ForcedTorque's 3E5 has Arrived!!!!!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
OK, the starter that is out of the car I believe has been tested. What I did was run the negative cable to one of the bolt holes, and connected it with a bolt and nut and tightened it securely. Then I ran the positive cable down, and touched it straight to the place where the starter wire normally is plugged in. The bendix does come out, but does not spin.

If I am doing this wrong, by all means please correct me. I am an electrical idiot, but I thought I was doing this right. This was especially true when the starter acted exactly as it seemed on the car...............but I was basically doing the same thing on the car.

As soon as I have time, and transportation, I will be taking 1-3 starters to Auto Zone for testing.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
OK........I'M A DUMB ASS!

Maybe when I have don it in the past, it was on the car, and with a good starter wire. I took my "bad" starter to the parts store today, and it is fine. I'm assuming the other one is too. Now all attention turns to the starter wire. I will look at my patch job in the morning on the one i have. If I can fix it, I will. If not, I will be cutting the whole starter wire out of my old harness out of the grey car. I hope to at least be turning this car over Tomorrow.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I dont know if it will work for you but this is what I do when I realize Im making silly little mistakes. Take a wooden mallet and pound your bawlz flat with it until the pain makes you forget about the car. Then when you have forgotten all about it you can come back with a fresh eye!

But seriously, wiring is my weakest automotive subject so I find that I need stuff spelled out pretty good before I attempt anything. There are two ways I go about that. Either look at someone else's car and see how a working system is set up, or, using a wiring diagram I draw out the circuits Im trying to figure out. Wiring digrams cornfuse me quite a bit so on a seperate piece of paper I sketch out the components and using colored pencils I draw in the wires it takes to make them work properly.

The starter itself is extremely simple. It gets main power directly from the battery via a 4ga. (?) wire. Then it gets a signal of 12v from the ignition circuit telling when you want it to engage. It gets its ground via its body which is attached to the bellhousing. The most common problem is the small signal wire coming from the ignition. Hook a multi meter to the end of that wire and see if you get 12v when the key is turned. If no signal, no start.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
theWeezL said:
I dont know if it will work for you but this is what I do when I realize Im making silly little mistakes. Take a wooden mallet and pound your bawlz flat with it until the pain makes you forget about the car. Then when you have forgotten all about it you can come back with a fresh eye!

But seriously, wiring is my weakest automotive subject so I find that I need stuff spelled out pretty good before I attempt anything. There are two ways I go about that. Either look at someone else's car and see how a working system is set up, or, using a wiring diagram I draw out the circuits Im trying to figure out. Wiring digrams cornfuse me quite a bit so on a seperate piece of paper I sketch out the components and using colored pencils I draw in the wires it takes to make them work properly.

The starter itself is extremely simple. It gets main power directly from the battery via a 4ga. (?) wire. Then it gets a signal of 12v from the ignition circuit telling when you want it to engage. It gets its ground via its body which is attached to the bellhousing. The most common problem is the small signal wire coming from the ignition. Hook a multi meter to the end of that wire and see if you get 12v when the key is turned. If no signal, no start.
It's great to see you around Pete. We all need an update on your situation. Where are you now, and is the RX-7 still around? Or, have you maybe gotten another Supra project? Anyway, there will be no mallets around here. I don't do much during the week, so I get some time away to slow down and think.

I just got in from a Vince Neil concert in Pensacola. It was Ok. He was way better than the first time I saw him. He was so wasted back then he couldn't remember his words, but his band was just awesome. Now, he's clean and remembers the words, but he's a little old, and the band he has now is nowhere close to Motley Crue.

I gotta get up early in the morning to get anything done. But, I'm gonna check out my other subscribed threads real quick before turning in.


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Yeah Im still lurking...

Im driving a 91 Jeep Cherokee I bought off Steven while still in Texass for $700. No projects on the horizon although I have been keeping my eyes open for a decent mk2 or a gen1 celica. My divorce papers came and Im officially single as of Sept 20. Im looking for work in Oregon currently and trying to get some of my medical issues under control.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled forum whoring.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
ForcedTorque said:
Thanks for the update Pete!..........I wish I had one for the thread today myself. Life just kept getting in the way today, and I finally gave up until tomorrow.

You are so close Scott. I know how frustrated you are, but you'll figure it out. I have faith. I'll quit pressuring you. It'll start when it starts and not a moment before. Step back, take your time and have a crown and diet.

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Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
gtsfirefighter said:
Step back, take your time and have a beer.


Do you know how many beers this build has taken?...........Probably 3, maybe 4. But, a drinkin man could easily filled a beer truck with empty cans. I'd rather have a Crown and Diet.

I'm gonna have time to work on it today, because the wife is going shopping, and taking everybody with her. But late in the day, we will be installing some yard lights (oh shit, more wiring). The job is more than half done, now it's just placement of the lights. I'm not doing it til she say's where she wants them. I don't have time to do it twice.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!

I know it is still minor, but my car turned over for the first time today! I was able to run a hot wire to the cylenoid, and got it to turn over today.But, the car was in gear, and it stopped pretty quickly. I took it out of gear, but couldn't duplicate the feat. My battery was now down to 11.34 Volts, and wouldn't do it again. I have heard that it won't even try to start with anything less than 12 volts. I hope this is the case.

Next, I peeled the tape off of my repaired starter wire to see if it may be the problem. It still gets nothing out of the wire. Once I had it uncovered, I saw that my connection looked pretty good. So, I moved up the wire a bit from the connection to see if the wire is getting anything before the connection. It still gets nothing there, so it's not my fault there.

Next, I'm going to connect my AFC-NEO wires, and see if that has anything to do with it. I was hoping to wait until I got a little closer , so that I don't have to enter values too often. I still need to find a switched power source for the illumination power wire, then plug up the connectors. If this doesn't help the starter situation, I'm gonna need some help with a remote starter type thing. I'm very excited now that it has shown some life, and ready to get this thing started.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Let's get this sucker some fuel!

The noise you hear at the beginning is the Altima that I had jumper cables hooked to. And, then I had to adjust my grip on the jumper wire.

NOW.............Off to read that AFC-NEO Manual. Hopefully we'll have a running video soon!