I'm getting sick of my fellow americans.

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
yeh, it's all too common, and what really pisses me off is that i live at home, and i try to stay healthy, but the food my mom makes :3d_frown:, not to mention, when i havn't been doin shit all day, and i don't need food, nor am i hungry, she forces me to eat anyhow, it's simply a waste, and seriously, i stopped drinkin soda's a long time ago, and i try to watch what i eat... i'm only abour 155 lbs @5'10" but i'm tryin to set good habits while i still can, i don't wanna end up like most of the people here... not to mention.. gotta have the weight reduction ;) :biglaugh:


Very expensive....
Aug 1, 2005
Greensboro and Greenville NC
Sadly the miracle revolutionary surgical procedures available now to the public, now realistically affordable (thanks Blue Cross Blue Shield), has brought the life extending capabilities back to our pool. In the land of the lost (sort of speak) these gelatinous gluttons (as I like to call them) would have been taken care of by our beloved friend "Natural selection." The fat became slow in the tribe, unable to keep up with the migration... slowly pecked off by predators.

But Brent, where's your point?

Cheetahs. Viscose, concentrated-blood-fat thirsty cheetahs.... with x-ray vision to see through the "big boned" bullshit.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
Also, everything is automatic, motorized, or remote controlled. I remember actually having to get up to change the channel on the tv before remote controlled tv's were everywhere. What a bitch that was.

Just look at escalators. People are too freaking lazy to actually walk so they just stand there like cattle. I always walk past the cattle. Elevators, No thanks, I'll take the stairs usually..

Electric skate boards and scooters make for fat kids people.

Even when I go to the store, I use a basket and carry everything for two reasons, It keeps me from buying too much stuff and it's exercise. Then they have the nerve to ask me if I want help out with my bags because they assume I am lazy or weak?


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I always love those long active walkways or "flat escalators" that are in airports. Whenever I am traveling alone [not with my wife or co-workers] I make a point to run on those and yell for people to get out of the way. It's better to do it when you are closer to departure, to avoid scowls when waiting at the gate.


Very expensive....
Aug 1, 2005
Greensboro and Greenville NC
drunk_medic said:
I always love those long active walkways or "flat escalators" that are in airports. Whenever I am traveling alone [not with my wife or co-workers] I make a point to run on those and yell for people to get out of the way. It's better to do it when you are closer to departure, to avoid scowls when waiting at the gate.
I just walk faster beside them...looking at the people standing like cattle.


Saints pwned the Falcons
Thought its kinda gross to look at I have a few people in my family that are fat... and they are fun to be around, however their health concerns me... chunkiness seems to run in the older people in my family, probably because of the foods we eat here, high in carbs and fat, rice is a part of every meal just about.. Cajun food is rich, and highly fattening ( some of it) . getting fat is a huge fear I have... My trainers and doctors all tell me the same thing, each person is different and what works for me may not work for someone else... and sometimes people take drastic ,measures to insure they stay thin...
though we may not like it and we can talk all we want, people will do as they please .... :nono:


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
I think mkiiSupraMan18 summed it up the best -- "It's a lack of self control, that's about it."

I would like to add to that--It's also a lack of fscking common sense.

I've written and rewritten this damn reply about six times now, because there's so many things about this country that pisses me off--so much more than just the lazy fatties. So instead of boring everyone with a long rant, I'll just post up this shorter, less-angry rant.

Americans live very sedentary lifestyles, and therefore it would be common sense to maximize the amount of exercise and limit bad food habits as much as possible. It would also seem to be common sense that there are consequences to eating poorly and not exercising. I.e. short term, you eat like shit, and you feel like shit--which means you'll probably be too tired to exercise as much as you should. Over time this turns into obesity, heart problems, and before you know it you're suing McDonald's or Wendy's out of desperation because you lost your job and your health insurance, because it's not your own fault you got fat, right? Right?

It's angering to me to see people that won't take responsibility for their actions. Especially when they try to foist their mistakes on others--which seems to have replaced Baseball as the official American Pastime.

When you combine the health problems of the obese with the problems of the old baby boomers and their dying parents, the healthcare system is going to be so overstrained there are only two things to do. 1--Eat healthy. 2--Exercise.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
cajunangel said:
Thought its kinda gross to look at I have a few people in my family that are fat... and they are fun to be around, however their health concerns me... chunkiness seems to run in the older people in my family, probably because of the foods we eat here, high in carbs and fat, rice is a part of every meal just about.. Cajun food is rich, and highly fattening ( some of it) . getting fat is a huge fear I have... My trainers and doctors all tell me the same thing, each person is different and what works for me may not work for someone else... and sometimes people take drastic ,measures to insure they stay thin...
though we may not like it and we can talk all we want, people will do as they please .... :nono:
Hi. Maybe you weren't around for the recent discussion we had about grammar, so I'll partially excuse your... display. Take this as a warning, though, that I will call the grammar police on your ass if you keep this up.

You have been warned.

Fat people. There, I kept it on topic.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
cajunangel said:
Call em, email em, whatever... don't take that tone with me ... this is a forum not a resume. :biglaugh:

O snap batman, SP got smacked, from a 2 poster.

SP 7M said:
Brent-That's just the kind of assertive honesty that is in such short supply in America today.

Its good people still are blunt about things, problem is when they sue you for saying something like that, the court will side with them.
Kinda sucks.
no wait, it completly sucks.


Sep 12, 2005
nick m does ur car have a michigan license plate??
im 5'11 130. 'fat' people are annoying to me but what do we consider fat? like to me my dad is about 6'1 6'2 at about 250. he isnt fat to me. i mean he is a good size for his hieght and everything and my mom is 5'11 5;10 at like 230 and she is fine to me also. but there is also the same people at that weight that cant show themselves right and that will make them fat imo. i agree with matt! selfcontroll is a big factor but presenting yourself and habbits are also a big play. we cant change america but i say OT and bitching will do it for me;)


T-virus infected
cajunangel said:
Thought its kinda gross to look at I have a few people in my family that are fat... and they are fun to be around, however their health concerns me... chunkiness seems to run in the older people in my family, probably because of the foods we eat here, high in carbs and fat, rice is a part of every meal just about.. Cajun food is rich, and highly fattening ( some of it) . getting fat is a huge fear I have... My trainers and doctors all tell me the same thing, each person is different and what works for me may not work for someone else... and sometimes people take drastic ,measures to insure they stay thin...
though we may not like it and we can talk all we want, people will do as they please .... :nono:

yes its rather gross to see. Every other tuesday i head to new orleans I goto the Port Of Call off of burbon. I see some rather large people there and in the mall as well.