ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
From left to right:

Scott - The short balding one.

Jay - kicked back laughing at some useless BS joke he made. Yes, That's a visor.

Ken - The one with BLING in his hand

Ryan - Tall Goofy one.

Jay and I have our legs crossed in an Alabama gentlemanly way. Ken and Ryan both have sings of all that snow in their hair.

And, did anyone else see that crazy bunch of Honda guys in the background? They were trying to figure out how that turbo was gonna get any air while sitting sideways on the motor. They finally said screw it, it's worth at least 100HP if we just bolt it on, right?


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
da89soup said:

I really dont hink we are that old!! Well I guess you can be the judge. This is a picture of Jay, Ken, Scott and I at the chicago meet this summer. Dave took the picture because he is just uglier than the rest of us.:icon_bigg

Well after checking everyones age, I can only be sure that SCOTT is older than me. The other Ken is the same age as me. Jay is, well, um not that far behind, and Ryan is the baby of the picture. We are pushing 40. Scott is pulling it on a trailer.

But my point was to talk more car, less weather. Next thing you know you'll be yelling at the kids to stay off your lawns.:biglaugh:


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
gtsfirefighter said:
We are pushing 40. Scott is pulling it on a trailer.
hahahahaha ....You ole whupperSnapper Knock it Off!

The way I see it Ken, you are gonna get burned by the sun if you don't put your shirt back on. You are kinda pale to be on the beach for too long. And Gene Simmons is in his 50's now, you are showing you're age.

I would talk cars, but again........the WEATHER is not letting me do that today. It's raining.

I do have a subject change for the thread tho, just for you. Tonight, I'm going to about the 8th concert since this build started. This time it's Papa Roach, 3-Days Grace, Alterbridge, and Another Animal. Have you guys heard any of this Another Animal? They are Godsmack without Sully. The singer is the guy from Ugly Kid Joe. I swear he sounds like Layne Staley from Alice in Chains. I'm Stoked!


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
ForcedTorque said:

You ole whupperSnapper Knock it Off!

The way I see it Ken, you are gonna get burned by the sun if you don't put your shirt back on. You are kinda pale to be on the beach for too long. And Gene Simmons is in his 50's now, you are showing you're age.

I would talk cars, but again........the WEATHER is not letting me do that today. It's raining.

I do have a subject change for the thread tho, just for you. Tonight, I'm going to about the 8th concert since this build started. This time it's Papa Roach, 3-Days Grace, Alterbridge, and Another Animal. Have you guys heard any of this Another Animal? They are Godsmack without Sully. The singer is the guy from Ugly Kid Joe. I swear he sounds like Layne Staley from Alice in Chains. I'm Stoked!

Gene is still The Man!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
jmoneydtb said:
It's facing the opposite way than in previous pictures. :D

Jmoney is money here!

xxxotiknightz said:
Bomex rears.


Somebody hasn't been watching this whole thread have they? I have the sides too, that's why the front mud flap is missing. The side won't hold itself on like the rear will for a picture. I'm considering selling the Bomex stuff, but haven't really made my mind up yet.


May 23, 2006
ForcedTorque said:
Somebody hasn't been watching this whole thread have they? I have the sides too, that's why the front mud flap is missing. The side won't hold itself on like the rear will for a picture. I'm considering selling the Bomex stuff, but haven't really made my mind up yet.

Your right, I haven't been here the whole time.



Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Yes the car turned around under it's own in running! All I did was turn the car around tho. I have removed the springs from my parts car, and they can be seen in the photo sitting by the car with the spring compressor. I've been pretty sick, so progress is slow there. I removed the driver's side front and rear springs out of those springs. I'm gonna use front springs with rear struts in the front, so that i won't be in 4WD mode with my stock springs.

As for what I think the problem has been with starting. My guess is that it's got something to do with the cold start injector. It was very warm today when I tried to crank it, and it started after just a little bit of trying. Once it was warm, I can start it with no problem. I've gone back out every two-three hours to try again, with no problems. I think I will pull the CSI and clean it good.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Well I hope you are feeling better. I was sick last week with some kind of crud. I was in good ole Alabammy the night before last. We made a fuel stop in Huntsville. It was midnight so couldn't see anything. Thought about you and the rest of the bama gang.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
noah89t said:
scott, have you been to the bellingrath gardens in the mobile area? i was there on sunday with sandy and our friend zaira. that place was really nice.

by the way, glad to hear the car is starting up every now and then.

Yes, We went to Bellingrath Wednesday night. Their Christmas lights are really nice.

The car is cranking every time I have tried for the last two days. I can't wait til I get time to swap the springs in, and get a chance to actually drive it a little. But, then I will also need to put my Walbro in before really driving it hard. And, I will be getting it tuned as soon as those two things are done. Hopefully this weekend I will get to work on it a good bit. Now that it will run, I don't have to waste so much time trying to get it going, and actually work on it some.


get naked & boost a supra
i hear ya. george and i pulled the suspension off my silver car and then pulled the suspension off his 92 and put the suspension from my silver car onto his 92 on saturday. it was lots of fun.
did you get any pics of the lights on?
we were there during the day to see the flowers, and didn't realize they had lights until we got there. but we couldn't stay long cause my friend buddy came out with his supra from louisiana, he drove for about 3 hours.


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
The cold start problem usually ends up being the cold start injector time switch (in the t-stat housing). Neither of my cars ever starts on the first crank, the red one doesn't have a cold start inj any more....they fire right up in warm weather, but 2nd-3 rd try in winter depending how cold it is.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
ForcedTorque said:
We have a few pics............but you gotta look past my kids in most. I'll load a few into photobucket

I forgot my camera died after just a couple of pictures. I can get better pics from my brother. Here are the two worth posting i have, and they don't really capture the spirit too well.

