Economics drive what you drive, if you'll excuse the pun.
When I lived in Iran, they barely were paving the roads then, and people were buying cars and trucks and mopeds as fast as possible. I thought Iran when the Shaw rulled there still was a great place, and it was entering the 20th century with education for everyone, clean water to drink, security and prosperity...
Then when the Shites started to riot, everyone paid for it with loss of freedom, fear of death, and in the end, now they have a country with limited education for women, power for the religious leaders and poverty for the rest of the country.
Later during two trips to Saudi while my parents lived there for almost 9 years, I saw more religious leaders and Islam up close and personal. It sucks to have no freedom, and to be told what your going to do, worship and how to live under the law of some cleric's interpetation of the Koran.
What does this have to do with GW Theory? The same fanatical dribble that runs the religion in these countries is so similar to the liberal elite environmentalists here in the USA and the rest of the world.
They want to you feel bad about what your doing, so you'll do it their way. So your not commiting sin. (Or in this case, using up our precious resources in such a flagrant manner...) Oh please, cut the shit man! It's just oil, and there is SO MUCH OF IT you can't even imagine how much is left on this planet alone.
In my opinion, the Mutawa's call to prayer 5 times a day is akin to the Liberal Elite Environmentalists call to conserve energy, avoid CO2 devastation and live a life responsible to Gaia and Mother Earth...
I've lived in Europe, and they would love to drive our larger vehicles, but the taxes on fuel push diesel and other energy sources onto them. They use those fuels not because they are more effective, but they use them because they are cheaper due to taxes. (Government controll in their lives you know, for their own good of course... ) Sounds pretty comunistic to me.
I almost married a lady from Holland. We dated for about 3 years, and I was over there quite a bit. They wanted me to move there and become a Dutch citizen. (They love to collect taxes you know, so anyone who's willing to work, pretty much can get citizenship from the Dutch if your willing to pay their taxes..) I decided that paying 1/2 my wages in taxes, and then paying huge amounts of money to just own a car, register a car and then pay for the fuel to run it was crazy. The cost of public transportation was not cheap either. The fuel price was about the same as the rail ticket from Amsterdam to the Hauge, but you did not have to pay the vehicle taxes and fees if you did not own a car... Dang socialists at work again.
I met some very interesting people my own age over there. (I was 23 at the time.) They were citizens by birth, but had no intrest in working because they made more money on the dole than they would working. They also had subsidized Pot to smoke, and beer to drink. (Hell, even the whores are government controlled there.)
What does this have to do with your comment about being wasteful? My point is they are not as wastefull due to government controls on the money they have to spend, and what to spend it on. Not because they would not like to be more wasteful, they can't afford to be more wasteful. I'm sorry in advance if you find this distasteful, but it's the truth, and you and I both know it.

(And I get to be a poet...)
If the price of gas was higher, we would drive more fuel effective vehicles, or choose not to drive at all. This is a basic tenant of Al Gore's plan for us all. (Read his book.) Raise fuel prices with taxes, and force us to save resources... and the planet... La de fricken da...
My point throughout this whole thread has been that the theory you and I and everyone else was taught about GW is based on bad science, hype and out and out lies to make us conform to someone's idea of what we should be. (The Liberal Elite Environmentaists.)
The reality is C02 is not a factor, man is not a factor, and the planet is not going to end 12 years from now as Joel suggests, but it will continue on, pretty much oblivious of what you and I do here, burning hydrocarbons or not, and it will either get warmer or cooler depending on the angle and distance to the Sun, and weather patterns will peak and ebb based on whatever the Earth is going to do anyway. We have little or nothing to do with these decisions. Conservation will not change anything but how you feel about yourself, and I'm pretty happy to drive my Supra thank you very much.
If you are worried about consumption, sell your gas swilling car and buy a bicycle, or walk. There is always public transportation to consider as well. Just don't expect me to do the same, especially in light of knowing the theory being used to justify the "sacrifice" of my freedom to burn hydrocarbons is patently bogus.