ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
..........and I dont have torque problems..........:evil2::evil2::evil2::evil2:

thanks to that little blue pill


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Well It's true.......he has already had it a day longer than the one day he said it would take him to get it done. Add to that he hasn't called me to ask any questions about how I want to do any of it, and I see 3-4 days at least. He's a week by week guy, so Friday wouldn't surprise me. It has rained too much tonight to worry about it not being here, so it's all good.

Now, you guys are really depressing me with all of the Torque/HG talk. Yes, my turbo will be much better, and it will have all of the supporting mods it never had before..........BUT......I am still on a stock Head gasket with stock head bolts. This is by far my biggest concern. But I believe I have a quality build, and I should be OK. I don't drive too hard most of the time. I'm more of a Torque freak than a speed freak.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Scott, I had a stock headgasket on my car the whole time I owned it. It wasn't a bhg that killed my car, and contrary to popular belief, it wasn't me either. I had my stocker torqued down to 80psi.


get naked & boost a supra
i don't know what the situation was for you not to go with a metal hg if you rebuilt the motor, but i don't remember you doing so. if you can get the arp bolts or studs and torque them to about 72-75 ftlbs. your stock hg will hold for quite some time if your surfaces are good.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
noah89t;920274 said:
i don't know what the situation was for you not to go with a metal hg if you rebuilt the motor, but i don't remember you doing so. if you can get the arp bolts or studs and torque them to about 72-75 ftlbs. your stock hg will hold for quite some time if your surfaces are good.

The motor was built by my 70-something year old mechanic buddy in Atlanta. Information from him is awful to get. He told me that it has King (???) Rods, and "Racing" Pistons. Or, was it King Bearings.....I don't know? He did say the head gasket was stock. I have always considered the internals to be stock, so I should be OK at the HP I plan to run. He built the motor for himself as a back up engine for his "450HP" that he did high speed interstate racing with. But when I needed a motor he sold it to me for $250 (no externals, but the head was already I said he's a GOOD buddy. The motor might have seen 5000 miles in my grey car, so it is still pretty fresh, and seemed to be plenty strong for my mods in that car. I do plan on doing the ARP's and running the stock gasket as longs as it stays good.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
GIGITY,GIGITY, GIGITY............I just left the body shop and my car has been ready since Tuesday night. Get ready Ken, and his other brother Ken.......the Cross picture is coming soon. No paint yet, but at least it's all put together now.......almost. I still gotta put the turn signals ang grilles back in. But new pictures should be here by Saturday by 3PM.....maybe sooner


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
LilMissMkIII;922000 said:
2 more days of waiting??????????????????

:( :( :(
Kristel, Just for you I will post pictures as soon as the sun rises again.

tookwik4u89;922148 said:

Ken, I will get the pictures posted tomorrow.........but you need to update your sig picture for me in return. Tomorrow's pics will be taken at work, not at the cross. I'll do that one Saturday.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Today has really been an exciting one for me. It started at work with a good day, then at lunch finding out the car was ready and I posted what I did. After work I went to pick it up, and they were installing the turn signals for me. Now when I post pictures, I can actually post a front end shot. And to top it off, all of his work was cost free. Then, I talked with him about a little bit of a trade deal involving that 240SX that I have and a little cash for a paint job. He's gonna mull that over, and I could be having paint much sooner than I had thought.

NOW........I have a new little issue to ask about. I got my oil pressure gauge somewhat working the other day. But, when I did, it did not work correctly. It started out at 120+ pounds of pressure, then dropped to normal for a short time, then dropped to zero. After the body shop stay for a few days, now when I crank the car, it pegs out at 120 when cranked, and stays there with no fluctuation. My question is, should I chalk this up to yet another bad sending unit, or could there be some problem actually causing the thing to have 120 pounds of pressure?????????


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
ForcedTorque;922210 said:
Ken, I will get the pictures posted tomorrow.........but you need to update your sig picture for me in return. Tomorrow's pics will be taken at work, not at the cross. I'll do that one Saturday.

I WOULD LOVE TO UPDATE THE SIG, STILL WAITING ON MY SPOKES BACK FROM POWDER COATING THOUGH....sorry for caps, I'm too tired to type that over again:3d_frown: