Saying "fuck the cops" is stupid and childish, but it's more than fair to say "fuck this cop and cops like him".
Quin said:To everyone that's said fuck the police...
Have fun calling your friendly neighborhood crack dealer the next time you get robbed
Quin said:To everyone that's said fuck the police...
Have fun calling your friendly neighborhood crack dealer the next time you get robbed
7Mboost said:There's a difference between "police" and "traffic cops/pigs". I respect cops that protect and serve, I disrespect pigs who "ticket, threaten, harass, and in this case taunt".
goliath said:This story aired on headline news this morning.
suprarx7nut said:I think shaeff (Kurt, I believe? :dunnowas eluding(sp?) to the fact that your general demeanor towards officers is that of a ignorant, punk kid. If he wasn't trying to say that..... well then I will.
shaeff said:right on. and my name is Chris.(kurt is supra90turbo, and he's FTMFW!)
-shaeff (chris)
foreverpsycotic said:holy shit. Ive dealt with some asshole cops and been kicked out of commuter lots before, but jesus. That (ex)cop really needs to get FIRED.
tte said:I agree..That cop was out of line and needs to be fired. But if I was that kid I wouldnt be talking smack to that power hungry cop. I just would not waste my valuable time arguing with a cop.
You know some of these cops come straight out of the military and think they run the show with their own rules. I thought that cop must have come from a miltary background and did not like to be talked back to. Maybe his kids at home talk back at him and he hates it.
I wouldnt say all cops are pigs. I have had my share of running into cops and
the cops I met were okay. They all let me go on all occasions because of my honesty.