Not really a dedicated drag car at all, it's just a very fun street *blow your doors off* toy.
Most of my videos just happen to be from the drag strip, becasue well, thats really the only time I have anyone recording me that I want to post online haha.
Basically it's just for looks
My reason for moving the radiator back is so I can also move the intercooler back some in order to try to make enough room so I can fit the OEM front valance back on. I have the orig. piece, but I just left it off becasue I did not want to cut it up in order to make it fit... I wouldn't be able to find a replacement in case plans changed, so I had just opted to leave it off. I may still have to cut off a mounting bracket, but I am going to try not to butcher the whole damn thing like I would have had to do with the radiator and intercooler up so far.
I'll post up some pics with what I am talking about
Well, here is the (last few years) state of the front end.
Here is what the OEM valance looks like, this is the piece I have in good condition, I am not sure how the intercooler will fit behind it yet.
Or another option, I can buy a front spoiler like this one, and direct airflow a little bit, and I wouldn't mind cutting into it a little bit. But this way will cost me more $$, and i have already put too much money into this thing.
I do have a suprise coming in the mail in the next couple weeks, it will make this car look 100x better! Quite the early christmas present to myself

I'll keep it a secret til they show up.
Another thing I also bought in order to move the radiator back, is an ATI crank damper. I needed the shorter pulley without the AC belt farthest forward, becasue it interefers with my fan. Never knew it would cost so much just for an extra inch :lol: