car video is 'gone' - officers cover for one another, period.

The issue here isn't that Brett may be 'antagonizing' the officers (That's bullshit, btw) - the issue here is that the officers' reaction is completely uncalled for.

Yes, the cop can ask what you are doing there late at night.

Yes, you can tell him you don't want to tell him.

Yes, the cop can decide at that point, that you are too suspicious to remain there, and ask you to leave.

FACT: You can refuse to answer the officer's questions
FACT: The officer can politely ask you to leave.
FACT: BY LAW the officer has given you a LAWFUL ORDER and you must obey that order to vacate the premises.


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
Doward said:
Of course the police car video is 'gone' - officers cover for one another, period.

The issue here isn't that Brett may be 'antagonizing' the officers (That's bullshit, btw) - the issue here is that the officers' reaction is completely uncalled for.

Yes, the cop can ask what you are doing there late at night.
if you have nothing to hide,simple responses should be no problem
Yes, you can tell him you don't want to tell him.
then be prepared to be detained because your raging against the machine!
Yes, the cop can decide at that point, that you are too suspicious to remain there, and ask you to leave.
if your too suspicious,your going to be cuffed and in the back of a police car
FACT: You can refuse to answer the officer's questions
FACT:be prepared to be detained even longer Jonny Rebel!
FACT: The officer can politely ask you to leave.
FACT: BY LAW the officer has given you a LAWFUL ORDER and you must obey that order to vacate the premises.
we need to get over this "i'm an American,and I have rights! You can't do this to me!" bullshit!! I'm not saying be a sheep,but goddam,this country has rules you have to live by


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
FACT: If you're not doing anything wrong then why not answer their questions. No need to itemize. By refusing, you're being suspicious, therefore, you're giving them probable cause. So now they're going through your crap and wasting your time, because they can.
FACT: Being polite should go both ways.
I tried to find that video you spoke of. It's funny and a good example of a patient officer. We watched that in the academy.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
supraman7mgte said:
we need to get over this "i'm an American,and I have rights! You can't do this to me!" bullshit!!

You have GOT to be kidding me.

Yes, we have rules - What do you think the Bill of Rights are? Random conglomerations of letters smeared around a piece of paper? Police are not above the laws of the land.

I'm honestly amazed that you'd even say something like that. People fight and die every single day for these rights and rules we have, and you want me to just give them up?

You're out of your mind if you think that's what I'll do.

gtsfirefighter said:
FACT: If you're not doing anything wrong then why not answer their questions. No need to itemize. By refusing, you're being suspicious, therefore, you're giving them probable cause. So now they're going through your crap and wasting your time, because they can.
FACT: Being polite should go both ways.
I tried to find that video you spoke of. It's funny and a good example of a patient officer. We watched that in the academy.

Exactly my point! If the officer feels the person is being suspicious because the person refuses to answer the officer's questions, the officer is COMPLETELY within his rights and powers as a LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER to ask the person to vacate the premises. The LEO does NOT have the right to badger and berate the person - that is in violation of the person's rights, and at that point, the LEO is the one in the wrong.

I have been through this before. Being polite DOES go both ways. If you are polite and COOPERATIVE with the officer, you may get out of whatever infraction you were pulled over for.

If you are NOT (as Brett was) then prepare to be persecuted to the full extent of the WRITTEN LAW - not what Officer Billy Badass thinks is the law.

When Officer Billy steps out of bounds, it is the citizen's DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY to see Officer Billy is brought to justice.

Kudos to Brett for that. LEOs need to be required to answer for their actions.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
supraman7mgte said:
in the DUI check point,they pull EVEYONE over,he was not singled out! i cant see this driver as a trumpet for justice,more like a "beat me so i can sue" type of situation. if he has nothing to hide,why put up a fight? why is it so hard just to answer a few simple questions? is he forgetting that driving on the road is a PRIVILAGE,not a right.
the cop watched as HE drove past into the parking lot.HE turned off his lights in a parking lot WAY late at night. suspicious? HMMMM? i think yes.

because he doesn't have to.

much like you don't want police walking into your house, but you have nothing to hide, right?



Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
If you have nothing to hide,or your not drunk,coked out,or stoned off your gord,why refuse a few simple questions? The primary goal of a check point is to determine wheter someone is under the influence of a controlled substance or not.The officer was polite when the driver first "cracked" down the window.( I only heard the motor for like a split second,so I guess it went down a few inches) It was not freezing,raining or snowing,so that initialy gives question as to why he did not roll down his window all the way.

"Yes, we have rules - What do you think the Bill of Rights are? Random conglomerations of letters smeared around a piece of paper? It depends on if you live by them,or use them for 15 mins of fame Police are not above the laws of the land. Nor are the people who should live by them

I'm honestly amazed that you'd even say something like that. People fight and die every single day for these rights and rules we have, and you want me to just give them up?

You're out of your mind if you think that's what I'll do."
So your saying you'd refuse info like the driver did? Are you saying your above the law and don't need to answer questions from a police officer concerning your whereabouts?

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

He gave probable cause(suspicion),he was detained. All he had to do was provide licencse,registration,proof of insurance and verify he was not under the influence. He chose to be smart,and was questioned even further.He's not a hero.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
The kid deserved SOMETHING, but the officer was out of line. But again, the kid was asking for it. Just answer a few damn questions, it's not like it's the end of the world. I really don't think officers should be expected to stay calm when someone goes apeshit on them, they're people too after all, but this kid definitely wasn't THAT out of control.

If you get pulled over, don't be an ass. Golden rule. Real damn simple. The officer wouldn't have overreacted if the kid hadn't given him something to react to.