ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
Dang it Scott, I wish you were closer, I'd have this thing cranking.

If you still have problems this weekend, maybe I can walk you through on the phone. I'll PM you my number.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
tookwik4u89 said:
She's baaaaaaaaack:icon_razz


Oh, and guess what else is back?????????????

You two guys go ahead and get yours locked down and out of the way while I finish my car.

And back on topic............Could I have possibly installed my clutch wrong, and caused a locked situation?
Last edited:


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
ForcedTorque said:

Oh, and guess what else is back?????????????

You two guys go ahead and get yours locked down and out of the way while I finish my car.

And back on topic............Could I have possibly installed my clutch wrong, and caused a locked situation?
I thought you said you can turn it over by hand:dunno:


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I did say that. But, it has been a while since I have done that. So, I guess it could have been bumped into gear, but that simple question somewhat answers the clutch question. A quick turn of a wrench should let me know if it's in gear then. If I only knew how to think for myself.


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
ForcedTorque said:
I did say that. But, it has been a while since I have done that. So, I guess it could have been bumped into gear, but that simple question somewhat answers the clutch question. A quick turn of a wrench should let me know if it's in gear then. If I only knew how to think for myself.
Sometimes when your on a roll with these goofy electrical problems it can give you the brain farts:biglaugh:


Jan 25, 2006
Way down South, in Dixie
That was my fault! I put the thoughts in his head about the clutch possibly being installed wrong. I forgot that he can turn it by hand. Assuming the battery, wiring and starter are good, it should turn over! He says that jumping the solenoid to hot does not produce any results.
I was hoping to help him out this weekend, but his free hours and mine are at different times. Big family time weekend!

tookwik4u89 said:
Sometimes when your on a roll with these goofy electrical problems it can give you the brain farts:biglaugh:


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
n2fishin69 said:
That was my fault! I put the thoughts in his head about the clutch possibly being installed wrong. I forgot that he can turn it by hand. Assuming the battery, wiring and starter are good, it should turn over! He says that jumping the solenoid to hot does not produce any results.
I was hoping to help him out this weekend, but his free hours and mine are at different times. Big family time weekend!
If jumping the solenoid to hot does nothing you have the big positive cable from starter to battery, and the big ground cable from starter to battery. Could be bad contact at connections, or a bad cable somehow, if the block is painted where the ground bolts on that could cause poor contact. Poor contact at battery terminals. The battery could still possibly be an issue, maybe try jumping off another. I doubt you had two bad starters.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I have now done some diagnosing.

I am not getting anything out of my starter wire. So, I'm assuming that either the wire I used was not good, or I did a poor job connecting it. Either way, I gotta fix it. I'm assuming that my clutch safety switch is fine, and it is harness related, because I do get a click from the starter relay.

Now for the clutch issue. I rechecked that I can turn the motor by hand. No problem there. The car was still in neutral. I went ahead and filled my gear oil, and installed my shifter.

What I have to do now is replace that starter wire, and probably the starter as well. The starter Jay gave me is acting just the same way as mine. They both give me the same loud click, but no spin when I apply direct current. I bench tested my original starter, that I know WAS good. It did just what I thought it was doing. It sends the bendix out, but it does not turn. So, George, if you are still reading this, don't mistake your cornflakes for Jay's mom's while you are up there. I do believe both mine and Jay's known good starters have gone bad while sitting for a long time.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
I found a starter in my garage today. I had forgotten about it. It came off the blue 87. Since I don't need it I almost called to tell you that you can have it but I decided that since I have never seen the starter work and the car sat for a long time before I bought it, I might not better get your hopes up and waste your time. It was exposed to the elements for a couple of years

I would just go buy a new one.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
That pic makes baby Reign cry! :cry:
ForcedTorque said:
So, should I take from this..........that you are trying to crank your car????????????
No, not yet, but getting close... We are building the exhaust now and after that is done, I will be doing all my wiring, gauges, sensors and stuff... *AEM sensors* I just KNOW Im gunna forget stuff with there being so much...

So what's goin on with your car, I havent read back far enough to see the issue you are having... It wont start?


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Reign_Maker said:
That pic makes baby Reign cry! :cry:
No, not yet, but getting close... We are building the exhaust now and after that is done, I will be doing all my wiring, gauges, sensors and stuff... *AEM sensors* I just KNOW Im gunna forget stuff with there being so much...

So what's goin on with your car, I havent read back far enough to see the issue you are having... It wont start?

Don't cry, it's all better now. :icon_bigg You can see a pic in my build if you like. I don't want to clog up Scott's with anymore of my crap.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
This is copied from what I typed to the locals on SF. Some of what is said has already been said here, but here goes......

I want to ask a couple of questions concerning getting my car going. I'm having problems getting it to start now that I have the motor in and put together.

I have done some testing and found that I have no power coming to the starter through the starter wire. I do get the click out of the starter relay when I turn the key. It hit me yesterday that it could be possibly caused by the fact that I have my AFC-Neo wiring done, but the Neo harness is still unplugged. Most of the wiring is just soldered to the ECU harness. But, the Karman Signal wire on the ECU harness actually was cut, and one wire hooked to one side and another piece was wired into the NEO harness. I believe this could be a reason I'm not getting power. Can somebody verify that this IS the problem?

I kept the Neo unplugged, because I wanted to get it running before entering all my upgrade part values into it to create my base map. I still have not installed my Walbro pump or my Boost Controller. I didn't want to have to enter values, and then change them almost immediately. But it looks like I may have to do that.

I have also been having starter problems at the same time. My starter that never gave me a bit of trouble would only give me a loud click when I ran direct power to the cylenoid. I suspected that the bendix was being sent out, but not spinning. I replaced that starter with one Jay (Suprahero) sent me. He never had a problem out of the almost new looking starter. It acted the exact same way. I tested the motor to see if I could turn it by hans, and had no problems there. Then I bench tested my original starter. It was doing exactly what it sounded like, and I assume Jay's starter is equally as bad as it.

So now, I'm hoping that all I have to do is hook up my NEO wiring, and swap in a good starter, and I will be able to at least turn the motor over. Starting it will be another challenge. I'm not expecting it to start on the first try like it did last time, when I put it in the grey car. This time I have to worry about all the upgrades mesh together, and hopefully I can get it to start. Then it will be time to take it to Tampa Mike to tune it.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I don't see how a starter can go bad while sitting on a shelf out of the weather. I KNOW for a fact that it worked when I took it off, but as long as you figure it out, it doesn't matter. Hopefully you'll figure it out soon. I'm wanting to see it running again and I know you've got to be suffering from withdrawals.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
as someone already suggested, take the started thats already out of the car down to Autozone or another parts house that can bench test it for you. It is an easy thing to do and rules that out of the equation. If that starter is bad, take the other one out of the car and have it tested as well. Its doesnt take that long to pull.

I dont feel like reading back through but are you sure you have good solid grounds to the motor, trans, chassis? Continuity isnt enough, they need to be able to take the load of starting.