Tanya said:I'd have had my tubes cut and burned when I turned 18. But 18 years old, when my gyno told me no, I obviously wasn't smart enough to do the research into it and find out they really can't -refuse- it, or had any money to speak to a lawyer.
ok, some problems here. you say you werent smart enough to do the research. but here you say:
Tanya said:I wish that people wouldn't assume that at 18, a woman is not mature enough to make the decision that they don't want kids. I can enlist in the military, and die for my country
but you just said your self you werent smart enough to do some simple research, what makes you think you were mature enough to make a decision like that?
my point is this, i do believe at 18 you should have the righ to do whatever you want. however, just because youre an "adult" dosnt mean youre mature enough to make certain decisions. this is where good parenting comes in (NOT government regulation..) and not only that, you said it your self that at 18 you werent mature enough to realize you have rights.
I don't regret my children, and they are not "mistakes" to me
and yet you say you would have had your tubes tied at 18, negating the existance of your children now.
the arguments against something like plan b are based on flawed logic and ideals. clearly illustrated by your inability to form a coherant argument against it! this is NOT a personal attack against you! it is my OPINION (i could be wrong) that you have simply been raised with certain morals and ideas, (nothing wrong with that) that you are steadfastly sticking by even though a TRULEY valid argument against the product in discussion simply does not exist.
one final point for this post, you said you would have had your tubes tied at 18. well, that is a SURGICAL procedure. dosnt that seem a little drastic? at all? if you think God wouldnt approve of you using plan b to prevent a pregnancy, dont you think that he would also be a little perterbed at you mutilating your own body in order to have sex willy nilly with no consequences?
further more, Plan b is not intended as a regular contraceptive like condoms or the pill, it is an EMERGENCY contraceptive for women who have been raped or if a condom broke. EXTREME situations only.
id just like to end with this though its a tad off topic, earlier i trivialized Gods role in our lives by saying hed be annoyed at having that surgery, my idea of god is not some all powerful father figure in the sky watching everything we do. more of a collective conciousness per se, made up of all our souls, and life in general combined. anyway, i just wanted to say that before someone had a chance to critisize my use of God as a parent figure.
oh also one more thing. the government says at 18 we can go fight and die for our country. i truley believe this is because they are fully aware that at 18 your decision making may not be as logically sound if you were say, 21 or so.
of course everyone is different, but generally the younger one is, the more willing he would be to make stupid impulse based decisions, such as joining the military to die.
you can choose to die at 18, but you better not have beer until youre 21! of course this is now a different topic all together.