Ken, I feel your pain! So, I'm gonna take my Zanaflex and go to bed! I wish you all the luck and speed you will need for this. Remember, if you run into anything you need, I have a shed full of parts.
Poodles;1171935 said:What's that sticker on the front timing cover? And don't forget to unbolt the A/C compressor from the block if you want to keep the system closed and still working. It should stay in the bay, power steering pump is easier to unbolt the lines and have it stay on the engine.
ForcedTorque;1171988 said:Ken, I feel your pain! So, I'm gonna take my Zanaflex and go to bed! I wish you all the luck and speed you will need for this. Remember, if you run into anything you need, I have a shed full of parts.
kotu100;1172216 said:hope the rebuild goes smoothly, didnt read thru the whole thread but are you going MHG or oem hg?
best of luck and hope you dont run into any snags.
Rajunz;1173544 said:Boy, I can hear her bitchin' all the way from Austin!:biglaugh:
Best of luck getting it all done, and hit me up if you have questions.
LilMissMkIII;1173876 said:Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Best of luck getting this all done nice and quick and with as few "snags" as possible![]()
ForcedTorque;1174111 said:Supra at the concert? Maybe leave it at somebody's house and take their beater to the show maybe. New Orleans is the road trip concert for my area. I've never known anybody from here to go and not come home after their car was broken into. They prey on out of town vehicles.
7MGTESUPRAMAN;1174121 said:Good job taking the motor and tranny out. I had to replace my valve gaskets cause they were leaking on my motor.
Poodles;1174291 said:Engine bay isn't that bad, it's more dusty that anything...
How's the IC pipe off the turbo, that's usually the first one to go. The oil could also be coming from the third valve cover gasket (that thing down the middle of the head) as it seals the oil galley plugs.
I think you got the Toyota gasket kit, but if it's felpro, DON'T USE THE STUPID EGR GASKET. Mine is blown and someone else on the forum had their's blow as well, and it's definately one of the worst things to fix in the car.
After looking at the pics, the engine is indead 100% original, even has the stock clamps on all the hoses (reuse them instead of the crap worm gear stuff from a parts store).
gtsfirefighter;1174418 said:This is all to familiar. I really didn't want to have to do all this, this soon.
YotaRob;1174397 said:Thats a clean bay compared to some that I have seen and owned. Someones been into the valve covers at least, there is a hex head bolt on the back of the exhaust side cover.
Bluechulappa;1174405 said:Your bay looks cleaner than mine! I have a thick layer of grimy oil on the walls lower down. My Tranny looks like your with oil everywhere. Is it easier to pull the engine with the transmission or without? My mech said pull it without but that looks hard.