I'm getting sick of my fellow americans.


Supramania Contributor
HellsLegion said:
I read fatass and I thought of facist.
You're the one related to Hilter.



New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Yea...just an FYI - big and few meals = worse than many big meals I'd say. At least your metabolism is kept active with eating often...

The only exercise I got when I was down in the US was football and on the beach...And man, food is so cheap there. Quadruple stackers at BK, a gallon of chocomilk for 1.79($4+ here), the cracker barrel...ahhh, it was heaven for food. But regardless of in the US or here...North Americans in general are just lazy as hell. I workout regularily, but that doesn't mean I can eat badly on a regular basis....The general population is stupid when it comes to health. They think that diet coke being beneficial is just a myth(meanwhile, it's reducing your carb(100% simple sugar) intake by a minimum of 40g+), that jogging 3 hours every other day is going to make them lose weight...No amount of exercise is going to make you lose weight if you down 600G of carbs and 150G of fat every day

Need to import a hot russian girl, they're usually in good shape :thumbup:

Jeff Lange said:
I had a double whopper with cheese and a junior whopper with cheese for lunch today! MMM.

Though I did work for 5 hours before that, and then I changed the rear end on my Corolla for another 5.5 hours. I think I burned it off. :)

It's also all I've eaten today... so far, I think I might be getting hungry again now. :)

In any case, I'm a little bit bigger than I'd like to be (6'0" 195lbs), but I don't feel fat nor do I consider myself fat. I know I should eat healthier, but alas, I'm lazy. :p. Generally speaking though, I don't eat crap food on a regular basis, and I have a somewhat active job, so it all works out. I'd like to be about 170-175lbs though. That's my ideal weight for my body type IMO.

I'm not sure why I posted that, as it didn't really add to the thread, haha. I do agree with you though, America is FAT. Canada isn't nearly as bad IMO, but we're getting worse everyday following suit. It's sad.