I love it when somebody drives common sense home. Oh, they will backpeddle and try to justify their point of view, but man way to hit it. +1 to SP 7M, and I wish I could make it a triple.
LouKY said:I love it when somebody drives common sense home. Oh, they will backpeddle and try to justify their point of view, but man way to hit it. +1 to SP 7M, and I wish I could make it a triple.
SP 7M said:Sorry to say it, but the fact is that it's not possible in America. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Until you leave (although you never will), stop your whining and complaining
SP 7M said:Yes, we need plenty of change to fix our problems
SP 7M said:Is slavery against your morals, Mike? Why should you force that upon anyone else?
SP 7M said:Why does the Constitution protect us from that? It doesn't have anything to do with morals, does it Mike?
SP 7M said:Yeah, you're right, though, I look so childish right now. You've got to be kidding me.
SP 7M said:You're completely ignoring my point, Mike. You must think it's acceptable to murder or rape somebody.
LouKY said:No, no SP 7M. That would tread on somebody else's rights. Mike would never do that.
LouKY said:Mike, I have to agree that this thread is one of many where you post something simply to jump into the same old fight. You end up regurgitating the same point of view on a variety of touchy topics you know will get a response and then act self-righteous and victimized by it. Since it can be said that silence is acceptance I will continue to face off with you if you feel the need to go through the exercise again, but why?
Separation of church and state is not possible in America and that fact will never change, as if I need to restate that. If you don't believe me, read the Ten Commandments and see how many of them apply to our laws.SupraDerk said:I really didn't want to get into this thread...but here's some food for thought. How the hell do you expect to see change if you don't have people, as you so elegantly put it, "whinning and complaining?"
Do you honestly think that say, maybe the Demcratic/Republican party will one day just say..."Hey, you know what? We need some change in this country, so...in order for that to happen we're going to give up all of our seats in congress and across the country in order for a new party to come in and give them a chance."
Hell no that wouldn't happen. It takes whinning and complaining to make change happen.
LouKY said:Here's rich. Take a hint from the link in the last post. Nothing passive aggressive about pointing out your 'toxic personality' displays. There's plenty of good reading if you google the term. Enjoy.
LouKY said:Value of human life, including ones you can't see yet is the only valid argument needed. Debate whether it's human life? You've got less proof that it's not life than the contrary, and I would be better off wrong than you in the end, so go ahead. The truth will be obvious one day. Continue to live irresponsibly. Pretend it doesn't hurt anybody. Then grow up. 'Nuff said.
SP 7M said:Separation of church and state is not possible in America and that fact will never change, as if I need to restate that. If you don't believe me, read the Ten Commandments and see how many of them apply to our laws.
There is a difference between whining and complaining and actively and professionally working toward fixing our problems. The ACLU trying to bring down the cross at the Korean War memorial in San Diego and trying to ban all other forms of public displays of religion isn't going to help anything. All that does is shut down our freedoms. Or does that make perfect sense?
What will help is the respectable, cooperative behavior between the Democratic and Republican party. This is getting even further off topic, though, so I'll stop there.
Supracentral said:This is really rich. First I get the strawman and immediately after I get passive aggresive sarcasam:
But then, since that felt a little weak, we'll go right into an Ad Hominem attack.
SP 7M said:You are the one that's entertaining to me, Mike. I wouldn't doubt you've got the idea that at some point those of us that disagree with you will back down because you sponsor this forum, as if you're some sort of authority figure. You'll get no such satisfaction from me.
SP 7M said:Oh yeah, and your name calling is such an upstanding display. Thanks for setting such a fine example for all of us.
Supracentral said:You are a sanctimonious asshole aren't you?
SP 7M said:Now tell me none of our laws are based upon any of that.