ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
your battery sitting around for so long is probbly only in need of a good deep slow charge. If you have a charger set it to 2amp and let it charge overnight.

Im not 100% sure on the NEO but on the previous generation of that controller all it really does is modify the air flow signal and therefore in essence modify the fuel map. It acts sort of like a variable resistor in line on that air flow circuit. If you have the air flow signal spliced through the NEO, but the NEO isnt actually hooked up and functioning that COULD explain the code 24 and be keeping the car from starting since you have no signal between the AFM and the ECU. Once again Im the first to admit Im not a wiring expert, but my logic tells me you have two choices, remove the AFC from the wiring and go straight off the ECU or fully connect the AFC and let it do its thing.

Also, it might be helpful to know that you can in fact have the AFC connected but disabled, thereby running in bypass mode, essentially the same thing as not having it installed at all.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Lexington KY
are you sure you not getting fuel pressure. You will not show pressure unless you motor is cranking. If your motor is cranking now and your not showing pressure still, then I would try jumping the the two connectors per the TSRM to make sure you fuel pump is priming. If you still dont show pressure with the connectors jumpered then I would think either you have pump problems or a blockage or possible your afpr needs to be opened up. Good luck


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Well, Yesterday I think I tested my fuel pump. I ran a jumper between the two terminals in the diagnostic block. But, it said to test the pressure on the return line. Can I assume that I have no pressure by my AFPR gauge? I believe I will have to swap my Walbro in before I get it started.


get naked & boost a supra
iirc, when you jump the wires for the fuel pump, you should be able to hear it come on, if your guage doesn't show pressure, try removing the feed line and it should pump fuel, just make sure you don't point it near an open flame!!

someone correct me if i am wrong, i guess i should check the tsrm


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
FP to +B , first check that you have 12v at +b considering what you've been through with the electrical. You should hear it......depending how good your ears are;)....with all the concerts you've been to, maybe you better crack a pressure fitting somewhere:)


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
noah89t said:
just make sure you don't point it near an open flame!!

You act like you know me!

tookwik4u89 said:
You should hear it......depending how good your ears are;)....with all the concerts you've been to, maybe you better crack a pressure fitting somewhere:)

Actually.....................Maybe I should crack open a line!

gtsfirefighter said:
Posted January 13, 2007

Boy was he wrong!:biglaugh:

Pfft! Let's just see how long it takes you.

And, BTW, I work 8-5, and have been working a lot of overtime this year.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States


Jim came over this morning, and the two of us made the car RUN! He said that since his 1 month estimate was called out, he wasn't leaving until it ran. We tried testing for fuel pressure, and listening for the pump. We had no luck at all until we consulted the TSRM a little more. It listed several different possible problems. Together, we ruled out several of those for one reason or another. The first thing we tried after that was the main EFI Relay in the fuse box. After that we got fuel pumping out of the still open fuel line, so we knew we were on to something. We tried to tighten the fuel line up and see if it would start. It spit out a backfire, so we knew we were close. Then we checked fuel pressure at the FPR gauge, and found we only had 15-20 pounds of pressure. Once we cranked it up tp about 40 pounds, we were able to get it started. It started, and blew out quite a bit of smoke from build up after sitting for a year. It also ran pretty rough for a while, but finally idled on it's own at about 700-800 RPM.

With all the upgrades, it's going to need a good tuning before it really runs good. And, I still have several little small issues to take care of before driving the car. I still have to re-install my water lines on the turbo, and put my charcoal cannister back in. It had no coolant at all, so we only ran it for a couple of minutes.