Indiana Supra Meet - May 10, 2008! (Merging with WWIV)


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Both of our cars are disassembled or we would have made it. It would have been really expensive buying gas for two vehicles, but it would have been worth it. It looks like you had a really good turnout.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
sean210;1017656 said:
I'm also stoked about my 158hp and 172tq.
Hopefully I will have guidence in getting it
to the 350-400 mark.

Seriously man, unless you want to throw money away, go turbo. There's just no hope in making NA power. I think the dyno was off when I dyno'd after the mods, because it felt sooooo much faster (maybe it was just louder) than it did before the mods. But spending the $1500+ I did on mods got me MAYBE 10hp. Just something to keep in mind.

Boost Lee;1017749 said:
Oh well. Guess that's part of having Regional based events such as this with owners driving from sister states...As opposed to SRT4 or Subaru groupies are always local.

Yeah, about that. I know I've been slamming the midwest for... well... the begining of time, but I was VERY pleased w/ the turnout esp w/ the rain from the day before. The WRX/STI club... VERY disapointed in. I've seen more cars than that at a weekday meet!

Next year I hope to be in the 'fastest Supra of the day' vid. :icon_bigg

And those rotary engines loked weird... ?


Father to Be
Nov 26, 2007
mkiiSupraMan18;1017856 said:
Seriously man, unless you want to throw money away, go turbo. There's just no hope in making NA power. I think the dyno was off when I dyno'd after the mods, because it felt sooooo much faster (maybe it was just louder) than it did before the mods. But spending the $1500+ I did on mods got me MAYBE 10hp. Just something to keep in mind.

I wasnt meaning getting an N/A up that high.
Thats my fault for not being specific.
It will be N/A-T when I'm looking to get close to those numbers.
I was just asking for help in getting there.
Being that I dont completely know everything about
7m's and the do's and don'ts.
And yes I know it will be expencive either way.
Thats why I want to get the parts slowly and do it right.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
sean210;1017950 said:
Clueless and Quin was I able t meet you two yesterday?

That depends...I have a hard time remembering names/faces/cars especially when we such a large crowd. If you seen the person in the picture below, that's me.



Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
sean210;1017984 said:
Yea so you were one of the few left at bw3's last night when I came
by to see if any one was gonna cruise.

Two white mk3's came back by last with yellow fogs and the other had two passanger's.


May 21, 2005
Boost Lee;1017715 said:
Just a Dyno Comp. That's all.

They're rated far below what a DynoJet's rollers would create.
Of course, DynoJet calibrating the higher numbers of all the different kinds of dynos, people have just become second natured to referring to their numbers as "DynoJet" numbers, because DJ's read high.

True - dyno is a tool for tuning and the peak HPs are not as meaningful as the actual Torque and HP graphs.

Boost Lee;1017715 said:
The slope, however...Was an issue that I feared would've happened to one of the Supras today.

I was referring to the slope as a downhill load on the car (tire spinning would be another good example). There was slimly too little load on my runs - look at my build thread for the logger graphs and you will understand what exactly do I mean ;) I bended the my Dump Valve while ramping the car + the flange on the electric cut is is also cracked but will fix this tomorrow - not a biggie :)

Anyways I did not go to Indy for the Dyno - I met some cool ppl and I had a really good time ,hope I'll see most of you guyz at CHI2k8!