Plan B

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Saints pwned the Falcons
unfortunately there is peer pressure, I am a proud virgin by choice, I will not apologize for wanting to be more than a pump in some guys car or whereever. one of my best friends and diehard party girl is pregnant and she has stepped fully into her resposiblity.. she leads by example .. and i admire her


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
SP 7M said:
Who's forcing anyone to have sex?

Nobody... Except a couple of million years of biology...

When the fuck are you knuckleheads going to understand that humans are sexual creatures. And the further away from that you get, the more fucked up you are.

Just take a look at the completely unnatural existence of the catholic priest. And they are all 100% normal right? I mean none of them ever decide to grab a little altar boy ass on the side....

We've got the knowlege and technology to enjoy sex for the pure pleasure of it. Provided some sanctimonious religious group hasn't tried to interfere, you've got everything you need to fuck like a maniac if you like and go home safe and sound.

It's about choice. As long as people have a choice as to who/when/where/why they have sex, they should also have the choice of what tools they have availble to make sure that sex isn't devastating.

I'm glad you feel you are so much better than everyone else. I hope your perfection keeps you warm at night. It won't keep the 22 year old grandmother in the projects warm. But your (and my) tax dollar will.

I hope you find that an agreeable arrangement, since you won't allow any alternatives. (And before you say it, telling her to keep her legs closed doesn't work, it's proven.)


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Supracentral said:
And therefore deny it to the people who need it most. The poor, the under aged, etc...

Smart move.

most larger cities have free walk in clinics where it would be available for no charge. just like they do with STD testing.

however, i see no problem with plan b being available OTC.

why? i am completely against the government regulating anything that someone chooses to put into their body. whether it be birth control, recreational drugs, or poison. its rediculous to exert that type of control over individual people.

individual education and character building is what is important. not regulation. we are not babies that need to be looked after. we are all human beings with every right to make decisions. if you are not hurting anyone else, you should be able to do whatever you damn well please.

if youre worried your children will have access to this and you dont want them to, that is completely understandable. but dont think the government is responsible for baby sitting your kids. YOU teach them. YOU keep an eye on them. too many people blame everyone else but them selves for their childrens actions.

if YOU cant control your kids, maybe this plan b shit should have been available way back then.

i value human life very much. it is something that should not be fucked with. but you also decide when to create it. plan b is as much as a contraceptive as condoms or regular birth control pills.

having sex just for fun, well the only argument against that is a religous/moral argument. no one should have the right to force their morals on any other individual.


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
:werd: :werd:
Supracentral said:
Nobody... Except a couple of million years of biology...

When the fuck are you knuckleheads going to understand that humans are sexual creatures. And the further away from that you get, the more fucked up you are.

Just take a look at the completely unnatural existence of the catholic priest. And they are all 100% normal right? I mean none of them ever decide to grab a little altar boy ass on the side....

We've got the knowlege and technology to enjoy sex for the pure pleasure of it. Provided some sanctimonious religious group hasn't tried to interfere, you've got everything you need to fuck like a maniac if you like and go home safe and sound.

It's about choice. As long as people have a choice as to who/when/where/why they have sex, they should also have the choice of what tools they have availble to make sure that sex isn't devastating.

I'm glad you feel you are so much better than everyone else. I hope your perfection keeps you warm at night. It won't keep the 22 year old grandmother in the projects warm. But your (and my) tax dollar will.

I hope you find that an agreeable arrangement, since you won't allow any alternatives. (And before you say it, telling her to keep her legs closed doesn't work, it's proven.)


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
cajunangel said:
Opinions are like assholes ... everyones got one.. I am pro life.. and i do not feel the need to explain it to anyone.. take it as you will its my OPINION .. so with the exception of life changing events.. there should be no out for you if you acted irresponsibly... if your a parent and its your teen, its to becomes your responsibilty.. more people need to stand up and clean their own shit.

there should be no out for you if you acted irresponsibly???? this is so idiotic. u dont think anyone deserves a second chance? or third? or fouth? etc...? if someone acts irresponsibly, you will refuse to accept their apology? :wtf: :bsflag:


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
bonus12 said:
there should be no out for you if you acted irresponsibly???? this is so idiotic. u dont think anyone deserves a second chance? or third? or fouth? etc...? if someone acts irresponsibly, you will refuse to accept their apology?

Oh, don't you worry, they'll demand plenty of second chances.

They won't ask you to repeal bankruptcy law.

They won't ask you to remove seatbelts from cars.

They'll demand safer roads, food, everything.

But when it comes to sex, no second chances...

Besides, have you seen some of these people, no wonder they have no worries about the dangers of sex. I wouldn't fuck 'em with a stolen dick... <- That last paragraph is a joke, humor impared people.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Supracentral said:
Lagged, you kick ass!

+1 for you.

why thank you. its just too bad that there are so many people in this world who for some reason find the need to have control over other people.


May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia


Backroads Driver
Jul 15, 2006
Supracentral said:
Oh, don't you worry, they'll demand plenty of second chances.

They won't ask you to repeal bankruptcy law.

They won't ask you to remove seatbelts from cars.

They'll demand safer roads, food, everything.

But when it comes to sex, no second chances...

Besides, have you seen some of these people, no wonder they have no worries about the dangers of sex. I wouldn't fuck 'em with a stolen dick... <- That last paragraph is a joke, humor impared people.

exactly what i am trying to say. good post.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
The christian church is against abortion because they get less potiential followers. It's bad for business.

Funny that you don't see the church urging followers to adopt children though. They would much rather have poor unwed single mothers whose kids are raised in poverty and/or abusive households. That is good for business.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Nick M said:
What is your plan? What have you done? You just said you don't need him or somebody telling you about him in a book. So which is it?

My plan? What are you talkin about?
Saying god has a plan for everyone is laughable, cause its bullshit.
My whole point was if god has a plan, then why are people in this world dieing for no reason?
It has nothing to do with My plan, or what I have done.

Point being, instead of trying to save a life that hasnt yet taken a breath of fresh air, and spending money debating it.
Why dont you help those who are already breathing and living in poverty.
I'll tell you why you dont want to, or anyone for that matter wants too.
Its alot easier to talk about something than it is to do something.
Abortion is easy to talk about, but helping a 3rd world countries child out, or adopting a child here isnt.

I dont do my part, why? cause I know where my morals are and where they are screwed up at, but I dont act like my opinion is the correct one.
Its just an opinion I have, be it right or not.


Saints pwned the Falcons
bonus12 said:
there should be no out for you if you acted irresponsibly???? this is so idiotic. u dont think anyone deserves a second chance? or third? or fouth? etc...? if someone acts irresponsibly, you will refuse to accept their apology? :wtf: :bsflag:

dont put words in my mouth.. if you go out and have unprotected sex , why the fuck should you not be resposible to take care of your shit ... there are other ways ... thousands of childless couples who would give the world for a gift such as a baby.. people need to step up..i step up to my mistakes. i dont leave my messes for others to clean up.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I think the Plan B pill is a good solution, but what PROBLEM is it a solution for? People say "Unwanted pregnancy", and in all cases that is true, however I can see this product being used as an alternative to contraception, and I can also see it being readily abused. Really, it's the covert "my parents are gonna kill me unless my 18 year old friend/boyfriend/sibling buys me this" pill. It is another product of our impatient, impulsive, pleasure dominated society. We wouldn't have to worry about these things as much if underage sex was not so prevalent and accepted, and if these parents had time to watch their latchkey kids. There are too many fathers and mothers, and not enough parents in this world.

I agree with the use of the pill, I am just saying that there are some pitfalls.


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
jtamulis said:
Theresa you know this is BS. If you are 18, and you want to get fixxed you are
old enough to get fixxed. When I got fixxed my doctor said, that He, or ANY
doctor could get sued for malpractice if they refuse to do the operation. If you
are over 18, you CAN get fixxed if you are determined enough. I would have
gotten fixxed at 18 had I know I could have.

For guys, it's easy to get sterilized, for women it's not. At least not in my experience. I was told that in Florida you have to be 21+ and have had at least 3 children. While that is more the gyno's guideline, they follow it very strictly. If that wasn't the case, I'd have had my tubes cut and burned when I turned 18. But 18 years old, when my gyno told me no, I obviously wasn't smart enough to do the research into it and find out they really can't -refuse- it, or had any money to speak to a lawyer.

I don't regret my children, and they are not "mistakes" to me, but I wish that people wouldn't assume that at 18, a woman is not mature enough to make the decision that they don't want kids. I can enlist in the military, and die for my country, but I can't pressure my doctor into snipping my tubes? I can buy myself a pack of cigarettes, basically deciding to slowly kill myself, but I have to screw up 3 times before I get sterilized?

It should not be a 'strict guidline' for gynos to follow. When a woman walks into their office and says "I want my tubes cut" the doc should say "are you sure?" and if the answer is "yes" that should be the end of it. Here is your appointment, you have one week to change your mind, there you go.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
JustAnotherVictim said:
Don't take it as me attacking you LouKY :)
Sure didn't take your opinion as an attack. An attack might start like this:

Supracentral said:
You are a sanctimonious asshole aren't you?

People (especially kids/teenagers) make mistakes, accidents happen, rapes happen, condoms break, bad things happen to good people.

I hope like hell for your sake that if you ever make an error in judgement, the people around you act more "christian" than you do.

With modern cloning techniques, a very small amount of your DNA could be used to create a life. Does that mean everytime you kill a cell in your body you've commited murder? We're talking about microscopic cells dude...

I suppose some might consider me an asshole. Mike, I would like to share my last "abortion" experience with you. A coworker said she had a friend who was pregnant and considering an abortion. I told her immediately to talk with her - my wife and I would take the and pay all costs along the way. Yes, an asshole was offering to take FULL responsibility for another's mistake. All she had to do was carry the baby to term. I was asked if I shouldn't discuss it with my wife first. I already had. I knew her committment to life and had no doubt. When I talked with her that night she was 100% on board. So guess what happened? The girl wouldn't meet us in spite of our begging. She wanted to backpack around Europe and having a baby didn't fit in with those plans. So she killed it. It deeply affected both me and my wife, and had a profound affect on the baby, needless to say. Now tell me what a great thing abortion is and how there are no victims.

Here's another one earlier in my life. A friend from highschool got pregnant in college and had it aborted. As much as I hated it I thought maybe she learned from it and remained her friend and I never said much about it. Two years later pregnant again. Her comments? "Well, I didn't think it could happen twice." Denial is a way of life for abortion lovers. I don't know how she figured she had two sibs with that logic. That pretty much did it for our friendship.

Somewhere somebody said something like a single night doesn't make a baby. I have to respectfully disagree and say that a single night made every single baby there was.

Okay, so Plan B doesn't affect fertilized eggs, right? It's really not the point. When you want to fix a problem you go to the source. It's quite simple and at least one other person said the same ealier. If you don't want a pregnancy, don't do things that cause a pregnancy. The recipe for a baby is quite simple, and one we all know well. Best thing is to keep your crotch to yourselves. If you just can't keep your dick out of somebody, then maybe you should know her well enough to agree on a good way to double up on protection. Yeah, but "things happen". True, and you knew this going in, so to speak. That is known as a calculated risk and you assume responsibility for the natural consequences if the dice roll against you. Sorry. I can't believe any of this is even debated.

My hat's off to 91T, SP 7M and carangul. Good posts, and I'm glad there's still a part of America that respects personal responsibility.


Supramania Contributor
Feb 26, 2006
LouKY said:
Sure didn't take your opinion as an attack. An attack might start like this:

I suppose some might consider me an asshole. Mike, I would like to share my last "abortion" experience with you. A coworker said she had a friend who was pregnant and considering an abortion. I told her immediately to talk with her - my wife and I would take the and pay all costs along the way. Yes, an asshole was offering to take FULL responsibility for another's mistake. All she had to do was carry the baby to term. I was asked if I shouldn't discuss it with my wife first. I already had. I knew her committment to life and had no doubt. When I talked with her that night she was 100% on board. So guess what happened? The girl wouldn't meet us in spite of our begging. She wanted to backpack around Europe and having a baby didn't fit in with those plans. So she killed it. It deeply affected both me and my wife, and had a profound affect on the baby, needless to say. Now tell me what a great thing abortion is and how there are no victims.

Here's another one earlier in my life. A friend from highschool got pregnant in college and had it aborted. As much as I hated it I thought maybe she learned from it and remained her friend and I never said much about it. Two years later pregnant again. Her comments? "Well, I didn't think it could happen twice." Denial is a way of life for abortion lovers. I don't know how she figured she had two sibs with that logic. That pretty much did it for our friendship.

Somewhere somebody said something like a single night doesn't make a baby. I have to respectfully disagree and say that a single night made every single baby there was.

Okay, so Plan B doesn't affect fertilized eggs, right? It's really not the point. When you want to fix a problem you go to the source. It's quite simple and at least one other person said the same ealier. If you don't want a pregnancy, don't do things that cause a pregnancy. The recipe for a baby is quite simple, and one we all know well. Best thing is to keep your crotch to yourselves. If you just can't keep your dick out of somebody, then maybe you should know her well enough to agree on a good way to double up on protection. Yeah, but "things happen". True, and you knew this going in, so to speak. That is known as a calculated risk and you assume responsibility for the natural consequences if the dice roll against you. Sorry. I can't believe any of this is even debated.

My hat's off to 91T, SP 7M and carangul. Good posts, and I'm glad there's still a part of America that respects personal responsibility.

:werd: @ LouKY and all the other guys who said similar things :D


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
LouKY said:
I suppose some might consider me an asshole. Mike, I would like to share my last "abortion" experience with you.

LouKY said:
Here's another one earlier in my life.

You've been traumatized on the subject. I'm sorry to hear it, and I'm really sorry to hear about your abortion horror stories. But your anecdote doesn't give you the right to dictate your moraility onto others.

Nor does it cover the horrors of childhood moms in the ghetto, children who get dropped in trash cans because they are unwanted, children who are raised by children themselves. The list goes on and on.

LouKY said:
Okay, so Plan B doesn't affect fertilized eggs, right? It's really not the point. When you want to fix a problem you go to the source. It's quite simple and at least one other person said the same ealier. If you don't want a pregnancy, don't do things that cause a pregnancy. The recipe for a baby is quite simple, and one we all know well. Best thing is to keep your crotch to yourselves.

I'm not going to argue with you weather or not it's the "best". Your method is certainly the most flawless when it comes to preventing pregnancy. But the reality is that many people (especially young people) are going to have sex, regardless of what you have to say on the matter. This is "Plan B" - because your "Plan A" fails often enough.

LouKY said:
If you just can't keep your dick out of somebody, then maybe you should know her well enough to agree on a good way to double up on protection. Yeah, but "things happen". True, and you knew this going in, so to speak. That is known as a calculated risk and you assume responsibility for the natural consequences if the dice roll against you.

And following your logic, everytime you get in a car you take a calcuated risk. Does that mean if an accident does happen, you don't want every possible option available to you?

I don't follow your reasoning. You admit accidents happen, however in this one aspect of life you want to widthold the thing that could help turn an accident into something less than a tragedy...

I'm sorry, your religion & "morals" cloud your judgement. There's no logic here, just what you "feel" on the subject. Which is fine for forming your opinion, but it's a shitty basis for law...

jtamulis said:
Theresa you know this is BS. If you are 18, and you want to get fixxed you are old enough to get fixxed. When I got fixxed my doctor said, that He, or ANY doctor could get sued for malpractice if they refuse to do the operation. If you are over 18, you CAN get fixxed if you are determined enough. I would have gotten fixxed at 18 had I know I could have.

Jeff, I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.

For guys, yes, it's a cake walk. For women it's completely different.

For a woman who is young and has no children, it's not that easy.

I'm not saying it's "impossible", but many gyno's won't do it, and just picking a random gyno out of the book is not an option for many women. There's a lot of trust and relationship built in many cases, and women want thier doctor to do the work.

I've dealt with this topic directly, you are wrong in this case.
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