ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
ForcedTorque said:
GOOD NEWS! I did find the pump ::dunce::

Not only is the old saying "in the last place I looked" wrong, but it actually was in the FIRST place I looked! The box it was in had several extra silicon couplers in it, and I just didn't look far enough into the box. It wasn't until the third time that I had looked into the larger box that the small box was in that I found it. I kept going back to that box because there have always been parts in that big box that I needed for the build.

I do feel like I owe some of the local guys an apology for even thinking it might have been stolen. I want you guys to know that I never once thought that it was stolen by any of the local SM members. I sort of suspected a guy who had come here recently, but it was none of you guys. I should have made that clear earlier. Sorry!

I am going to try again tomorrow to get that thing installed.'s always in the last place you look. :biglaugh:


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
It's not in yet, but I am about to eat lunch and run to the parts store to get a fuse to do my wiring on it. I will be doing it as soon as I get that done. Hopefully it will be finished today. I think I am going to take pictures the whole way, and get that posted. I have had a hard time finding pictures of this, so I will try to get it into the tech tips section.


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
Im glad you found it cause I was just about to come clean and say I took it!!:evil2:

Nice job on finding your lost parts Mr Scott, now dont forget the install pictures for all of us to have something to look at. K BY:icon_bigg


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Here's a few pictures of today's progress:

Here is my tank out of the car! Took less than an hour to get it out. I sat and read my Walbro instructions after draining the gas to let things air out. Then I took another break as I let some PB Blaster soak into the fuel line. It did the job, and I didn't have to make any line repairs as I have read that many people have to do.


Here is a comparison of the stock pump against the Walbro. It's hard to believe the Walbro can pump so much more from such a small pump.


Here is the Walbro installed into the bracket. I'm fumbling my way through Sheaff's wiring thread, and I'm waiting on an answer from him about what I have done so far. I'm scared of the butt connectors in the tank, but I think they should be fine, as the stock wiring was bolted onto the pump in the tank with no covering at all. I just want to be sure it doesn't go boom the first time I turn the key.


And here is the pump installed back into the tank. I have the positive wire spliced into the stock wiring, and wrapped around the two connectors ready for re-installation into the car.


I also have the 10G fused wire run from the battery through the fenderwell, weaving through the dash, and back as far as the glovebox. My dual carpet set up created the only problem I had so far. Both pieces of carpet are stronly glued down, and it got dark on me as I fought to get it through. I just need to get it from there to the back of the carpet just below the rear seat. From there, I can easily hide it to get to the back of the car. I have to get it to my 12Volt relay. Then I still have to run a ground and one more wire. Then I can remount the tank.

If any of you guys see anything alarming with my wiring, please speak up.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I think you can use the stock wiring, except for the two wires in the tank. It is said to be better to run the Walbro with a 12V relay to get it the most power you can. Maybe that is why the smaller pump can do so much more.

gtsfirefighter said:
Your build thread is fixing to be one year old next week. What does it want for its birthday?:icon_razz

It wants a good tune...........but it may get it's gift a week or two late.


World I Am Gay Blue!!!
Dec 2, 2005
Fargo ND
Interesting!!! I have to do this as well, but I have yet to go in search of an install thread. Thanks for the pictures Scott you are making it easier for those of us that have to do it in the future.:thumbup:


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Lexington KY
I ran mine with the factory wiring and had to turn down the AFPR as the stock fuel pressure was too fat. How much horse are you planning on?


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I'm only guessing HP will be somewhere between 350-450. I really want 400, just because it's a nice number. I have no real idea, because of the turbo that I got from Jay. From that how to upgrade your car thread, I have everything to get me to 380BHP, and a little bit more. From there it says the next should be a turbo for more. So I'll get some more out of the upgraded turbo, then adjust down for WHP. So far it feels like it might have 75-100BHP.

da89soup said:
Interesting!!! I have to do this as well, but I have yet to go in search of an install thread. Thanks for the pictures Scott you are making it easier for those of us that have to do it in the future.:thumbup:

I am planning on making a GOOD how to thread out of this job. There seemed to be bits and pieces of information, and very few pictures. That's all gonna change! And I'm gonna put the pump install and the 12V wiring together.

noah89t said:
glad to see you are tackling the fuel pump, it's about time.:biglaugh: :biglaugh:

You don't know how many times I almost called you!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biglaugh:


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
It looks like you had some rust /corrosion going on inside the tank. The original tank on the red rocket was worse, the sock was plugged! It was like rust/ debris 1/4 inch thick on the bottom of the tank. It must have sat god knows how long with the cap off. Anyhow, make sure that sucker is clean inside before you stuff it back in the car.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Actually Ken, my tank was much cleaner than expected. I had planned on taking it and cleaniing it out, but I couldn't see anything in the tank. It was grey all they way across the bottom. i do see what you are talking about on the pump though. It looks like the pump itself was deteriorating a little. You can see the very small amount of stuff on the screen in the pic. And, sheaff answered my PM, and I think I can finish it from here.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I now you would Noah without a doubt. But as with before, I like to try things myself, and scream for help if I get outmatched. Ask Schaeff, this has been my case with the wiring on this one. I would never have made it without his help. It's not complete yet, but I know where everything goes now, thanks to him.

I went out tonight at halftime of the championship game (SEC flexing it's muscle again tonight!), and I got my power wire run under my carpet to the rear seat area, and got my console re-installed. I know this is just a baby step, but a lil more progress at the same time. I'm not gonna be able to touch it again until maybe Wednesday afternoon. Tomorrow I have to take my son to Jay's neighborhood after work, for a funeral of his Great Grandfather (ex-Wife's side). I wish I could stay and visit, but I'm making the 240 mile drive after work, and coming back home all in one trip.