bigaaron said:
Yeah, does itunes suck ass or what! Apple is best for people who don't like to think, because if they thought about it, they would notice how limited their options are when using Apple products.
You're only partially right there. Apple IS great for people who don't like to think. Specifically with respect to their computers, they are easy to operate in general. By removing some of the complexities, it would also appear they had to lose some of the capabilities.
This is not in any way true. I buy music on iTunes and use it exclusively (on both my macs and pc's) for my music collection. Now, I know one limitation of this setup is the inability to use a monthly charge service in which you essentially 'rent' your music. I can't really say much about this, as I have never desired to have this type of service.
The biggest gripe I have heard though, is in relation to DRM. The fact that the iTunes store sells protected materials has nothing to do with the quality of Apple products. You can choose to buy mp3's from other online retailers. There are also programs that easily convert DRM protected music into mp3's quite easily. Beyond that, it is now possible to purchase unprotected songs from iTunes store. I don't own an iPod - I use USB flash cards for all of my music (works in the car, any computer, and I even have a portable player for it to plug in to).
As a computer programmer, I have to use an array of operating systems in the course of the normal workday. There is no PC that allows me the functionality of the Intel-Based macs. Period.
I have OSX running on my dell M1210, but there are some big limitations. The biggest shortcoming is that OSX can only be used if you select it through a boot menu. I'm sure there are other pc's that can run OSX like the m1210, but there are not many. The reason the M1210 can do it is that it is similar in design to a macbook.
The best way to use multiple OS's is by utilizing virtualization software. XP and Vista can run parallels for windows or virtual pc, but they can only be used to emulate another windows system.
By using a mac with parallels, I can have full OSX, Vista, XP and linux capabilities without ever having to reboot. The next OS will even have this virtualization built in (you won't even have to buy software).
You guys think that macs are weak because they are easy-to-use. I disagree. I think Apple makes incredible machines. For the novice, yes they are easy to use. For advanced users, they can do MORE than a PC.
There is currently no reason to buy anything but an Apple computer. Those purchasing PC's are doing so to save a buck, or because they think it will be too difficult to learn OSX or how to run a virtual machine (and I'm not saying there is anything wrong that, I also have PC's). Many PC users are set in their ways, which is why they feel they need to bash Apple as hard as they do. I think those with a die-hard allegiance to PC's ought to ask themselves why, instead of thinking apple users are idiots who only buy them because they are "easy".