Plan B

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Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
It is both the man and womans fault. I'll be the first to say it, having had 3 unplanned children.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
Tanya said:
It is both the man and womans fault. I'll be the first to say it, having had 3 unplanned children.
I very much appreciate your honesty and the fact that you've taken responsibility for your mistakes (if that's what you consider them) in life. We need more Americans that can be honest with themselves and others, just as you are.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
Calling ME a liberal is laughable. Even Nick_M will tell you I'm far from liberal. But since I don't scream the 100% christian I'm a god fearin' Republican chant you assume I'm a whiney bedwetter... There are more than two sides to this debate my friend.
The political spectrum is not two dimensional. Tangent over.

I have no other input on this tragic topic.


Supramania Contributor
SP 7M said:
I very much appreciate your honesty and the fact that you've taken responsibility for your mistakes (if that's what you consider them) in life. We need more Americans that can be honest with themselves and others, just as you are.
That's the problem with many things now, we've allowed it to get to the point where it's always somebody elses fault. Very few people take responsibility for their own actions anymore.
Jun 6, 2006
91T breezen' said:
That book is ludacris! That is the extreme, which no one I know, would advocate.

South Dakota advocates it. Ohio advocates it. El Salvador REALLY advocates it.

That is the direction in which we're moving.

Even the government is putting out guidelines for females of breeding age to be perpetually considered "pre-pregnant" and ready for breeding.

Sterilization is always an option, but is rather extreme too.

Sterilization is RARELY an option if you're female, under the age of 25, and have no children.
And how is it "extreme" for a woman to want to guarantee not having children if that is what she wants?

There is nothing wrong with adults having access to birth control. I'm all for that. And, I'm not anti-woman, or womans rights. I just think abortion crosses the line, and infringes on the rights of someone who can't speak for themselves.

Human fetus at 31 days:

THIS has rights? MORE rights than *I* do? The bitch in me has to say something to the effect of "But it doesn't even have a mouth yet, of COURSE it doesn't have a voice!"

dcrusupra87 said:
I think the pill should be available to everyone. As this thread shows, people have different beliefs. Different religions live in harmony here without any wars. Why can't all our other beliefs? Want an abortion? Get it. Against abortions? Have the baby.

Oh, stop, you're being logical. :)

SP 7M said:
That's nice of you to link pro-life and anti-woman ideals. Too bad I can't be put into your convenient little category.

Did I say YOU were "pro-life" and "anti-woman"? Getting a little touchy there. Guilty conscience?

91T breezen' said:
Yes, to ADULTS only. Not to teenagers, and pre-teens w/o their parents or guardians knowledge. So, with that being said, I guess my answer is no! Those are restrictions.

On the one hand, I agree about not selling it to those under 18 without parental consent. On the other, not everyone has a stellar relationship with their parents that allows them to maturely discuss this sort of thing. The pre- earlier teen group is probably the group that needs access to this pill the most.

And really. Where the hell are these parents who allow their PRE-teens to go out and get their sex on?

Are those the kind of parents you want having the decision over this sort of thing? If their 11-year old is knocked up, they've already proven they've failed at parenting.

Nick M said:
Much like "the pill" which led to heavy promiscuity
(which many of you probably like) and the heavy spread of uncurable STD's, this will make it worse.

Right. And marijuana is a gateway drug.

Tanya said:
Plan A = abstinence
Why it failed = raging hormones + lack of free dildos and lotion/porn mags?


I place part of the blame on abstinence-only "sex education." Most of the blame I place on parents too lazy to, you know, PARENT their offspring.

But damn. Bring on the free dildos.

JustAnotherVictim said:
That's the problem with many things now, we've allowed it to get to the point where it's always somebody elses fault. Very few people take responsibility for their own actions anymore.

:: cheers! :: I, too, am tired of "blame my crappy parents/the MAN/my cat/etc." mentality that seems to be running rampant these days.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
DreamerTheresa said:
I place part of the blame on abstinence-only "sex education."
At what point in the past are you talking about?

Today's sexual education is anything but "abstinence-only." With young teens being taught about fisting and anal sex and college professors suggest "hooking up" (plenty more to list, but that's sufficient) as if it's normal behavior, that's disgusting.

When I have children someday, they'll be sent to private school so that their not told that it's normal to be homosexual, etc., etc., etc. and actually get a real education.

SP 7M said:
Oh yeah, as if you all didn't realize it right away, I'm pro-life.
Followed shortly thereafter by:
DreamerTheresa said: fundie pro-life, anti-woman types...
Sure you weren't tossing me into that...

And what does El Salvador have to do with any of this? Iran wants to kill us all but there is no relevence in that fact being mentioned.

Apr 9, 2005
Pittsboro, NC
DreamerTheresa said:
Sterilization is RARELY an option if you're female, under the age of 25, and have no children.

Theresa you know this is BS. If you are 18, and you want to get fixxed you are
old enough to get fixxed. When I got fixxed my doctor said, that He, or ANY
doctor could get sued for malpractice if they refuse to do the operation. If you
are over 18, you CAN get fixxed if you are determined enough. I would have
gotten fixxed at 18 had I know I could have.
Jun 6, 2006
jtamulis said:
Theresa you know this is BS. If you are 18, and you want to get fixxed you are
old enough to get fixxed. When I got fixxed my doctor said, that He, or ANY
doctor could get sued for malpractice if they refuse to do the operation. If you
are over 18, you CAN get fixxed if you are determined enough. I would have
gotten fixxed at 18 had I know I could have.

Actually, I've finally gotten my gyno to agree to give me that tubal I've been begging for for ten years. I imagine that madness is going to take place next summer.

There will be a zOMG THERESA'S BARREN!!1!1!!11!!!1eleventy party shortly thereafter.


New Member
May 14, 2006
Bel Air, MD
Every single f'ing member of this board knows that this will be abused by everyone and their mother. Its a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. Teens will be doing everyone and everything. (STI's are a topic on its own.) I understand everyone makes mistakes, thats fine, I've made thousands, but the cure for such a intimate act is now right on the shelf. I say offer it through doctor only.

If in hindsight people only realized the power of sex, bringing life into the world (Almost playing God for a few minutes), it would change things forever. But this won't happen, because sex will forever be downgraded by such things as Plan B.

This is a parallel of the clean needle thing, where the gov't gives out FREE needles to drug users so they don't get diseases and such. Are we trying to stop it? Make it safer?


EDIT: LouKY, you the man!

More thoughts:

The entire unprotected sex thing is snowballing and instead of melting the snow in front of the ball, we pack it tighter and run rebar through the ball to give it structure.
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Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
FoolishOne said:
If in hindsight people only realized the power of sex, bringing life into the world (Almost playing God for a few minutes), it would change things forever. But this won't happen, because sex will forever be downgraded by such things as Plan B.
You've got my full agreeance on that, mister. Casual sex is not something that I believe in.

DreamerTheresa said:
Ok, don't move to El Salvador. It's that simple.

To compare the US with a third-world country is totally unfair for a multitude of reasons.


Saints pwned the Falcons
Opinions are like assholes ... everyones got one.. I am pro life.. and i do not feel the need to explain it to anyone.. take it as you will its my OPINION .. so with the exception of life changing events.. there should be no out for you if you acted irresponsibly... if your a parent and its your teen, its to becomes your responsibilty.. more people need to stand up and clean their own shit.
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