My 1991 Jay Blue Supra


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Today I finally got around to going to the title office to get it transferred into my name and they said I'd have to go get it inspected w/emissions testing in order for them to accept it. So went and got it inspected with high anxiety. It is, after all, a supra ya know.:icon_razz And with much joy it passed emissions!!!! So now the title is in my name and it's all legit.

The oil stains under the car are getting bigger and bigger. The whole undercarriage is covered with oil and dripping. I really need to get those seals, and HG kit ordered, but gosh darn I really don't look forward to pulling that engine and doing all that ::whines and complains:: It's going to be a mess.

I was hoping to be motivated enough to have it all taken care of before the Austin Hillside Cruise but not likely. As of now, I do still plan on driving it down there, but I so worry 'bout that HG.


1987 7M-GE & 1991 7M-GTE
Mar 31, 2005
Upstate NY
Just tackle it one step at a time. When you get tired and frustrated, walk away and take a break. I've learned working on your car when you're in a bad mood just leads to more problems. Good luck buddy. You have a great looking car.



Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
now that my friend is a sexy ass supra!!!

Good Luck with it.

BTW wat did u end up doin wit those mint grey leather front seats u had?


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
noah89t;1154360 said:
everything's gonna be alright ken
ain't nothin to it but to do it.

I know I know but I feel like I just did this...oh wait...I did and then sold it. :icon_roll

Nick M;1154381 said:
Looks real good.

Automatic and hard top, that does seem rare. It would make a nice project car along with a daily driver.

Thanks Nick. It's not my daily but easily could be. My goal is to be able to get in it and drive when ever I want and to not have to keep the hood up all the time.

kotu100;1154382 said:
now that my friend is a sexy ass supra!!!

Good Luck with it.

BTW wat did u end up doin wit those mint grey leather front seats u had?

Yours is looking good too! Those minty grey leather seats were sold with the car to Julia aka toycarchic here on SM. Sorry dude, they would've looked real good in your car too.:icon_razz

Mo87NA;1154352 said:
Just tackle it one step at a time. When you get tired and frustrated, walk away and take a break. I've learned working on your car when you're in a bad mood just leads to more problems. Good luck buddy. You have a great looking car.


Hey Mo, this ain't my first rodeo.;) I just got through doing this on my 86.5 I just don't feel like doing it again so soon. Great advice nonetheless. I walked away and took MANY breaks while working on it. I know what to expect now so it shouldn't take me near as long.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Poodles;1154628 said:
Find out where the leak is. I started leaking oil on the driveway and started freaking out...

My oil filter was loose.

Well I wish it were that simple. Front/Rear main seals, valve cover gaskets and around the oil pan. I had the oil changed at Durant Toyota and asked them to source all the leaks.


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
Ken.......fix the valve cover gaskets, and reseal the oil galley plugs in the head between the plugs, then clean it all down and drive it.....see what ya got. Oil they see on pan, bell housing, etc. could all be from up top.....I've seen it many times and techs will tend to cover their ass with all the other stuff that "Could" be leaking.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
tookwik4u89;1154642 said:
Ken.......fix the valve cover gaskets, and reseal the oil galley plugs in the head between the plugs, then clean it all down and drive it.....see what ya got. Oil they see on pan, bell housing, etc. could all be from up top.....I've seen it many times and techs will tend to cover their ass with all the other stuff that "Could" be leaking.

That's good to know. BUT, I'll probably still pull it and go ahead and reseal everything, and replace the headgasket. That way I won't have to worry about those seals later. Besides, when it's out I can clean the engine bay real good.

Bluechulappa;1154648 said:
Ive been in the same boat as you are with the oil. Everything under my car is oily lol. Not sure where its coming from... Man you need to make is to austin hill cruise cause I plan on going!

My plan is to make it for at least one day.

Poodles;1154704 said:
Yeah, I hate to say it, but they ARE in the business to fix your car...

Yeah, they are but the service writer was cool and not pushy at all. He didn't even bother to run any estimates. I told him before hand I usually do all my own work but that oil filter was too much of a PITA! :biglaugh:


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
gtsfirefighter;1154720 said:
That's good to know. BUT, I'll probably still pull it and go ahead and reseal everything, and replace the headgasket. That way I won't have to worry about those seals later. Besides, when it's out I can clean the engine bay real good.

If you're up for it that is always best;) Clean engine bays make me feel all happy inside!!


1987 7M-GE & 1991 7M-GTE
Mar 31, 2005
Upstate NY
I know what you mean Ken. Words of encouragement always went a long way for me ;)


P.S.-How's the search coming along?


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Today I was going to go meet a friend for lunch about 35 miles away in Granbury. I was on the phone with him at a traffic light when I happend to look down and my temp gauge was damn near pegged. I immediately turned off behind a gas station and killed it, popped the hood and could see where the overflow bottle had, well, overflowed down onto the intercooler. I waited a while and then popped the radiator cap off and and let steam for a good five minutes. The radiator was just about empty. My friend came and picked me up, I borrowed his truck and went to the parts store.

First I got some antifreeze and put in there it took almost the entire gallon. I let it run for a while, temp gauge was normal. I was examining my radiator cap some more.


So I decided to go get a new one. Anyway I made it home ok but did notice my overflow bottle was again teetering on boiling over again. So I'm concerned. I hate to use the term "boiling over" because it doesn't do it in the typical fashion. It seems like it ever so slowly builds up in the bottle. It doesn't ever just boil. No other symptoms of BHG either. Runs great, no smoke, no miss. I believe I'm going to have to pull the motor and reseal and replaced the HG a lot sooner than I thought.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
kotu100;1156047 said:
dont ya think you should check out the thermostat before you rip the motor out?

Thermostat is brand new. I changed that a couple of weeks ago when I first noticed the overflow bottle starting to fill up on it's own.

LilMissMkIII;1156048 said:
Damn, so sorry to hear that! :(

No biggie Kristel. I bought the car with the original HG on it and have been expecting something like this since I got it. I'll just fix and move on.:icon_bigg
Besides, I'm not totally convinced it is the HG...yet.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Replace it with a MHG and ARP's. Make sure it's prepped correctly for the MHG. This will ensure you a good seal, especially if you don't plan on modding it. Then, if you ever get the urge to add a little power, you won't have to worry about it.

I hate that you already have to do this after just getting the white car's motor done. It happens very frequently to just purchased vehicles. Coincedence? I think not!