ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Honestly Noah, it was pretty rough when it first started, probably due to both the Lexus, and the carbon that needed blowing out. But two to three minutes after cranking it, it would idle OK. As the video shows, I was not aiding a bit as it idled. But, I have to take care of some vacuum issues, and the ticking you hear in the video is my fan. It was no completely tight, and wobbling a bit. It seemed to take to the Lexus way better than I thought it would.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Well, I have done a lot of what needed to be done on this car this week. I have remedied the starter wire problem, mounted the tranny mount, secured the fan, took care of almost all vacuum problems (still gotta put the charcoal cannister back in),tightened the motor mounts, and gotten the car down on it's own 4 wheels hopefully for good.

BUT, after putting some fresh 93 octane in it, I tried to start it again with no luck. Until I get a good charge on this brand new battery, it's pretty slow going trying to start, even with a jumper car. I'm wanting to drive it up to the body shop, and talk to the guy about mounting my bumper. That's got to be done, and my exhaust is gonna have to come up a little for safe driving. This car is SOOOOOOO low on these cut springs! But, once I get it running, bumper mounted, and exhaust raised, I will be getting it tuned, and start driving it. Paint should come pretty quick.

gtsfirefighter said:
So how was the show last night? Sent you a pm too.

Trans Siberian Orchestra was Awesome last night! They played for 3 hours, and I was on the edge of my seat all night. The light show was better than anything I've ever seen at a concert. It looked similar to something you might see at Disney. Then we went from there to the Hard Rock Casino. I played about 15 minutes worth of craps, and walked out with a cool $100. So, it was a great night.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States

Last edited:


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Even unpainted your car looks hot Scott...

So you went and saw TSO? HOLY SHIT! Where? Dude, if I knew, I would've come with ya... I love them... I get drunk and think I can play guitar along with them, its a blast!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Reign_Maker said:
Even unpainted your car looks hot Scott...

So you went and saw TSO? HOLY SHIT! Where? Dude, if I knew, I would've come with ya... I love them... I get drunk and think I can play guitar along with them, its a blast!

TSO was in Biloxi last night. I wish I would have known. We could have also invited Justin and had a little mini-meet there. You'd have to be good to play along with those guys.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Ya,,,,,,I'm home..........finally...........and for 4 straight days!

I hope to get this damn car on the road before it is over. It cranked and ran that day that I made and posted video. But, I still had several things to do to it before letting it run longer than a couple of minutes. But, since then, I have taken care of almost all of the little things, and I have yet to get it cranked again.

I believe the problem has something to do with FUEL. When it first cranked, it was on very old stale gas, that could have had condensation in it, or what have you. Before tyring to start it again, I added about a gallon of fresh 93 octane. Now, it will turn over just fine, but won't even sound like it wants to crank. I've tried so much that I now have a brand new battery and a brand new battery charger. No starts, but it will give me some pretty powerful backfires every now and then.

I assume from the backfires that I still have fuel and fire. I will say that I have played around with the Fuel Pressure Regulator, but stayed very close to the 40lbs that worked last time. I also played with the NEO a time or two, but took out anything I did.

Timing has been mentioned by some of my non-Supra friends, but I don't remember any timing problems when it ran. It cranked and rand a little rough while it blew out some carbon and moisture. But, it seemed to clear up, and idled on it's own with no help. I'm gonna go back and watch all of my videos, just to be sure about the timing.

Is there anything anyone can add that I may be overlooking?


Built 7M
Jun 20, 2006
ForcedTorque said:
Ya,,,,,,I'm home..........finally...........and for 4 straight days!

I hope to get this damn car on the road before it is over. It cranked and ran that day that I made and posted video. But, I still had several things to do to it before letting it run longer than a couple of minutes. But, since then, I have taken care of almost all of the little things, and I have yet to get it cranked again.

I believe the problem has something to do with FUEL. When it first cranked, it was on very old stale gas, that could have had condensation in it, or what have you. Before tyring to start it again, I added about a gallon of fresh 93 octane. Now, it will turn over just fine, but won't even sound like it wants to crank. I've tried so much that I now have a brand new battery and a brand new battery charger. No starts, but it will give me some pretty powerful backfires every now and then.

I assume from the backfires that I still have fuel and fire. I will say that I have played around with the Fuel Pressure Regulator, but stayed very close to the 40lbs that worked last time. I also played with the NEO a time or two, but took out anything I did.

Timing has been mentioned by some of my non-Supra friends, but I don't remember any timing problems when it ran. It cranked and rand a little rough while it blew out some carbon and moisture. But, it seemed to clear up, and idled on it's own with no help. I'm gonna go back and watch all of my videos, just to be sure about the timing.

Is there anything anyone can add that I may be overlooking?
Check that EFI fuse again, wiggle the cps wires.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
No progress on the car yet, but I have a couple of small things to report. First, Ryan (Da89Soup) sent me a link to this:

I just got back from Harbor freight with it. So, I can get to work now on changing my springs out. I'll first have to remove them from my parts car, and then do it all over again swapping them onto my car.

And, I got some help from Dugums after posting in the thread about signatures. I was only looking for an answer to how do I get my sig picture to not shrink so much. I edited two different pictures several times, but even after skewing my pictureby downsizing it too much, I still couldn't make it work. Dugums saw my post, and took my picture to and made it work. At the same time he also painted my car all one color. That is my new sig. I also said that I was gonna add the Bomex and paint the moldings red, so it looks like he did a very quick job on that too. After seeing both, I'm now considering grey moldings. Give me your thoughts.Here's that other pic:

url] [img]


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
I like it better with the grey moldings, I like different color moldings to break it up, just looks too plain all red to me. Just my opinion, depends on color.....with black I like ALL black.