Now we're getting somewhere. At least the readings make sense. They sure didn't before.
Checking the TPS off the TB is mostly useless. All that does is prove it's not open circuited. The high will be higher than when on the TB and the low will be lower. This is because the TB limits TPS movement. It's also why you can't use a TPS off the TB when trying to troubleshoot code 41: when a TPS is on it's internal stop the voltage will usually be below 100 mv. This is true even with new ones. I've seen more than one TPS condemned by people who just plugged it in and wondered why they still had a 41. The point is putting it on the TB and setting it up moves the wiper off the internal stop and out of the 41 error range. One still has to contend with the idle contact when doing this and that's what gives many people grief.
Your Vcc of 4.97 is fine and having the AFM plugged in proves the AFM isn't pulling it down. The lower VTA value of 386 mv with the TPS adjusted is good. Note it's close to the 300 mv I said it should be. The one thing I don't see is what VTA is with the TPS on the TB and held wide open using the throttle linkage. Should be around 3.5. Also, is IDL now battery voltage with the throttle cracked and close to zero with the throttle closed? Lastly, have you fixed the MIL or are you still using the meter to check codes?
Ian: I think everyone here would agree you help out plenty
Checking the TPS off the TB is mostly useless. All that does is prove it's not open circuited. The high will be higher than when on the TB and the low will be lower. This is because the TB limits TPS movement. It's also why you can't use a TPS off the TB when trying to troubleshoot code 41: when a TPS is on it's internal stop the voltage will usually be below 100 mv. This is true even with new ones. I've seen more than one TPS condemned by people who just plugged it in and wondered why they still had a 41. The point is putting it on the TB and setting it up moves the wiper off the internal stop and out of the 41 error range. One still has to contend with the idle contact when doing this and that's what gives many people grief.
Your Vcc of 4.97 is fine and having the AFM plugged in proves the AFM isn't pulling it down. The lower VTA value of 386 mv with the TPS adjusted is good. Note it's close to the 300 mv I said it should be. The one thing I don't see is what VTA is with the TPS on the TB and held wide open using the throttle linkage. Should be around 3.5. Also, is IDL now battery voltage with the throttle cracked and close to zero with the throttle closed? Lastly, have you fixed the MIL or are you still using the meter to check codes?
Ian: I think everyone here would agree you help out plenty