I'm getting sick of my fellow americans.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
fat sucks

what sucks more is the lack of portion control AND self control.

People see a plate full of food and they MUST eat it of course disregarding the 3000+ calories injested in one fucking sitting. Then they bitch about I am fat, wah wah wah,, boohoo..
Gee, perhaps if your eyes weren't as big as your stomach you would actually control the devouring of everything infront of you including utensiles, salt and pepper shakers, napkins and plates. I am surprised the table doesn't get chewed on the way people inhale thier god damn food. It is like someone is going to steal thier food. Perhaps if we where out in the African safari like a pack of lions... but geez.

I hate lazy fucks but I hate even more, assholes that blame everyone else for thier own stupidity and lack of self control but thier own self. BTW you want to see a heffer state. Come to this shitty state where the skinny people are outnumbers by the heffers and the elephant seals 4 to 1. It is fucking amazingly disgusting to see these's albino elephant seals barking up and down the sidewalk with food being stuffed down thier tusked mouths.


Saints pwned the Falcons
It is one thing to not have control over yourself... whats truly sad ... the children... whose parents dont help them with things like portion control and allow them to gorge themselves with sugar....educating about good snacks and bad snacks is important. I LOVE ICE CREAM.. but i eat it in limitation.. I am currently raising my nephew, and I lead him by example. He eats well and gets his junk in too. I saw this woman she was pretty freakin big.. she had on a tube top and short skirt..If your big its your problem.. don't make it mine.. noone wants to see that...:3d_frown:


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I've found that it is not hard to drop weight. The big problem is discipline.
I've been deployed to the middle east for almost 3 months now, and the weather where I am at is very comparable to the weather where I am from [a little more heat, a little less humidity, but overall it puts the same drain on me].
Three months of dieting, taking thermogenic pills and exercising regularly [not even hitting cardio hard - just lifting weights and doing crunches everyday, and cardio a couple of times a week] and I am doing and looking so much better. I arrived at 196.4 lbs. I am now 161 lbs, and still dropping.
Some people say that they don't have enough time. To them, I say "bullshit" because I've been working 12 hours a day, sometimes longer, EVERY day since I've been here. That doesn't necessarily mean that I am working, doing physical labor - it means that I am at work and unable to go to the gym during those hours, so those 12 hours are not "working me out" any harder, or promoting weight loss. There are no days off here, not even for religious holidays.
So why is it that fatasses who work 9-5 magically "don't have enough time" to get to the gym for 30-90 minutes per day?


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
eh, I'm overweight, I know. 6'1", 225 lbs. I was up to 245, I'd ditched 20 lbs, now a size 37, and still working at it.


I drink a TON of water, and I just to like 10-15 pushups and 20-30 situps after I get up in the morning, and before I get ready for bed.

That's over the course of like... 4 months? Now I'm actually going to start hitting the gym here on campus! Try to work out like 30-40 minutes a day, and get down to the 175ish range.


Saints pwned the Falcons
Doward said:
eh, I'm overweight, I know. 6'1", 225 lbs. I was up to 245, I'd ditched 20 lbs, now a size 37, and still working at it.


I drink a TON of water, and I just to like 10-15 pushups and 20-30 situps after I get up in the morning, and before I get ready for bed.

That's over the course of like... 4 months? Now I'm actually going to start hitting the gym here on campus! Try to work out like 30-40 minutes a day, and get down to the 175ish range.

making an effort for better health is awesome... unfortunately my metabolism is so high its really hard for me to gain weight... i have to work really hard to keep a decent weight.

Justin727 said:
did pretty good, no flooding, no loss of home, the only thing lost was my shop and spray booth. Besides that we did awesome considering we live less then a mile off the beach! I can spit on the sand!

lucky you ;)