LouKY said:
I suppose some might consider me an asshole. Mike, I would like to share my last "abortion" experience with you.
LouKY said:
Here's another one earlier in my life.
You've been traumatized on the subject. I'm sorry to hear it, and I'm really sorry to hear about your abortion horror stories. But your anecdote doesn't give you the right to dictate your moraility onto others.
Nor does it cover the horrors of childhood moms in the ghetto, children who get dropped in trash cans because they are unwanted, children who are raised by children themselves. The list goes on and on.
LouKY said:
Okay, so Plan B doesn't affect fertilized eggs, right? It's really not the point. When you want to fix a problem you go to the source. It's quite simple and at least one other person said the same ealier. If you don't want a pregnancy, don't do things that cause a pregnancy. The recipe for a baby is quite simple, and one we all know well. Best thing is to keep your crotch to yourselves.
I'm not going to argue with you weather or not it's the "best". Your method is certainly the most flawless when it comes to preventing pregnancy. But the reality is that many people (especially young people) are going to have sex, regardless of what you have to say on the matter. This is "Plan B" - because your "Plan A" fails often enough.
LouKY said:
If you just can't keep your dick out of somebody, then maybe you should know her well enough to agree on a good way to double up on protection. Yeah, but "things happen". True, and you knew this going in, so to speak. That is known as a calculated risk and you assume responsibility for the natural consequences if the dice roll against you.
And following your logic, everytime you get in a car you take a calcuated risk. Does that mean if an accident does happen, you don't want every possible option available to you?
I don't follow your reasoning. You admit accidents happen, however in this one aspect of life you want to widthold the thing that could help turn an accident into something less than a tragedy...
I'm sorry, your religion & "morals" cloud your judgement. There's no logic here, just what you "feel" on the subject. Which is fine for forming your opinion, but it's a shitty basis for law...
jtamulis said:
Theresa you know this is BS. If you are 18, and you want to get fixxed you are old enough to get fixxed. When I got fixxed my doctor said, that He, or ANY doctor could get sued for malpractice if they refuse to do the operation. If you are over 18, you CAN get fixxed if you are determined enough. I would have gotten fixxed at 18 had I know I could have.
Jeff, I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.
For guys, yes, it's a cake walk. For women it's completely different.
For a woman who is young and has no children, it's not that easy.
I'm not saying it's "impossible", but many gyno's won't do it, and just picking a random gyno out of the book is not an option for many women. There's a lot of trust and relationship built in many cases, and women want thier doctor to do the work.
I've dealt with this topic directly, you are wrong in this case.