Police harrasment


7M Powered
Aug 15, 2006
Gainesville, FL
suprarx7nut- Yes I am a kid, most likely the youngest on SupraMania at the age of 16. I 100% agree with you that 99% of kids are dumb and hate police for the wrong reasons but I am a very rare breed I must say. I am mad at police for things such as this, Deals Gap (www.dealsgap.com), and local police in my city who have spies inside our "street racing gang" (NOTE: I don't hang out with punk high school kids, all in our car club/meet are 30 years of age +) who arw writing down license plates so when/if someone gets pulled over with that license plate and is on the list, they will recieve the maximum penalty/fine whatever that may be.

Now I do mind that you say an adult knows better, that is not always true and it agitates me a bit, but I understand where your coming from, anyways on with the harassment video.

Poodles- I think you have experienced this kind of harassment, maybe not to this extent but thank you for backing me up.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
I have ZERO use for motorcycle cops as their job is 100% to write tickets, that's it

no going on house calls or anything, they are there to make money for the city...


Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
i am not sympathetic towards the police like this

you have either done something or you havent done something. suspicious vehicle is bullshit and its ludicrous to think its justifiable
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Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
It's really ignorant to just put a blanket statement out there calling all police officers names. Yes there are bad apples, and the power that they have makes these bad ones even worse.

Based on some of the comments in this thread, it seems some of you may have had bad experiences because YOU have a shitty attitude in the first place.

I have dealt with my share of overzealous officers, even spent a night in jail simply because I was being too confrontational (in his opinion). It seems that the bad cops reflect so much stronger on what our overall opinion is than do the many, many good cops.

I am lucky that the place I live now is full of VERY good police officers. They are responsive and go out of their way to SERVE. They ring my doorbell if I have left my garage open at night, to make sure nobody steals my stuff. One of the guys who is usually patrolling the block, spotted me walking back towards home a couple miles away and gave me a lift.

The cops where I live don't even ticket you unless you are REALLY asking for it. They don't have quotas or "goals".

I understand many people have had horrible experiences, and I am not trying to discount that. Abuse of power is dangerous. But if you decide to throw around terms like pigs to make a generalization about police officers, know that you are the one who sounds like an asshole.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
keep in mind one of my best friends is a police officer

the point still stand, it depends a hell of a lot on what town your in and where they get their money from.

towns with tons of stores and taxes are usually a lot better than little town with very few taxes that need the money

sadly I've been pulled over enough times to know this around here...

red sports car = must be doing something wrong


ASE and FAA A&P Certified
Mar 31, 2005
Central Idaho
That was a bad cop - amongst the majority of good ones he makes it really hard for them to do their job properly.

I ran into one of those once - he wrote me a ticket for a license plate light being out... Him and the DA were total douchebags and they didnt want to talk about what had happened.

I took it to trial and won! Law and Order all up in their shit


Was dgilman360
Sep 28, 2006
Lakeland Florida
honestabe said:
Does Gay Blue sports car = harmless because nobody that gay would do anything wrong in a car?:biglaugh:


actually i asked a cop about the whole redcar thing and he agreed about it he said that alot of cops will pull them over because it catches their attention

gay blue not really an eye catcher lol


Apr 2, 2005
Bristol VA
ya know i respect the law and officers, but because i have had run in's dont mean thier bad or pigs

2 examples

1 Me and wife worked late shifts so was up and about by noon each day, 1 morning a tap at the front door. cops ask who's black car is this (my supra) I say mine. They ask why i dont have a town decal i say i just got the car here. while not saying anything about my wifes car with no town sticker or my Suburban with dead tags and expired state inspection. well, the Wife gets the ticket for my car wich we beat. O and by the way i live in a town house comunity where the road is @ 50yards from our unit.

2nd time im on the interstate north bound mid day traveling with a pack of cars (in the supra with the targa off) a county deputy is parked on the northbound side of the interstate in the median facing southbound (wich i though was careless) after i pass him he pulls out i though o great a speeding ticket for @ 6mph over. when i stop he asks why i was pulled over. I state that if you think i was speeding you have the wrong guy! Well he decides to tell me my smoked licence plate cover was illegal and i would have to remove it..... NOW HOW THE HELL does he see this when all he could see is the front or driver side of my car and im doing 65-70mph? I think it was BS but then again i have NOT (knocks on wood) a ticket since 2k4 and i call that a bs ticket too!



I do
Nov 25, 2005
By My Computer
This cop is messed up. I hope he gets his pig ass fired and never gets another "civil serpent" job anywhere. And yeah, he's a pig by acting like one. The kid is gutsy, check out this exchange:

Brett: You don't know if I was going to wait here for somebody to come pick me up.
Officer #1: I asked you that, did I not.
Brett: I don't have to say anything. I have the 5th Amendment right.
Officer #1: Do you really?
Brett: Do you know what the 5th Amendment right is?
Officer #1 Do you know what impeding the flow of a police officers duties are?
Brett: What's that? Go ahead, tell me.
Officer #1: Whenever I ask you... If I'm conducting an investigat... This is called a field investigation, if you're impeding it, you're impeding it.
Brett: You're saying, I can't refuse to answer your questions?
Officer #1: They're not incriminating are they?
Brett: You don't know that.
Officer #1: Are they incriminating?
Brett: Yes they are.
Officer #1: They are?
Brett: They could be.
Officer #1: Then are you doing something illegal here?
Brett: No I'm not.
Officer #1: Then they are not incriminating.
Brett: Yes, they could be incriminating. I have the right to privacy.
Officer #1: What privacy? Not when you're out in public, you don't have the right to privacy.
Brett: Yes, I do have a right to not tell you where I'm going or what I'm doing.
Officer #1: Really?
Brett: It's the 4th Amendment right.
Officer #1: Really?
Brett: Yes it is. Violation of my rights...
Officer #1: I like this. You want me to tell you the law.
Brett: Go ahead and tell me the law.

Dumbass cop gets his ass powned. Good for Brett.
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I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
stupid tickets I've been given:

50 in a 45

front license plate in window(the holes in my bumper were stripped out)

dim(not dead) tail light

loud exhaust(probly like...90Db)

broken FOG light

not pressing the button to cross the street(waited for the traffic lights to change, and followed the flow of traffic)

running a stop sign on a bicycle

ALMOST got a DUI on a riding lawn mower

..thats about all I can think of off the top of my head...

I just have horrible luck with cops. I'm as respectful as possible to them, they just dont like me...

OH and one took my camera when I was taking pics of my friend skating.(rebel XT dslr) dont worry, I got it back. I wasnt about to let $1200 go without a fight. hahah

sooo yeah, my opinion of cops isnt that high, but I dont call them pigs... its bad taste. sometimes they can be assholes, but I wouldnt ever call them pigs..

except in this one joke:

If cops are pigs, then what does that make security guards?




Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Try being a black guy driving a black sports car, then we'll talk.

I get rolled in my own fucking neighborhood every so often.

Don't even get me started about driving in the city of Los Angeles. I won't even take my Supra there anymore. Recipe for disaster.

You guys think getting profiled for driving a Supra with a loud exhaust is bad. lol :nono:

Carry on...
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New Member
Aug 24, 2005
Irvine, Ca
^^^ sounds like we need to drive with you more often so that you can take one for the team. Although one time a cop pulled over both of my friends at once. I'm not sure how they let that happen though.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
To everyone that's said fuck the police...

Have fun calling your friendly neighborhood crack dealer the next time you get robbed