The greddy emanage ultimate has the ability to raise rev limit. Any plans to implement something like this into the MAFTpro?
blackout_89t said:The greddy emanage ultimate has the ability to raise rev limit. Any plans to implement something like this into the MAFTpro?
drjonez said:SUPPOSEDLY it does. i honestly don't buy it working on the 7M based on how complex the timing system is....time will tell though.
Justin said:Adam, I have an NA AFM from my NA sitting in a box. You can use it if you want.
drjonez said:the window switch is a good thing, the MAFT pro doesn't have something like that. it does have an aux in that can trigger it to supply more/less fuel.
the MAP ECU does not have timing control.
the MAFT pro data logs everything the MAP ECU does....w/the added bonus of logging Vf too.
how is the MAFT better for street tuning? it has both a keypad interface AND a windows interface....
drjonez said:NEEDED ASAP: any flapper AFM!
NA guys, if you want the MAFT pro available for your car, i NEED an AFM ASAP. same applies to any of your MR2 or all-trac friends....
drjonez said:sweet! do you want me to return it to you? off to PM!
Idealsupra said:adam i have one lying around from an old parts car as well...let me know if you want/need it!
NashMan said:funny that what it say's on the web site full timing control in less there leing but can't really see that who whould amke some thign liek that and have no timing control esplisy if it has windows switch and no2 ready
6. Can the MAP ECU do ignition timing control? The MAP ECU cannot currently do ignition timing control, since it was designed to operate as a “piggy-back” system in conjunction with the stock ECU.
drjonez said:you want to install it somewhere post IC and in a place that won't heat soak.....i'd recommend against the 3k pipe as it's on top of the engine and would heat soak fairly quickly. the IC pipe near the fender would probably be a good spot...then again, the 3k pipe is thick enough to drill/tap and the heat soak issue isn't THAT bad....
supralover2000 said:so what is the lastest development with the MaftPro Doc? How close are you guys to finishing the knock monitor? can you give some details of what you have been able to do with the unit on your car? How much boost have you ran with it and how does it feel compared to the AEM EMS? any chance of you dynoing with the MAftPro? Lastly, I sent you a PM a few days back, any chance of you having a datalog file from your car with the Pro for me tune look at?
hottscennessey said:ok, cool. I would do that if i still had the 3000 pipe. But the manifold should work fine right?
and is there any set/approx date for when the next software update comes out? I have money in hand, and as soon as the support for the zeitronix wideband comes out I'll be placing my order with you doc.