Police harrasment


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
What Brett said;"I don't feel I need to tell you about my personal life"
How the cop understood it;"I aint gonna tell you a dam thing,and quite frankly,you can kiss my ass,pig"


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
you realise this is exactly the mindset that the gustapo used...

"you have nothing to hide, right?"

I don't tell a cop jack shit when he questions me as it's none of his business.

"where are you going?"
"out for a drive"

I don't downright deny, but I have the right to if I wanted to.


Mar 31, 2005
san francisco, ca
Quin said:
If you get pulled over, don't be an ass. Golden rule.

what if you get pulled over for no reason what so ever?

and given ticket for something that you did not do?

i think there is lots of people who accept and pay for something they did not do but not everyone has to.

and if more people would have loop cameras running in their cars maybe we would see the true magnitude of the traffic fine scam.

facts are:

1) guy in the video is provoking the cop.

2) the cop is way out of line even if being provoked

3) 100d's of people are getting unjust tickets because of the city budget

4) cops are not above the law

5) they shouldn't make their own rules

6) and the main one is that you have not automatically done some thing wrong if you got pulled over


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Dziuggy said:
what if you get pulled over for no reason what so ever?

and given ticket for something that you did not do?

facts are:

1) guy in the video is provoking the cop.

That's all I meant. I didn't mean sit there like a sheep, but there are ways to respond other than being a dick. Besides, especially in this case as the guy had video proof he hadn't done anything wrong, he should have been polite, answered the few questions, if the cop still wrote him up, take it to court. Video proof that you did NOT do anything, they have to throw it out. Especially if he was POLITE the whole time.

I got pulled over about a week for having a tail light out, but when he had me press it to double check, it worked fine. The officer apologized and said he just wanted to make sure I didn't get rear-ended by some moron. I said I appreciated it and we both left. We got up to a stop sign with me in front and it went out again, wtf. He came up to my window again and told me I probably had a short and that I should check it out.

I was also going 15 over when he pulled me over for the tail light, but because I was nice w/o being a kiss ass he just gave me a warning for that, too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
1. The kid WAS baiting the cop. I'm sure he turned that tape on as soon as he saw the police car. Is parking in an empty lot illeagal? no. Did he do it to lure the cop over? Yes.

2. The kid DOES have the right to keep his own counsel when questioned, and though this may create further suspicion, a police officer must follow procedure.

3. The kid WAS a smartass, and the cop DID go power-mad overdrive.

4. Cops are not above the law. This cop needs to be suspended until such time as he can get a psychological eval, and then counseling on how to deal with tense situations/people more appropriately.

5. People were not given certain rights and freedoms for the express purpose of proving how far they could use them to stonewall the law enforcement process, or to simply egg an officer into losing his cool.

6. Bottom line:
Neither one of those dicks is getting into my top 8.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
I remember one night where i was harassed by a swarm of cops to the point where they said they would plant cocaine on me... all for having freedom of expression and opinion.
I looked at them and told them to plant it on me, then do what they pleased.


SF what a waste of supras
Jun 22, 2006
Damn cop passed the psych eval for his job?

When a cop pulls you over as soon as he does he is kind of arresting you he is detaining you for questioning or issuing a fine or warning.

He did not have to tell the cop anything infact he haves a right to remain fully silent

cops forget that when citizens talk to them it is in the cops favor to be coperative he could have said nothing and be just as fine.

Yes driving on the road is a privelage but something that the vast majority of people have the privlage to do so in no way was he doing anything that would require him to by sited or loose that privlage does any one know if the officer in saint louis got fired if he was not fired i would detain a human right lawyer and sue the crap out of the city.

Its verry suspicous how the cop all a suddenly looses the car video footage

By rights all we have to do is give the cop our license registration insurance forms.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
Evilempire1.3JZ-GTE said:
Damn cop passed the psych eval for his job?

He did not have to tell the cop anything infact he haves a right to remain fully silent

cops forget that when citizens talk to them it is in the cops favor to be coperative he could have said nothing and be just as fine.

That's true- he didn't have to tell him anything. The cop could have asked him what he was doing there, and the kid could have said " I don't wish to explain my reasons to you". And like I said, that is begging for an escalation of the interaction, and you know it.
Why? Is it because Cops want everyone to kiss their ass and bend over backwards to comply with all of their instructions? Yes, maybe a few for certain. And maybe for the others, they(the Cops) simply expect to be able to carry out a conversation with someone, so that they can rule out suspicion.
If you come up to me on the street and ask me where Adams road is, I 'have the right' to tell you that I don't wish to discuss it. Would you call me a dick to my face? Yes, and I would expect it...just like this kid fully expected to anger the cop with his responses.
There's a difference between reserving the right to withold counsel, and just being confrontational. This kid wanted to tape something interesting.


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Is this thread still on going? Jeez.

7Mboost: Just so you understand, you and I live in different worlds. I'm not some kid overly enamored with his first car. As pointed out in another thread LE was my first career. I have 6 years in it, both military and civilian. I'm also an authority figure in my present occupation where, in addition to having total authority over my work environment, I might also be a sworn gun totin' federal LEO. I'm not allowed to say but people who know what I do for a living will understand. The power of both positions is coded by federal law. The first gives absolute authority over a particular environment and everyone in it. The second bestows federal LEO status and authorizes the use of deadly force in that environment. So yeah, I tend to see this situation from the LE/authority figure side.

I also have to deal with anti-authority types. I'm polite unless they decide to escalate. I have bad days like anyone else and if they're stupid enough to push me on one they're going to lose whether they have "rights" or not. The last guy got 18 months along with a $50K fine. I could have let it slide (I almost always do) but decided to give him the lesson he kept asking for. I didn't see it as an abuse of power and don't feel the least bit responsible for what happened to him. He was stupid and as I've said before life is real hard if you're stupid.

I'm not condoning this LEO's behavior but the kid in the video is not only stupid but possesses the anti-authority punk attitude so common among people his age. In fact it's interesting to correlate the opinions of posters here with their age concerning a wide range of topics when profiles reveal it. Interesting but not at all surprising. With apologies to the minority who've grown beyond their years it proves most youngsters are undeveloped morons.

It seems lost on you that had the kid not provoked the cop none of this would have occurred. Had it been me his ass would have gone to jail, if for nothing more than to teach him how the system can grind the stupid up even when they're "right". That's just the way it is and neither you, him, or anyone else is going to change it much. His time is coming and you're on the same path. Here's hoping you wise up before it's too late.


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
jetjock said:
Is this thread still on going? Jeez.

7Mboost: Just so you understand, you and I live in different worlds. I'm not some kid overly enamored with his first car. As pointed out in another thread LE was my first career. I have 6 years in it, both military and civilian. I'm also an authority figure in my present occupation where, in addition to having total authority over my work environment, I might also be a sworn gun totin' federal LEO. I'm not allowed to say but people who know what I do for a living will understand. The power of both positions is coded by federal law. The first gives absolute authority over a particular environment and everyone in it. The second bestows federal LEO status and authorizes the use of deadly force in that environment. So yeah, I tend to see this situation from the LE/authority figure side.

I also have to deal with anti-authority types. I'm polite unless they decide to escalate. I have bad days like anyone else and if they're stupid enough to push me on one they're going to lose whether they have "rights" or not. The last guy got 18 months along with a $50K fine. I could have let it slide (I almost always do) but decided to give him the lesson he kept asking for. I didn't see it as an abuse of power and don't feel the least bit responsible for what happened to him. He was stupid and as I've said before life is real hard if you're stupid.

I'm not condoning this LEO's behavior but the kid in the video is not only stupid but possesses the anti-authority punk attitude so common among people his age. In fact it's interesting to correlate the opinions of posters here with their age concerning a wide range of topics when profiles reveal it. Interesting but not at all surprising. With apologies to the minority who've grown beyond their years it proves most youngsters are undeveloped morons.

It seems lost on you that had the kid not provoked the cop none of this would have occurred. Had it been me his ass would have gone to jail, if for nothing more than to teach him how the system can grind the stupid up even when they're "right". That's just the way it is and neither you, him, or anyone else is going to change it much. His time is coming and you're on the same path. Here's hoping you wise up before it's too late.

Calling names and making asuumptions now eh? I'm only 16 and I guarantee I've owned more cars than you even have. I've been working, buying and selling car since I was 12 help taught by my father, not mention friends cars I've helped with, and I guarantee I have more work in my Supra than your as well.

"I have bad days like anyone else and if they're stupid enough to push me on one they're going to lose whether they have "rights" or not." - So the kid pushed the officer? Who raised their voice first!? Brett was asking a question and the cop decided he wanted to get more control and freaked out on Brett. I assume your an authority figure although I do not know what LE stands for.

You portray a power-hungry cop in your post, several times you call names and profile people you don't know. And why do I need to wise up, if/when I recieve a ticket (have gotten none so far) I will be very polite because I know what I've been pulled over for, but if I don't know what I've been pulled over for and I ask the cop what I've done I don't expect a YELLING bullshit response ("your driving a suspicous car", since when is a maxima suspicous).

You say the kid was "right". It kills you that he was in fact right, and the officer was in the wrong hints him getting suspended on no pay and I believe he was also fired!

Did you also read how the driving tape went mysteriously missing? I feel just great having a crooked cop threaten, harass, taunt, and yell at me several times for doing nothing illegal at all. IT ISN'T A CRIME TO BE DEFENSIVE FOR SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T DO, YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, HOW DO YOU PROVE INNOCENCE WHEN THE COPS ARE CROOKED. IT IS NOW GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT!

I agree that age is a very large deciding factor on these sorts of things but you do not know me, I can say I am extremely mature for my age, and I know for a fact you've automatically profiled me as a "punk kid" but you are wrong!


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
QUOTE: JustAnotherVictim: "Now it makes sense..."

Funny, and that's why 90% of this group agrees with me? Because age automactically tell everything doesn't it? Think before you speak, you should've learned that a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
That's it...

NONE of you are getting into my top 8.


PS- you all have made very valid points, and I completely agree with ALL of you.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Wow guys, simmer down a bit ;)

We've got a young, fresh outlook on the rules, and a jaded 'Been there done that' outlook on the rules.

Youngster thinks things are how they are written, jaded knows the corrupt will always get around it.

Had the kid been put in jail, he would have been released the next morning. Would he have pursued a lawsuit? Nobody knows. Odds are very VERY good, he would have filed a suit, been handed some cash to drop it all, and gone about his merry way.

THAT is how our so called 'judicial system' works, unfortunately. Why do you think the cops' video suddenly 'can't be found'?

Personally, I'll stand up for what I believe in. Each time, every time.


Supramania Contributor
7Mboost said:
QUOTE: JustAnotherVictim: "Now it makes sense..."

Funny, and that's why 90% of this group agrees with me? Because age automactically tell everything doesn't it? Think before you speak, you should've learned that a long time ago.
Ohh big nuts on this one.
You should have learned should've is not a word a long time ago. I'm sure you'll be singing the same song later in life when you actually need help from cops.
For some reason you children are surprised there are assholes who are cops.
Welcome to the real world, not all cops are dicks no matter what your dumb ass thinks.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
7Mboost said:
Calling names and making asuumptions now eh? I'm only 16 and I guarantee I've owned more cars than you even have. I've been working, buying and selling car since I was 12 help taught by my father, not mention friends cars I've helped with, and I guarantee I have more work in my Supra than your as well.

"I have bad days like anyone else and if they're stupid enough to push me on one they're going to lose whether they have "rights" or not." - So the kid pushed the officer? Who raised their voice first!? Brett was asking a question and the cop decided he wanted to get more control and freaked out on Brett. I assume your an authority figure although I do not know what LE stands for.

You portray a power-hungry cop in your post, several times you call names and profile people you don't know. And why do I need to wise up, if/when I recieve a ticket (have gotten none so far) I will be very polite because I know what I've been pulled over for, but if I don't know what I've been pulled over for and I ask the cop what I've done I don't expect a YELLING bullshit response ("your driving a suspicous car", since when is a maxima suspicous).

You say the kid was "right". It kills you that he was in fact right, and the officer was in the wrong hints him getting suspended on no pay and I believe he was also fired!

Did you also read how the driving tape went mysteriously missing? I feel just great having a crooked cop threaten, harass, taunt, and yell at me several times for doing nothing illegal at all. IT ISN'T A CRIME TO BE DEFENSIVE FOR SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T DO, YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, HOW DO YOU PROVE INNOCENCE WHEN THE COPS ARE CROOKED. IT IS NOW GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT!

I agree that age is a very large deciding factor on these sorts of things but you do not know me, I can say I am extremely mature for my age, and I know for a fact you've automatically profiled me as a "punk kid" but you are wrong!

Just curious. How many vehicles have you owned? And when I say owned, I mean how many have you had with the title in your name. How much work do you have in your supra? So how many cars has JJ owned and how much does he have in it?

It's LEO not LE- figure it out.

No need to comment on the rest of what you said. It in itself speaks volumes.