Indiana Supra Meet - May 10, 2008! (Merging with WWIV)


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
st2b;965717 said:
Bring some extra cash when you come to the meet, I've got about 20 valve covers polished that I'm going to sell out the hatch of the Supra if everyone is okay with it.


might want to specify how much money so people can plan for it


Oct 31, 2005
Boost Lee;965358 said:
Well...Cheesecake is overall a much nicer restaurant than the bw3 (bar style scenario) and Hooters....being.....Hooters :icon_conf.

If we decide on Cheesecake, I think for making legit reservations, I'll need to take deposits or just a prepay and hold it until you show up...

Because it's 100% true. In the past, if 20 people say they'll be there, there's always a good chance there won't be 20 people. So...
We'll see.

Guess I'll make another poll. :biglaugh:


Count me in. I am bringing my wife. I voted Cheesecake Factory. Pre-pay or deposit is fine by me. If we have to reserve, then we need committed people to show up.


Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Yes, I was going to say this earlier but forgot to mention it:

Guys, this is, for the most part, going to be a pretty laid back meet.

I say that meaning that at Winged Warrior, O'Reilly Raceway Park is HUGE, it's a Riley Hospital foundation sponsored event, so "spectators" there include the racers friends to their grandparents to their grandchildren and even their dogs.

So, finishing off the night at the Cheesecake will be a nice roundabout day for just about anyone who enjoys cars, hanging out, and good food. :naughty:

What I need to know everyone that plans to attend the dinner portion.
Once I get a close enough head count, I'll take maybe a $20.00 deposit beforehand
(How you guys want to pay that is up to you).
And once you get to Cheesecake, I'll reimburse you with your money.

Everyone okay with this? Or have another way they think it should be handled?
Let me know.



Sep 15, 2006
Versailles (Lex) Ky
Boost Lee;965991 said:
Yes, I was going to say this earlier but forgot to mention it:

Guys, this is, for the most part, going to be a pretty laid back meet.

I say that meaning that at Winged Warrior, O'Reilly Raceway Park is HUGE, it's a Riley Hospital foundation sponsored event, so "spectators" there include the racers friends to their grandparents to their grandchildren and even their dogs.

So, finishing off the night at the Cheesecake will be a nice roundabout day for just about anyone who enjoys cars, hanging out, and good food. :naughty:

What I need to know everyone that plans to attend the dinner portion.
Once I get a close enough head count, I'll take maybe a $20.00 deposit beforehand
(How you guys want to pay that is up to you).
And once you get to Cheesecake, I'll reimburse you with your money.

Everyone okay with this? Or have another way they think it should be handled?
Let me know.


Jeff, would you be willing to let everyone know about the valve covers?
If so, I'll hook you up for free.


not lazy, just dont care
Apr 8, 2005
louisville, KY
How many people are staying the night in indy? I only live 100 miles away, but I'm lazy and wouldnt mind a night out of drinking or some late night racing (if I dont drink) so I'm going to stay sat night. If theres enough people we might be able to get a group discount somewhere if anybodys interested?.....


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
sean210;965396 said:
You do not like the state of Indiana do you?J/K

Not really. :icon_bigg

I'm just hoping for a big turn out. Turning off my negative Nancy mode and going to expect all who have posted to attend in a rust bucket, a Civic, or some car w/ the biggest effing wing you've ever seen...


New Member
Jan 16, 2008
Detroit, MI
CryoSlash;966466 said:
Aight aight aight.

yeah it pretty much blows.. i have 5 months till i can drink in the states (legally), but last year when i was living in detroit, winsor was only like 5 minutes away and i was 19. sucks all of a sudden not being legal. im staying the night tho for sure.. probably gonna cruise around the city if i dont end up getting sloshed at a friends house